I'M BACK! Is Mom though? part 1

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                                                                      Charlottes Pov:

Coty was acting weird all day. 

"Coty what's wrong?" He was staring down at his tickets, his peice of cake untouched

"Have you ever missed mom?" I sighed, I always miss mom I think of her everyday

"I know it's hard." I say sitting besides him. But he looks up with excitement and curiosity in his eyes. He was so happy I was almost scared.

"I saw her Char! I know I saw mom." I was upset, he can't say that, she's gone.

"Coty! this isn't a joke! Mom is gone, I tried to be nice because it's a sensitive subject for you, but look around! Do you see her!? You need to open your eye's we are most likely to never see mom again Coty."

"I DID SEE HER, TODAY AT THE RESTERAUNT!" I say attracting everyone's attention.

"You passed out, it was probably your imagination!"

"Imagination! You really are just going to give up like that!"

"Coty give up. Take a break!" ;)

"Do what you want, but I'm not throwing away my shot. We just have to wait for it.";) ;)

"There is nothing to wait for. I have a life. I not going to hide behind a photo of the past. Look at everyone we have a new picture." I stand my ground. Coty shakes his head, and walks up to his room locking it behind him. I felt defeated I hate fighting with him. I need him.

I sit down upset. I just want my brother back. Aunt Alya walks up to me. and sets her hand on my back rubbing it comfortingly,

"Oh sweetie, are you alright?"

"He's so different Auntie, I know he's sad about mom, but she's gone. I don't want her to be gone either, but I have to face reality. I just wish he would do it with me, I need him Auntie, but he's scaring me."

"Who said your mom was gone?" Aunt Alya said calmly

"No one"

"Is your Dad still looking for her." 

"It's been years!" 

"But is he still looking?" I nod,

"So there is still hope?" 

"papa says there is always hope as long as you believe love still exist."

"So look at it in Coty's shoes, Weather he wants to admit it or not, he has your fathers personality, he has a lot of optimism, and your mothers creativity. Men are stubborn, he won't give up until he knows. You need to support and be there for him, you guys are all you have. He's afraid of losing you, like he lost mom, but he refuses to give up hope, because he has a lot of love for all of you." She explained endling with her finger near my heart.

"What do I have from Mom?"  Aunt Alya smiles not hesitating to answer, like she's known the answer our whole life.

"Well you have you fathers energy, persistence, and humor, but you have your mothers talent for cooking, kindness, gentleness and beauty. Coty got your fathers optimism, hope, curiosity, and adventurous side, but your mothers Creativity, clumsiness, heart, and spirit. I see your mother in both of your eyes everyday the more you grow up. It makes me miss her too, that's why we have hope." She says pulling me into a hug. 

"Thank you Auntie." 

"Of course, I'm going to talk to Coty now." I nod, going back to the party, pretending nothing had just happened. Amneeia leans on the counter upset.. 

"Whats wrong?" I say walking up to her, Amneeia looks up with a look of distaste on her face.

"Don't you have people to talk to?" 

"Amneeia, you are more important than everyone here combined." Her eyes soften. 

"Can we talk in my room?"

"Absolutely." We sneak away from the party and enter her bedroom.

"What's up?" 

"I think I saw Marinette yesterday." My mind goes blind. 

"Wh... Wha"

"She was holding what looked like a three year old. I'm pretty sure it was Marinette. I didn't want to tell you until I was absolutely positive, but I needed to tell someone." 

Is it possible, Is mom, back?

I'm so sorry I feel like this chapter was so short. There are more coming up very soon, so do not fret. I just feel like we have not had Alya in this book as much as I would like, or Charlotte, even though she is one of the main character. I shared some of your idea's. I hope your (SATISFIED), because (I WILL NEVER BE SATISFIED) unless I have your approval. Sorry feeling paw-sibly a-mew-zed but my paw-ful puns today. please don't unfollow me. Leave more comments down below for story idea's you may have!!!! I'm so excited to be back. Everyone was asking if I was dead. So to let everyone know, I am not dead on the outside. Happy Quartine, and birthday to my bestfriend. I hope you are all safe. Love you guys so much!

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