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- We're here! Maya exclaimed excitedly.

- What do you mean we're here? We barely got out of the building Maya. Said Carina confused.

- Yes, this is the place.

- In the middle of the street?

- It's not just any street.

- What do you mean, not just any street?

- You really don't remember? Maya asked somewhat disappointed.

Carina made a thoughtful face, furrowing her eyebrows and moving her lips from side to side, so that Maya would think she had really forgotten.

- Ok, if you don't remember I guess this date doesn't make much sense. Maya said after a while, her face showing disappointment. – I think... maybe... I think we'd better get back....

Seeing that Maya was starting to feel insecure, Carina decided it was time to end the show.

- Hey! I'm kidding, of course I remember! Carina immediately interrupted the blonde. – I was getting out of the cab quietly over here. She said as she mimicked what she was narrating with her words. – My flight had been exhausting and I just wanted to rest, but just as I was about to walk to my brother's apartment ¡boom! a careless girl spilled her coffee on my luxurious Italian blouse, I still haven't been able to get the stain out. Carina added with a laugh.

- No, you really don't remember, that's not how it happened. Said the blonde quickly. – I was walking calmly towards my classes, when out of nowhere a girl came out of a cab like crazy and threw my delicious and indispensable coffee at me. Not only was I late for class, but I was in a bad mood because I couldn't drink my coffee. She added while pouting a little.

- Well, I remember I was furious, but at least I had the chance to see the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen in my life. Carina smiled.

- Well, but even though you were furious you looked lovely. I couldn't take my eyes off those beautiful brown eyes, even if I was upset. Maya said with a laugh.

- I will always remember that day. Said Carina. – But I don't understand, are we going on a date in the middle of the street? She asked still confused.

- Not exactly. Maya said with a mischievous smile. – Actually, this street is just the way to the real date place. She added holding out her hand, which Carina immediately intertwined with hers. – You taught me the wonder of Italian food, now it's my turn to take you to my favorite restaurant.

The girls continued on their way until they reached a small place, with a few lights outside, nothing fancy or pretentious, but very cozy. Maya opened the door for Carina and took her hand again to lead her to one of the tables at the back. The place was completely empty, it looked quite old and Carina found the choice of place a little strange.

- Maya honey, it's good to see you again. An elderly lady approached and hugged the blonde tightly. – You look as beautiful as always. She added as she squeezed her cheeks, turning the pale skin a rosier color.

- Hi Margot, it's nice to see you again too. Replied the blonde kindly.

- And who is this beautiful girl? she said, looking at Carina.

- Carina, she's from Italy and an amazing dancer. She came to study dance in one of the most prestigious academies in the country, she's amazing you should see her. She's also my roommate's sister so she's staying with us for a while. Maya exclaimed with an ear to ear smile on her face.

- Nice to meet you Carina, I'm sure you are very talented and you must be very important to my girl if she brought you here. Added the lady kindly, leaving Maya blushing at the comment.

After taking their order Margot headed for the kitchen leaving the girls alone at the table. Margot found it hard to look away from the girls, Maya had been going to her restaurant for years and had never taken anyone. After "The Last Meal," as Maya often called it, Margot didn't see Maya for years, until one day the little blonde she remembered showed up all grown up, with the same charming smile and blue eyes that sparkled in the sun. From that day on Maya's visits to the restaurant became more constant, she would sit at her usual table and enjoy her favorite dishes with a huge smile, sometimes Margot would sit next to her and they would talk about life. But the blonde always arrived alone, until today.

- Ok, Italian food is the best in the world and no one is going to change my opinion, but this is exquisite! Said Carina, while enjoying her food. – You're going to have to bring me here more often. She added with a wink.

- Margot is an amazing cook, for as long as I can remember this has always been my favorite restaurant. Carina could notice the nostalgia in Maya's tone of voice.

- Did you used to come here as a child? Carina asked shyly, she wanted to know more about Maya, but she didn't want to push too hard and scare the blonde.

- Yes, my dad used to bring us here when we were kids. The four of us used to come, my dad, my mom, Mason and me. Those were my favorite days. She sighed. – He wasn't always like that you know, I remember at one time he was loving and proud of his family, until everything changed. There was a small moment of silence. – Margot was that day "The Last Meal", we came for dinner after a competition in which I came in second place. He was furious, but he wanted to keep the "tradition", the moment I took the first bite he went crazy grabbed my plate of food and threw it on the floor while yelling "Second place is the first loser" "If you're not going to win, you don't deserve to be here" "Real athletes don't put that crap in their bodies". Everyone turned to look at us and that made him more furious, I couldn't hold back the tears and ran to the bathroom so he wouldn't see me. After a while Margot came in, she sat down next to me on the floor and told me that everything was going to be ok, she had one of her famous cookies hidden in her pocket and gave it to me to make me feel better. A small smile formed on her face as she remembered that moment. – After that day we never came again, it was until I decided to leave everything behind and leave that house. The first thing I did that day was to come to this place and I haven't stopped since, despite everything it brings back good memories. Besides, there is Margot who has been like a mother to me all these years. She added with a smile.

Carina smiled back and took her hand on the table, making gentle movements with her thumb, assuring her that everything was going to be fine.

- I'm glad you brought me here, it's a beautiful place and Margot is lovely. Commented the Italian.

- Well enough of sad memories. You have to try Margot's cookies, they are not like your fancy Italian desserts, but I promise you will love them.

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