Chapter 11

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Without any plans for the rest of the day, Niall heads back to the studio, hoping to catch Quinn at the right time. He went out with them for a drink yesterday, and with confidence, he can say it was a blast and yes, he still thinks he's in love.

Saying a quick goodbye to his roommates, Niall heads down the stairs thinking about what a great time he had. The both of them talked for ages and there was never at all any awkward or unwanted tension.

Now backing out of his parking space, Niall siris a text asking Quinn if they're at the studio today. When Quinn confirms that they are, Niall's mood instantly brightens and he's suddenly speeding faster down the road.

Only a short drive later, Niall is pulling into a parking space. His heart is thumping in his chest and he can't turn off the ignition any faster. He practically runs to the door before pausing for a moment to collect his thoughts.

He lifts his black sunglasses onto the top of his head and swings open the door. The main entryway is empty and Niall walks past and into the central mixing console room.

Standing there is Quinn with their hair ruffled and swept into a fluffy, messy side part. Their outfit today is gray slacks with a black belt, a white, collared button-up under a black Nike pullover, and black vans.

"Niall, hi!" Quinn turns their head, presenting a welcoming smile. "How are you?"

Niall takes in their appearance and his knees almost buckle at the changed septum piercing. Before, it was a simple silver ring, but now there's a small bar lining at the base of their septum.

"Hi." Niall walks forward, careful not to trip over his own feet. "I'm good, yeah. Better now that I'm here." He slyly smirks. "And how about you?" He asks, finally reaching Quinn.

Quinn pulls Niall into a much needed hug and sighs. "I'm okay."

Niall places a kiss on the crown of their head and looks down when Quinn looks up. "What's wrong, babe?"

Quinn softly flushes at the pet name and quickly presses onto the balls of their feet, pecking onto Niall's lips.

Niall gladly pouts his lips out to return the gesture before picking Quinn up. They squeal as Niall parts his legs to waddle them over to the red couch. He sits down and guides Quinn to straddle over him, earning a small laugh.

"What can I do to help?" Niall asks, returning to a serious expression.

Quinn quietly huffs and then suddenly reaches out, taking the sunglasses right from Niall's head and perching them on the tip of their nose before using their index finger to slide them all the way up.

"You're not answering." Niall pouts, pulling the glasses back to the end of their nose, revealing the light blue, almost gray eyes.

Quinn parks the glasses on top of their own head now and leans into Niall, wrapping their arm behind him. "John wants me to equalize your songs and I can't get it right. I've tried everything!" They complain with a whine.

Niall reciprocates and hugs Quinn tightly. "Can I help with it then?"

Quinn immediately shakes their head against Niall's chest. "I'd get into so much trouble if I let you touch literally anything on the console."

"Awww, but I wanna!" Niall grumbles, his Irish accent popping out a bit more. "Can I at least listen to what you have then?"

Quinn laughs and nods, sitting up. "I'll let you sit in my chair, but no touching." They playfully--but not really because they could actually get fired--scold.

Niall protests for a minute, but eventually agrees, even though the slidey buttons just look so fun to slide around!

"Will you explain everything to me?" Niall questions, leaning forward and clasping his hands together while resting his forearms on his legs.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2022 ⏰

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