I just need a little time

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                                                                ~After the kids were in school~

                                                                            Marinette's Prov:

"Tiki!" I said shoving one piece of her moms cookies in her mouth, Tiki came around the corner yelling at me.

"Where have you been all morning just because I slept in that doesn't mean that you can just leave me here." Tiki yelled,

"Try this cookie" I gave a piece to Tiki she lit up as she tried it

"Did you make it ?" Tiki asked

"God No, I went to my moms bakery. For the kids surprise for there Birthday, can you believe there 7 years old, I still remember the day I had them ." I told Tiki, all of a sudden I felt this strange feeling the one I had right before I fought an Akuma, Tiki must have felt it too

"There going to come today aren't they." I shrugged as Tiki asked.

I had a strong feeling so I made a note actually 4 Notes


Dear  Charlotte /Coty,

First off hide, really well, this has to be the best  game of hiding sleep, So stop reading this right now  and hide, and don't leave that hiding spot until Tiki comes and gets you.

Something Happened I need you 2 to do something so Important, and you need to read  every single one of these words carefully. You need to find your  Dad, find him don't tell him he's your dad, because now it's for all three of your safety. Please tell him about me, and give him the note with the name Chat Noir on it.

Take the bag's I made for you, because this is going to be a hard and rigorous journey, but It's very important, for at this moment I am in a lot of danger, and so are you, and so is your father, and I know this is scary and unusual, but at this moment I'm practically putting my life, and your dads life in your hands.

I love you, and I trust you can do it more than anything and anyone else in the world, I believe in you. I'm leaving you with Tiki she will help you, she knows everything you need to do, and I believe you can do it.

                            Love: Mom


Dear Chat Noir,            

I know I haven't seen you in what seemed like years, but this is extremely important, and I know it's a long shot, but these kids are really important to me and I need you to protect them with your life. It's a lot to ask but this is my last wish, If you can't find or save me take care of them.

They searched far and wide over hills and mountains to find you, and I may not be with them anymore so I need them to have someone in there lives. be the hero I know you are, be my Hero Chat.

I still love you, and it ok if you moved on if you love  someone else, but I could never not love you, I love you so much I'm asking you to be there for them I trust you with my life, and there's, and If you just can't possibly handle it bring them to Alya and Nino.

                               Love: Marinette


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