the goodbyes (part 2)

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                                                                    Marinette's Prov:

      "Well they seem Healthy" Doctor Roberta said waiting for someone to catch a certain word she said.

      "That's good" Alya said, she was sitting in a chair on the other side of the room, I told her she could come closer, but she said ultrasounds made her think that the baby was unhealthy, and she didn't want to scare me, so she insisted she stayed were she was, I didn't argue.

"Wait!" Marinette screamed, then looked at the doctor then back at Alya "She said THEY!!! as in the word more than 1 Alya!!!" The shock in Marinette's eye's and voice was unbelievably hilarious. 

"Yes" the doctor replied  "a boy and girl to be exact." shock covered both the girls face.

Alya looked over to Marinette "Girl are you sure you can do this on your own I can always move to America and help out, I'm sure there are interesting things there that I could blog on."

"I'll be fine Alya, swear on my child's grave" Marinette said with a half hearted smile, reassuring her, she'd be fine, though she wasn't sure any more.

"Fine!" Alya coldly said "But I'm going to go to America for an your entire 9th month, got it lady." Aly told Marinette. Marinette just smiled and nodded her head. 

                                                                ~Later that night at her house~

 "I have 2 Tiki" Marinette yelped falling onto her bed face first. "Tiki?" she called out loud. Were was she, she walked down the loft "Tiki!?" she called out once more, she looked around Tiki was floating by the window and looking out into Paris, "Tiki?" she said going to stand next to her, but as she took her Kwami in her hands she could see her dear friend was about to cry (Marinette didn't know Kwami's could cry) 

 "Sorry Marinette it's just I'm not going to see my friends for awhile and I just got so use to Paris I think I'm going to miss it a little" Tiki cried into Marinette's hand. 

 "Oh Tiki there is no reason to apologize, everyone needs to cry sometime, and I'll miss my friends and Paris too, but we'll have each other, you know what why don't we actually go and visit master." Marinette told her Kwami, and watched as her eye's lit up, 

"SERIOUSLY!" Tiki screamed in excitement. Marinette nodded, then yelled her chant to turn into Ladybug. After jumping roof to roof she landed in front of a small building, 

"Tiki spots off." as soon as she finished deforming master opened the door.

"Hello my dear Marinette" Master said as Marinette bowed

"Tiki wanted to see her friends before we left" Marinette explained,

 "yes I believe that is possible" Master said to Tiki, she lit up, then came back down.

"What about Plagg? He has to be here, and Zoru" Tiki asked, master looked at her with sad eyes, we can do a ritual to get Plagg, but getting Zoru here is to dangerous.

Tiki looked disappointed, but she ended up still wanting Plagg. 

                                             Adrien/Chatnoir Prov:

"ADRIEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Plagg yelled from the other room.

"Plagg I just gave you camembert." Adrien sighed.

"No I have to go somewhere for my sweet sugarplum" Plagg told Adrien.

"Sugar who?"  Adrien asked

"My sugarplum, she's Ladybugs Kwami, and my girlfriend. She's having a ceremony and she wants me to be there, and I need to be here, PLLLLLLLLLLLLEASE Adrien." Plagg begged.  

"Yes Plagg you ca-" as Adrien turns to look at Plagg , he's already gone.

                                                                            Plagg's Prov:

As Plagg arrives at the masters, he see's Marinette (Plagg has known Marinette was ladybug for awhile now. He also knew why he was there Tiki was leaving with Marinette to this American place.) He had to go see his Sugarplum and Marinette once more, and even help out Adrien by telling Marinette how much Chatnoir loved her.

"Marinette!!!!!!!!!!" Plagg yelled, but before he even got there Marinette was holding out a piece of cheese "You know me so well" Plagg said with a rim of tears filling his eyes, after he swallowed his cheese is one huge bite he took off to be with the other Kwami's, It was right then Tiki confirmed she was leaving and broke my heart.

                                                               Marinette's Pro:

                                                           ~Later that night~

    "Tiki... I have to think of names." Marinette whined slumping on her bed. 

"No not exactly" Tiki said in a reassuring tone,

"well of course I do the kids need names" Marinette looking at Tiki confusingly

(Of course Marinette had thought of names, but thinking now, they were so Normal, and there lives were going to be anything but normal. So there names had to sound like it, after all there father was a super hero.)

"Not everything goes to plan, Marinette, you should know that, your going to look into their eye's and see names completely different that the names you picked." Tick told Marinette as she payed close attention.

"So what are you saying is, wait until there born, because once there born I'll imminently be able to tell there name's, Tiki that's CRAZY!, I need to at least have an outlined plan for there names." Marinette shouted, Tiki just giggled.

"Yes I agree It's good to have an outline, but I'm telling you you're going to know " Tiki said in a stern serious tone.

"Whatever Tiki." Marinette mumbled, she then turned to see the time on her alarm clock, but instead saw a green and black box with a silver bow. Marinette picked it up and saw the card at the top.

                                                                                 My Princess

I forgot to tell you Happy Birthday today, and give you your present , but here It is. And you can try to get rid of me but you won't, because you will forever be my only love, the only one who can take my soul away, and the only girl I want in my life, because you are my world.

You Can't Hurt me or tear me apart cause your Princess you belong in my heart ..

I'm not ready to leave you yet, I love you and I'll preserve my heart for you until your return my dear, and with this I claim you as mine, because that's what you'll always be MINE.

 Love ~ your Chaton

I opened the gift it was a  sterling silver necklace, with a cat "hanging" off the necklace. I gasped but he was no wear to be seen, so I could not, not except it, so instead I'll embrace it or at least that's what chat wants me to do, I could at least give him that much.

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