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The next day Maya woke up early feeling Carina still clinging to her waist, without making a noise or any sudden movement she settled down to see the Italian, delighted with what her eyes saw Maya stayed for a moment admiring the figure lying next to her, her face reflected so much peace and serenity, Maya could stay for hours admiring her in silence. After a few minutes she decided to continue with her routine and get up to go for a run. Besides, she thought it would be strange for Carina to wake up and see her next to her and she didn't want things to get awkward between them.

Carina woke up and immediately felt the lack of contact, she slowly opened her eyes and noticed that Maya wasn't in the room, she felt a bit of guilt thinking that maybe she had caused the blonde to feel uncomfortable and leave her room to sleep on the couch. She tried to push those feelings aside and concentrate on the day ahead of her, so she continued with her daily routine before starting her first day at the new academy. She was eating breakfast when Maya walked through the door, with her hair pulled back in a ponytail, her sportswear and some sweat running down her forehead. Carina couldn't help but turn her gaze to the blonde, staring her up and down, admiring how her clothes fit her body perfectly. Maya noticed Carina's gaze and felt her face blush immediately, not knowing what to say she just looked up and sketched a small smile as her eyes met those of the Italian. Carina reciprocated the smile and returned her attention to her breakfast.

- Thank you. Carina murmured a few seconds later directing her gaze to where the blonde was standing. – Thank you for listening to me and for letting me sleep in your bed and for staying with me when I asked you to, I really needed it. She blurted out with a shy smile on her face.

- You have nothing to thank me for. Maya said. – That's what friends do, right? By the way, I think I owe you an apology.

- An apology? For what? Carina asked incredulously.

- Yes, an apology, for acting like a bitch that night. I had no right to judge what you do or who you date. And I didn't mean to make you feel bad or offend you, it just made me angr..... Maya suddenly went quiet, she was about to tell her that seeing her with Jack had upset her, but she couldn't admit it, not without Carina realizing that she felt jealousy at the thought that there was something else going on between them.

- Oh yes, to be honest your attitude bothered me a little, but I didn't react in the best way either. Intervened Carina when she noticed Maya's silence. – But don't worry, of course I forgive you and forget about it. And just so you know I like Jack, but we're just friends, he's not my type at all. She added with a small chuckle.

Maya was about to say something when an excited Andrew appeared interrupting the conversation.
– Good morning. He said with a huge smile, sitting down next to his sister. – How did you sleep? I know this whole new academy thing can be very overwhelming and I know you, I know when you're anxious you can't sleep. Andrew directed the question to Carina.

- Actually, I slept amazingly well. Carina replied cheerfully. – I struggled at first, but I had a little help. Said Carina, crossing eyes with Maya and sharing a knowing smile.

Later that day.....................

When Carina returned the apartment was in complete silence, she immediately went to Maya's room and without knocking or waiting to be invited she opened the door, ran in and threw herself on the bed scaring the blonde who was totally concentrated working on the computer.

- Shit Carina stop scaring me like that! Maya shouted as her calmness was interrupted when she felt Carina fall on the bed.

- Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Said Carina quickly, making herself more comfortable on the blonde's bed. – I just wanted to talk to you and I couldn't wait any longer. She added with a huge smile on her face.

Maya couldn't help but smile when she heard Carina's words and saw the happiness on her face. – I'm all ears. She said as she put her computer aside and turned her full attention to the Italian.

Carina recounted her day detail by detail, from the first minute she set foot in the academy to the moment they all gathered their belongings, said goodbye and left for their respective homes. With every word her eyes shone brighter and the excitement with which she spoke grew. Maya was mesmerized, observing in detail every movement of the Italian, the movement of her hands, her facial expressions, her tone of voice, how she occasionally played with her hair or bit her lip without noticing it. Every detail, no matter how minor, had her enchanted.

Hours passed and the two of them were still in the same place, talking about everything and nothing at the same time, laughing and joking, without noticing the passing of the hours. At that moment it was as if time stood still and nothing else mattered, it was just the two of them, enjoying each other's company. The worries and problems that usually tormented them disappeared and everything seemed better, they felt lighter, unburdened and unattached. Until again something from the outside brought them back to reality, breaking the bubble, waking them up from that dream in which there are only the two of them and everything is much better.

- Is everything all right? Carina asked worriedly as she saw Maya's smile disappear at the sight of her cell phone.

A few minutes ago Maya's phone had started ringing and hadn't stopped since, message after message after message. The blonde ignored the first few messages, but after a while they kept coming and it was impossible to ignore them. The moment she picked up her cell phone to see what it was about she completely regretted it, her face changed immediately, the smile was wiped off her face and her attitude became colder and more distant.

- Yes, everything is fine. But it's late and I need to be alone. Maya said in a cold and distant tone, nothing compared to her attitude just a few minutes before, full of excitement and joy.

- Are you sure? You seem worried. Carina asked uneasily when she saw the change in the blonde. – You know you can trust me, if you need to talk about anything I'm here. She added, as she approached Maya and placed her hand on her shoulder as a sign of support.

- Everything is perfect Carina, I don't need you. Maya shouted as she walked away, letting Carina's hand linger in the air. – You can go please, I need to be alone. She added in a calmer tone, but looking away, unable to look Carina in the eye without feeling guilty about the way she had spoken to her.

Slowly Carina moved towards the door, confused as to how things had changed so suddenly, they were having an amazing time, chatting and laughing and then everything changed. Something had caused Maya's attitude to change and Carina was worried about the blonde, she wanted to help her, just like she had helped her the night before, but she couldn't. She couldn't do anything if she didn't know what it was. She couldn't do anything if she didn't know what the problem was and she couldn't do anything if Maya didn't want her around, if Maya didn't want her support.

- Just remember that I'm here for you if you need me. Carina whispered before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

Maya remained in the same place, trying to control her thoughts, unable to look Carina in the face. She felt guilty for pushing her away, but she couldn't control it, she couldn't let her see her this vulnerable and fragile.

That night Carina went to sleep totally confused. That afternoon when she came back from the academy all she wanted to do was talk to Maya, spend time with her and tell her every detail of her day. And now she was lying in bed thinking about Maya and her reaction to whatever she had read in those messages. She didn't want to intrude on Maya's personal life, but she felt she had to be there for her and support her, even if she wouldn't let her.

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