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                                                                                   Coty's Prov:

Amneeia is here. I see her. with my eye's. She's here.

She's here.

"Where is my kitty?" She asked Adrien

"Who are you?" He asked in return.

"Wow for a man who reads all my mothers magazines, you really are stupid." Charlette said looking at Adrien. 

"Amneeia?" I said breathless.

"KITTY!" There you are, she said running to just in between my arms.

"I missed you so much." I said breath taken, by her appearance.

"Me too!" she breathed into my ear, letting tears drop.

"But what are you doing here?" Charlette  asked. But I didn't care, the only thing that mattered to me at the moment, was that she was in my arms here with me. Why would anybody care?

"You left. And I couldn't just stay away from my kitty, what if I didn't see him ever again. We are partners we do everything together. I couldn't let him do this by himself. No offense Charlette." She said looking into my eyes, and for the first time in a long time, I smiled, and not a fake one, a big juicy real smile that took over my whole face.

"I don't care, I'm just happy you are here." I said snuggling my face into her neck, and we just stood like that for what felt like ages, melting in to each breath we took.

She was the first to let go, when she sucked her breath "Are you okay!?" she asked pulling away. "You didn't get hurt did you?" She said examining me like my mom use to do.

"Princess I'm okay. I promise, not one scratch. And... This is... Adrien, my Dad." I said disgusted by the word father, but she turned to him examining him up and down evaluating how much she liked him. I know she was because she did the same thing to me when we met.

"Isn't he the sad guy from the magazines we used to look at when we were younger?" She asked, and I nodded my head pleased she called him out like that.

"Miss. Marinette, didn't lie when she said you look like him. The bone structure is practically identical, and the noses are so close, and hair is blonde like his, the only difference I can see is that your guys eye's are blue like Miss. Marinette's, and Mr. Adrien eyes are Green." She said pointing out our differences.

" She said pointing out our differences

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"You look so beautiful." I told her looking at her up and down, being able to tell that design from anywhere. My mothers.

"Thank you Kitty, it was the dress your mother made for me." She told me of course I knew it was my mothers, and she looked perfect in it.

Just then there was a knock on the door...

Of course I was worried who might have also appeared behind the door after my princess had come so suddenly. But as Adrien opened the door it had been CLOE!

"Cloe?" Adrien asked.. 

"ADRIKINS!" Cloe squealed practically falling into Adrien's arm's. 

"Is there something you'd like Cloe?" Charlette asked over Adrien's shoulder.

 I didn't say anything. cause like my mother had taught me if I have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all... and well, I had nothing nice to say either of them. I had nothing against Miss. Cloe, but I had no intention of getting close to these people my mother once so long ago called friends.

"I wanted to check in on our special little guest." Cloe smiled big as she said it. 

Charlette smiled back "How sweet. Our stay was amazing, I just can't wait to get home."  She replied with. Why was she being so friendly with these people, did she not understand as soon as we get mom back we never have to see them again. They're irrelevant to our lives. Maybe she's doing this for our reputation, sometimes I forget we are popular.

"Yes thank you Miss. Bourgeois" I said as kindly as I could, Amneeia's hand attached to mine. 

"Please call me Cloe I insist." She said, and I smiled as if I had wanted to call her whatever she asked cause we are friends. 

'Be nice' Amneeia mouthed to me reading my mind as she often did. She knew I'm not as patient as I make myself seem. 

"Of course Cloe, you may call me Coty, I think I met you the other day if I'm correct." I said as friendly as I could possibly be.

"You are so polite. It's quite a pleasure to meet you Coty." She said Extending her hand, and I took it firmly, and shook it quickly. 

"I've heard quite a lot about you from my mother. It's a pleasure to meet the famous Cloe Bourgeois in person instead of story." I Smiled big. 

"It really is. I'm Charlette, nice to meet you Cloe." My sister said, in a side of her I'd never seen before. 

"Well who is she?" Cloe pointed behind me to Amneeia, who had hidden further behind me, from Cloe's question. I move over to her shielding her. 

"She's a friend of mine. Very shy, she came to visit this morning. It was a surprise." I said, I can't believe I had told a total stranger about personal facts about me, something my mom taught us never to do. 

"Well Cloe..." Adrien said stepping forward.

"Yes Adrikins?" Cloe said facing him puckering her lips. 

"I'm going home today. Can you um... you know... sign us out of our hotel room." He said seemingly irritated with the women who had seemed nothing but kind. 

"Leaving so soon." She said with a pretend pouty face. As she does all the stuff you have to do to let us leave. 

"Bye Cloe" Adrien said coldly once she finished. 

"I hope you had a good visit.." Cloe waved us goodbye as we left... I didnt bother turning around. 


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