finding her again

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 Adrien's Prov:

"why are you wearing that?" I asked angrily trying to remain calm.

"mommy made it. she was always inspired by you. And it was the last thing she made me for one of my photo shoots." Charlotte said hugging the poncho like cat jacket to her chest, as if she was hugging her mother. 

I sighed. I was going to find Marinette, and ask why she hid these kids from me. Ask her why she hid Ladybug from me. I thought I knew her so well. I thought I loved her. I think I still love her. Or at least who I thought she was. But I guess I did the same thing to her with this side of me, the Adrien side.  But it's not the same, she took and hid mt children from me.

"Change it." I said showing no emotions.

"but..." she started

"I said change it." I hated it, that I talked to her like that it wasn't fair to her at all, but it brought back bad memories. I sounded like my father. I hated my father.

I look up she has tears in her eye's, "I'm sorry" I sighed "Chat Noir brings me back to some bad memories, I want forgotten." I told her, holding my hands to my face.

"But you were just Chat Noir yesterday." She told me. Well I knew that, and she wasn't wrong, but also didn't know the full story.

"When you're mother left me, I spent my life dedicated to finding her as Chat and Adrien, and when I couldn't find her I thought I lost her forever, and it broke my heart, Chat to me was never the same without Marinette or Ladybug... But I mean they are the same person so... I don't want to remember losing your mother or looking for her, because maybe if I forgot I could move on finally." I explained a tear falling down my face.

"So you gave up on my mama" She asked me. She couldn't possibly understand.

"She gave up on me. I just gave her what she wanted." I said

"What did she want?" She asked me. I never thought of it. Did I even really know.

"She didn't want me that's for sure, she seemed to want... to leave.... to get AWAY from me." I said setting my head in my hands..

"No" She said "She just didn't want you to hate her, because of us. She loved you more than anyone knew, she still loves you. She didn't want you to be obliged to have such a huge responsibility, when you already had so much on your shoulders. She wanted you to be happy. She wanted us to be happy. She tried, and when she told us the truth about everything... I- I'm just sorry, she tried her best for all of us, and now she's gone. She's gone and it hurts, it hurts I was mad at her, I was rude, and now I'll never be able to say I'm sorry, she's gone." She started to cry.

'She thought I would hate her, that I wouldn't want to do this, cause I'd hate her' I thought.

"I'll find her." I said, as Coty came out of the room.

"I'll find her." I repeated so he knew.

Hey Hamilheads 

I'm so so so sorry that I have not been writing as often. I am so busy I barely have time to breath. But believe me when I say I'm trying.

Between me doing...

ABC orchestra

Musical/ lion king (I GOT TIMONE)




student council

and volunteer time...

but know I love you all And I love you all

thank you for all the support!

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