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Sorry again for the delay ❤️

Two weeks later...

- Veramente? È fantastico, non vedo l'ora di averti qui. (No way, really? It's amazing, I can't wait to have you here). Carina was talking on the phone animatedly moving from side to side, while Maya watched her from the kitchen in silence. - No, non c'è modo, stai con me. Non ti lascerò stare in un hotel quando avrò a disposizione una fantastica camera per gli ospiti. (No, there's no way, you're staying with me. I'm not going to let you stay in a hotel when I have an amazing guest room available.) Maya didn't understand anything she heard, but the huge smile on Carina's face let her see that it was something important and that she was very excited about it. - Dio! Mi manchi tanto. Sì, sì, ti mando l'indirizzo, chiamami quando sei qui, ok? Ti voglio bene, Ciao. (God! I miss you so much. Yes, yes, I will send you the address, call me when you are here, ok? Love you, bye).

Carina hung up with a smile from ear to ear and headed to the kitchen where Andrew and Maya were preparing lunch.

- What's got you smiling like that? The boy asked when he saw his sister's smile.

- Gabriella! Carina exclaimed excitedly. - She has a new job and is coming to spend a few months in Los Angeles, I offered her to stay in my guest room. Carina smiled. - Oh, God! I miss her so much. Sighed Carina.

Ok that was definitely understood by Maya and she didn't like what she heard at all.

- Who is Gabriella? Finally the blonde asked, trying not to seem affected by what she was hearing.

- My best friend. Smiled Carina. - We studied together at the dance academy in Italy, she's so much fun, you'll like her a lot. She added.

- Oh God Gabriella, do you think she still remembers me? Andrew asked.

- Of course she does! She had a weakness for your blue eyes, remember? Carina laughed. - Andrew always tried to flirt with her. Even when we were only seeing each other on FaceTime and Gabriella was around, he'd rather flirt with her than talk to his sister who was miles away. This time she addressed Maya, who laughed as she imagined her friend in full flirtation mode.

- So, the DeLuca charm didn't work this time. Maya joked.

- Oh, it did work just... Andrew didn't finish what he was about to say when he felt Carina's penetrating gaze. - Mmmm no, it turns out I wasn't her type. Andrew added with a small laugh and a glance at Carina, who only let out a sigh when she saw that Maya hadn't noticed the exchange of glances between them.

Next week...

- Ma....mmmm... maya, stop. Said Carina between moans.

- Why? Murmured the blonde without separating her lips from Carina's neck.

- We must ss.. stop... mmm... she'll be here any minute. Carina moaned, feeling Maya's hands squeezing her ass hard as she licked and left nibbles on her neck.

- Ughh! Grumbled Maya, pulling her hands away from the Italian's body and pouting.

- Stop pouting. Said Carina getting up from the blonde's lap. - I promise we'll finish what we started later. Carina added with a wink.

Maya just rolled her eyes and got up from her place on the couch to where Carina was standing. Just as she was about to wrap her arms around her the apartment doorbell rang, causing Carina to slip out of the blonde's grip and run to open the front door.

Immediately a tall, green-eyed girl with long brown hair, wearing a really sophisticated outfit entered the room and wrapped her arms around Carina.

- Tesoro, come stai? Added the girl as she placed a kiss on each of Carina's cheeks. – Sei bellissima. She added looking at her from head to toe, before taking her face between her hands and joining their foreheads. Mi sei mancata così tanto. (Treasure, how have you been? You look beautiful. I've missed you so much).

The room suddenly fell silent, the girl kept her forehead pressed against Carina's as she whispered things in Italian that Maya could barely hear and even if she did she wouldn't understand a word. Maya's eyes went from the girl to Carina and from Carina to the girl watching the reaction on the faces of each of them, until the scene in front of her became too much and a strange feeling settled in the pit of her stomach. Maya cleared her throat, causing the girls to come out of their bubble and turn to look at the blonde.

- Oh, Scusa, I'm Gabriella and you are? Smiled the girl as she extended her hand to the blonde.

- Maya... Maya Bishop. She faked a smile and took Gabriella's hand.

- Oh, Maya! I've heard so much about you. Said the girl wrapping her arms around Maya and squeezing her tightly.

- Good things, I hope. Maya joked trying not to feel uncomfortable with the presence of the other Italian girl.

- Something like that. Joked the girl back.

The whole afternoon was based on Maya watching and listening to stories about Carina and Gabriella. Between laughter and jokes the girls recalled all the moments they lived together during their youth. Their trips around Italy and some outside the country. Their experiences at the dance academy. They remembered the moment they became friends, their first party together, the time Carina found Gabriella in the bathroom kissing one of the rivals in a dance competition. Maya enjoyed seeing Carina happy, laughing out loud and with a smile from ear to ear that never left her.

It was all joy and fun until Gabriella started speaking in Italian and Maya was completely lost, trying to figure out what they were talking about and why the girl was giving Carina that mischievous look that made her stomach knot. Carina immediately noticed the blonde's discomfort.

- Can we just speak english, please. Maya is still working on her Italian. Carina said.

- I can't believe it, you've lived with an Italian for so many years and you still don't know a word of Italian. Gabriella exclaimed. - Non posso credere che ti piaccia davvero una ragazza americana che non parla un grammo di italiano. Voglio dire, non posso negare che sia molto carina, ma non parla italiano. She added, addressing Carina directly. (I can't believe you really like an American girl who doesn't speak a bit of Italian. I mean, I can't deny that she's very pretty, but she doesn't speak Italian).

- Puoi smettere per favore? Carina begged Gabriella. (Can you stop please?) - Sorry, sometimes she doesn't control herself. Carina joked, taking the blonde's hand in hers. - She's learning, step by step, when we least expect it she'll be talking like an expert. Carina exclaimed proudly.

Maya just gave a half smile clinging to the Italian's hand, she didn't want to ruin the atmosphere, Carina looked very happy to have her friend close again, and she loved to see Carina smile. True, something about the way Gabriella treated Carina made her stomach twist, but she didn't think much of it, as long as Carina was happy she was happy.

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