Chapter 15 Her wish, his command

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"Madam Pomfrey." you called from your bed after you returned from Hogsmeade "Yes dear? Do you need anything?" she asked kindly "I was wondering if I could go to the library and pick some books. I already finished the ones I have here." She looked at you curiously "Please." you added and Poppy sighed "If you are feeling good, you may go." You smiled widely at her "Thank you!" and with that, you pulled the covers from your body and stood up from the bed.

You took the pile of books that was on your nightstand and exited the hospital wing. As you were walking down one of the corridors, you started to hum a song under your breath and once you arrived at the library, you walked to the different aisles and put the books back in its place "What are you doing out of bed Miss (l/n)?"

At the sound of that deep voice you froze on your spot "Shouldn't you be resting?" asked Professor Snape again and this time, you turned around and locked eyes with him "Madam Pomfrey allowed me to come here. I already read all the books you brought me last time."

He raised an eyebrow at you but you continued on looking for interesting books to read. "You know," you started to say "When I went to Hogsmeade with Celestia she found a dress for graduation." He hummed at your comment, not wanting to start a conversation in the middle of the library where other students were walking by. But you didn't fully understand what he wanted to say by humming so you just continued speaking while looking for books.

"I saw one that was beautiful, really. In a light pink with wild flowers all over it... " you sighed as the image of the dress crossed your mind but shaking the thought away, you turned to the professor with a sweet smile on your face "Anyways... are you looking for a book professor?"

Severus looked down at you and said "Yes actually, I was looking for a book that teaches you how to shut up dunderheads."

You burst out laughing at his sarcastic comment, you quickly put your hand over your mouth trying to not make much noise because you were in the library. Severus raised an eyebrow at you, not finding his answer at all funny, but seeing you laugh like that, made him incredibly proud of himself.

You calmed down and wiped some tears from your eyes. "It's been awhile since I laughed like that."you said to yourself and with a sigh, you turned to a pile of books that you placed over a table with different books that you wanted to read. "I should head back professor," you took the heavy pile of books and started to exit the library.

Then, you heard footsteps coming behind you but thinking it was just a random student, you didn't look around until you felt a hand on your shoulder "Let me help you with that." you fixed your (e/c) just to see Severus standing beside you. He took the pile of books from your hands and the both of you continued your journey back to the hospital wing.

"Thanks." you said to him but he didn't say anything back so you two walked in silence. When you arrived at the medical wing, Severus put the pile of books on your nightstand while you sat on the bed. "Are you going to come after dinner?" you asked the tall professor.

"No, not today (y/n). I have to do something very important." you frowned a little "Oh. okay."

"See you tomorrow Miss (y/n)" said Severus and you smiled slightly at him before he turned on his heels and left the hospital wing.

As it was still early in the afternoon, the Potions Master decided to go to the small wizarding village to buy some ingredients and supplies that he needed. With a bag in one hand, Severus started to make his way back to the castle until he passed by a store with beautiful dresses. He, then, remembered your words '"I saw one that was beautiful, really. In a light pink with wild flowers all over it... "'

Still with the thought in mind, he entered the shop and immediately an old lady approached him "What can I do for you sir?" she asked kindly "I'm looking for a light pink dress, with wild flowers over it... " the older lady started to walk past the different aisles with all kinds of nice dresses until she stopped at the very back of the store, standing in front of the dress you admired the other day. "Is this the dress you were looking for, sir?"

Severus felt out of place in that store, but he wanted to do something for you and since he heard you speak of this dress, he decided you should have it. Looking at the gown, Severus could understand why you liked it so much. It was totally your style: elegant and delicate "Yes, that's it." he said shortly. The kind lady took it from the hook and put it over her arms "Anything else you are interested in?" she asked and the dark-haired man thought for a moment "I will also like a pair of flats that go with the dress."

The woman of the shop started to walk to the other side of the room and after wondering for a couple of minutes, she picked a nice and comfortable pair of flats that matched with the dress perfectly. "Is that all sir?"

"Yes, that'd be all." The older lady walked to the counter and said "It will be... fifty galleons for the dress and shoes." Severus pulled the exact amount out of his pocket and handed it to the woman in front of him. "Would you like it in a gift box?"

"Yes." was his answer and she started to put the dress and shoes in a very nice looking box "Is she beautiful?" she asked. Severus frowned at this "The one you are buying the dress for. I bet she is beautiful if you are buying this expensive dress for her." the Potions Master answered after some seconds of silence "Yes... she's... she's beautiful." the woman smiled at him and Severus turned to look at the other side of the room and out of the shop. Hoping no-one would see him in a dress shop, buying a dress. The older lady took this opportunity to put something more in the box, something extra that she thought would complement the dress totally.

Severus turned his gaze back to the woman who was handing the light pink box to him "Have a nice day sir." he nodded at her and left the shop. Heading back to the castle feeling inwardly happy as Severus knew you would like his gift.

word count: 1150


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