Chapter 36 Farewell

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Heavy rain poured over the city as you opened your eyes only to realize you were lying on Severus' chest. He had his arms around you as he was still asleep.

Something inside you felt strange, odd. And you knew the time had come.

Tears pooled in your eyes as you looked up at your beloved, you pressed a kiss on his jawline and leaned your head back on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

Thirty minutes later, Severus woke up. He was still holding you in his arms "Hello, Sev." you said, looking up at him with your luminous (e/c) eyes. "Morning love." he said before he kissed your lips softly.

"I'll bring you some breakfast." he said before he stood up from the bed, leaving you on the comfy mattress.

Once you were sure Severus was out of earshot, with effort, you opened the drawer from your nightstand and pulled out a piece of parchment along with your quill and ink and started to write a letter to your beloved.

Fifteen minutes later, you finished writing the letter and put it on your nightstand below the seashell you found on the beach that rested there.

Suddenly, the bedroom door opened and in came Severus carrying a tray in his hands which had two plates with pancakes and two cups of coffee. You smiled when you saw what you two were going to have for breakfast.

He walked over to you and placed the tray on the bed before he climbed on his side. "Thank you, Severus." you said, as you grabbed one of the plates with pancakes "You are very welcome, my dear." you smiled at him and ate the delicious breakfast with your lover by your side.

When the pancakes were gone, you both were sipping your coffee silently. You were leaning on Severus' chest as he had an arm around your waist while the other held his cup. You had one hand over his large one as you enjoyed the moment.

He buried his face in your hair, taking in your calming scent "I love you, my (y/n)." he muttered in your ear.

You smiled at him "And I love you, Sev." you said before tilting your head to look at him, connecting your lips with his in a passionate way. "I finished my novel." you said after parting from the kiss. He smiled at you "I can't wait to read it, my love."

Your foreheads were touching as you gazed into his beautiful dark eyes "I'd like that." you said in a low voice before the both of you closed your eyes, taking in every second of the moment so magical and unique you got to share together.

"I'll take the tray downstairs." Severus said before he untangled himself from you and stood up from the bed, placing everything on the tray before he took it and exited the room.

You watched as he left you in the bedroom, Ashes, your gray cat was sleeping soundly at your feet. You smiled softly at your pet and laid down on the soft pillows.

A sigh escaped your lips as you closed your eyes and fell asleep peacefully. Meanwhile, Severus left the tray in the kitchen before his eyes wandered to the living room. On the mantelpiece, he placed a picture of you on the day you two went to the beach. He smiled as he stared at your happy self.

Then, he walked up stairs and entered the bedroom only to notice you had fallen asleep. Carefully, Severus walked over to your side and admired how peaceful and beautiful you looked as you slept. He tucked a piece of your (h/c) hair behind your ear before pressing a soft kiss on your forehead and exiting the room one more time, closing the door behind him silently.

The Potions Master descended the stairs and sat on the couch, staring at the fireplace that wasn't burning like any other day. His mind travelled to his memories, the beautiful memories he got to create with you.

Severus would take your place without hesitation, he couldn't bear the fact that you were going to leave him forever and as he thought of this, a long tear escaped his eye and rolled down his pale cheek slowly.

Going through every memory he had with you was painful but knowing that he was the one who provided you with happiness, warmed his heart.


Severus didn't know how much time he spent thinking about you but when his train of thought was interrupted, he realized it was already afternoon. He sighed and wiped his cheeks before going upstairs with you, wanting to spend as much time with you as possible.

Your beloved opened the door slowly, the sound made you open your eyes. Smiling softly at the man you grew to love, he entered the bedroom. "I'm glad you are awake, (y/n)." he said, walking towards you.

"Me too." was your answer. Severus couldn't do anything more than smile at you. "Will you lay with me?" you asked "Yes, love." he responded. The Potions Master climbed on the bed with you, immediately his arms sneaked up to your weakened form. Pulling you towards him.

"Severus?" you asked, looking up at him "Yes?" he said, his eyes fixing with your (e/c) ones "I... I want to thank you. For everything you did, you made my life worth-living. I would never get the chance to repay you."

"You don't need to repay me anything, (y/n). I did it all because I love you, from the bottom of my heart to the moon and back, I love you." Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes but you kept them at bay "And I love you too, more than life itself." you said in a low voice.

He embraced you tighter, feeling your body go weaker and weaker with each passing second "I want you... to know that you are loved, Severus. So loved and that... I'll always be with you." you said, leaning your head on his chest.

"I know, (y/n). You swore it, remember?" he asked, which made you chuckle slightly. "Yes, of course I remember, Sev." One of your hands was grasping his tightly. Silent tears escaped his eyes as he knew the time had come.

"I love you, (y/n). I love you so much, my (y/n)." he said, tightening his arms around you as if he could prevent you from leaving him.

You felt it too, and you wanted nothing more than to be with your beloved, your Severus at this moment. And with your last strength, you whispered "I love you too, Severus. Always."

Your hand gripped his tightly before it went limp and he knew you were gone. It looked as if you were sleeping peacefully, but Severus gritted his teeth, stopping himself from screaming in agony as the love of his life, the one who loved him just by who he is, was gone.

And then, he cried. He let out all his repressed emotions. Every single emotion he once bottled up was now surfacing, crashing over the man who loved you so dearly over and over again. He cried over your body, holding you close against him.

Your sweet scent of wild roses only made him cry more. Severus knew you were going to leave him but he wasn't prepared for it to be this soon, there were still so many things he wanted to do with you, so many places he wanted to go. But now, he felt as if the world was crashing over him as he held your limp form.

His tears wetted your (h/c) hair as he buried his face in your soft locks. Severus looked down at you, taking in how peaceful you looked, almost ethereal that only made more and more tears escape his starless dark galaxies.

And for the first time in many years, he cried. He cried hard, holding the love of his life close to him, wanting nothing more than to hear your voice again, to see your beautiful (e/c) eyes looking up at him. For you to be the first thing he saw in the morning, he wanted you to be eternally his but Severus knew you were his forever.

He knew your love was so pure, you two were going to see each other again, he just hoped he would get to cope with you not being with him as this couple of minutes felt like hell.

Severus pressed a last kiss in your cold lips, a kiss you were never going to return but he did it nonetheless "I love you too, (y/n). Always and forever."

1453 words


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