Adrien's Father

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                                                 3rd person pov:

"Natalie who is it?" Gabriel Agreste asked when his assistant answered the door. 

"Uh... Adrien, sir." Natalie fumbled over her words. Slowly Adrien walked to the end of the stairs, just like he used to do addressing his father. 

"Adrien." Gabriel had said walking by the top of the stairs. 

"Father. It's been a long time." 

"It has..." an awkward silence came to them both.

"How is your life son." 

"You don't have a right to call me that. You were not a father to me, but I guess you could have changed... Would you like to come to dinner?" Adrien asked in as polite of a tone as possible.  

"I think we can find a date... Natalie." 

"No Father... I am choosing this time. Tomorrow night." Gabriel nodded

"Natalie, clear my schedule." 

"Oh and father... Marinette and our Children will be there as well. I hope that doesn't change anything." Gabriel's eyes widened, but Adrien didn't catch his reaction. 

As Adrien's father turned around "I shouldn't be going." 

"Sir, you owe him that," Natalie spoke

*20 minutes later*

Adrien opens the door for Gabriel as he walked through the door.  

"It's dark in here, the dark is never good for completion." Gabriel sighed, Adrien side nodded at Charolette and Coty that were sitting on the couch in utter silence, they went over and pulled both curtains open.  A look established as Adrien looked deep into his fathers for one of the first times ever. His thoughts mixed, while his face was shaped and overall appearance didn't change much, the circles under his eyes, wrinkles set in place, and whisps over white hair. 

"Good to see you, dad," Adrien said reaching his hand out to shake Gabriel's hand, but Gabriel didn't shake back, and eventually Adrien put his hand down. 

Coty and Charlette ran up and pawed at Gabriel's leg, looking for what seemed like much-needed attention. Which they rudely received back.

"The Dupain children," Gabriel said in disgust trying to shake children off. 

"No father Dupain- Agreste family"  

"So disappointing," Gabriel said. 

"Who's disappointing?" Marinette asked walking downstairs, Hugo was sitting on her hip. 

"Dear Marinette." 

"Hello, Halkmoth." For the first time in who knows how long Gabriel laughed a little. 

"Please my dear I recommend you call me Gabriel." He smiled at her. 

"You're powerless father." Said Adrien said ripping off Gabriels Miraculous pin. Tears filled Gabriel as Adrien pushed him, yelling derogative words. 

"Never touch her again," Adrien screamed tears straining down his cheek.  Adrien fell to the great, and Gabriel stood against the wall, Marinette ran over to Adrien. 

"get out" Adrien whispered that to Gabriel

"Adrien, I do want to be here, I just... we need your mother back then we can be a family. 

"She's dead!" Adrien yelled looking up at him "and she's not coming back. This is my family, not you. You won't even if she does come back." 

"Adrien-" Garbriel started

"Just leave," Adrien said standing up

"Adrien... Can you just listen... please son." Adrien turned quick, and did something, and yelled off the top of his lungs. 

"I SAID LEAVE!" Gabriel moves to the door.

"I love you" he whispered walking out of the house.  Marinette started curled up and crying. 

"Marinette what happened?" 

"I'm free..." She cried... 

End of Chapter. 

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