Chapter 34 Eternal Love

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You opened your eyes only to notice that you were not in Severus' bedroom anymore, you looked around the place and you were lying in a king sized bed with white sheets and comfortable pillows. Severus was still asleep at your side and a large window was at your right, with large turquoise curtains.

An unmistakable sound could be heard from outside but you thought it was just a dream. You sat on the bed, hearing intensely at the sound that came from the exterior that you almost couldn't believe your ears.

Suddenly, you felt an arm sneak around your waist that pulled you back to the bed. You giggled as you saw Severus was already awake "Where are we, Sev?" you asked innocently.

He buried his face in the crook of your neck and whispered in your ear "Surprise." you smiled at his antics and took his face in your hands to give him a passionate kiss which he returned eagerly.

Your beloved, then stood up from the bed and walked around the room while you just sat on the comfortable mattress. Severus pulled out a dress from one of the drawers and tossed it to you "Get dressed and then we'll see your surprise." you couldn't stop smiling as he said those words to you.

What did you ever did to deserve having a man like Severus by your side you would never know, but something you were sure about was that you were going to cherish every moment you had with him

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What did you ever did to deserve having a man like Severus by your side you would never know, but something you were sure about was that you were going to cherish every moment you had with him.


Severus pushed your wheelchair towards the ocean, you had your eyes bandaged and he didn't let you open the curtains of the small cottage because he wanted you to see the ocean in a very special way.

Soon, he stopped pushing your chair and you grew even more anxious to admire the sea. He removed the cloth that prevented you from seeing and what your eyes witnessed, was going to be engraved in your mind for the rest of your life.

In front of you was the ocean in all its splendor, you weren't wearing any shoes so when you put your feet on the sand, you couldn't fight the smile that was on your face as you played with the white sand with your toes.

The water was blue in the distance but near the beach it looked turquoise. "Do you like it?" Severus asked behind you. You were so overwhelmed with all the emotions that the only thing you were able to do was nod at him.

You stood up slowly from the wheelchair, letting the salty breeze hit your face as it blew your (h/c) hair backwards. Severus just stood there, watching you as you savoured every single moment of the day.

You started to take a step forwards and then another and another one as you walked slowly towards the crystalline waters.

When your feet touched the wet sand, you let out a small squeal before continuing walking. Suddenly, your knees gave out and you fell on the white sand. Severus was going to get you but in that moment, water arrived at the beach and it reached your sitting form on the ground. Making you laugh so genuinely that it made Severus' heart skip a beat.

Eternally Yours (Severus Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now