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The next day Carina noticed Maya walking around the living room with her cell phone in her hands, she didn't want to disturb her, so she silently walked to the kitchen without being noticed by the blonde who was still fighting with the device. As she prepared her coffee, she heard Maya mumbling the same thing over and over again. – Come on Mason pick up, pick up please. Damn it! Where have you been that you won't answer me?

Maya was so busy trying to locate her brother that she didn't notice Carina's presence, nor how her face changed completely when she heard the name "Mason" again.

- So, what's up with this Mason guy? Carina asked on one hand wanting to break the silence between them and on the other intrigued to know who he was and why Maya seemed to care so much about him.

Maya still didn't notice Carina's presence as the call went to voicemail for the thousandth time.

- Okay, this mysterious guy must be very important for you to ignore me like this. Carina added noticing Maya's silence.

- Sorry, what did you say? I was kind of busy around here. Replied Maya, lightly pointing to her cell phone. She had finally noticed the Italian woman's presence but hadn't heard her comment.

- Nothing. Said Carina in an annoyed tone, avoiding Maya's gaze. Carina didn't want to sound annoyed, but she couldn't help thinking that Maya might be dating this mysterious Mason guy while she was being completely ignored.

- Why are you upset? Maya asked noticing Carina's tone.

- I'm not. Carina quickly replied, although she was still distant and avoiding looking Maya in the eye.

- Ok. Maya commented and turned her attention back to her cell phone, annoying the Italian even more.

Carina was still in the kitchen and every time Maya saw her cell phone her intrigue grew and grew so she asked again.

- So is that guy your boyfriend or something? she asked without looking her in the eye, nervous about the answer.

- What do you mean, what guy? Maya asked confused.

- This mystery boy, Mason, you keep calling him over and over and repeating his name all the time. Did something happen between you two?

- No, it's nothing. Maya answered quickly, trying to avoid the subject. She never talked about Mason or her family because it was a complicated subject and she didn't plan to bring it up right now even with Carina.

- You can talk to me, you know that. Carina insisted.

- I don't want to talk. Maya quickly added, annoyed by the Italian's insistence.

- Are you sure? Carina insisted again.

- Carina, stop. shouted Maya.

- Ok, I was just trying to act as your friend and I'm worried about you Maya.

- Well, you need to stop. You and I aren't really friends, you're just my roommate's sister. And what happened to my life is none of your business. Maya shouted again, unable to contain the annoyance growing inside her for showing vulnerability in front of Carina.

- Okay, you don't need to be so rude. Carina replied annoyed.

- And you don't need to intrude in my life. Maya shouted again.

- I was just trying to help.

- Well, I don't need your help.

- Sorry for believing that the perfect Maya Bishop could need help, I was so wrong.

Carina was upset and hurt by Maya's words, she had come to believe that there was something special between them, but now it seemed that it was all a product of her imagination and to Maya she was not someone important. So, she slowly turned around to walk away from the blonde.

- Stop! Maya shouted when she saw her walking away.

- I've heard enough Maya. Replied Carina looking her in the eyes, it was obvious she was hurt. – I was stupid to think we could get along.

When Carina turned again to walk away, Maya ran to her side holding her gently by the arm to keep her from moving.

- What are you doing? Let me go! Said Carina confused by the blonde's actions.

- I'm sorry. Maya whispered, as she looked Carina straight in the eyes. Her face reflected sadness and regret and her eyes begged for forgiveness. – I acted like an idiot.

- Yes, you did it. Carina confirmed, still upset. – Can I go now? She added as she tried to loosen her grip on the blonde. Maya immediately tightened her grip even more preventing Carina from moving and leaned her body slightly reducing the space between them.

- I didn't mean it. You're more than just Andrew's sister. Maya murmured bringing her body even closer to the Italian's, while she remained petrified in the same place. – Can you please forgive me, can we be friends?

Carina immediately felt her skin crawl as she felt Maya so close. At that moment she was speechless, unable to answer the question. Maya noticing Carina's silence decreased the distance even more, the two remained silent, their faces were so close, their noses brushed softly, and they could feel their breaths hitching as time went by. It seemed they were both hypnotized, lost in each other's gaze, they had moved to another world where only the two of them existed and nothing else mattered. The magic of the moment suddenly disappeared when the sound of loud knocking on the door invaded the room and a voice from the other side demanded to enter.

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