Chapter 3 : Tissue issue

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"We'll go on to the next quote," snorted Ezekiel.

"Sure," they replied.

"Now for the next quote," Ezekiel said.

"NO, NO, NO!" "There's no way I could have a girl wipe up the tissues and everything."

"What more can we expect from these boys?" a couple girls exclaimed, outraged.

"Someone is going to get kicked in the shins today." Hasimoto burst out laughing.

Shit! What happened to me?! These girls are going to suffocate me. Ishizaki pondered.

"I'm not sure, but it's most likely Kanji." Sudou stated.

"Come on, I would never say such a thing." Ike responded angrily.

"Are you certain? Because I s......" Sudou's lips was covered by Ike before he could say another word.

"Sudou, there's no need to be emotional. I'm telling you the truth." Ike stated.

"So, why are you covering his mouth?" Shinohara inquired.

" That's not the case. " Ike made a strange sound and hastily retraced his hands.

"Sudou, what are you doing? What were you doing with your hands licking mine?" Ike yelled angrily at the top of his lungs.

"Your hand was still dripping with chocolate. It had a distinct odour to it, which I was able to detect." Sudou responded in a lighthearted manner. I had no idea he was so fond of chocolate.

"You don't just lick a boy's hand because there was chocolate left on it, man. You should be aware that I have feelings and desires." Ike went into more detail. This is from his speech. Sudou kissing his hand seemed to irritate him. He wouldn't have cared if it had been a girl. Weird!

" Is there anyone willing to respond? " Ezekiel was the one who inquired.

"It's perplexing as hell," Kamuro added, "because we have so many perverted boys at our school."

I kept an eye on everyone. All of the boys, with the exception of a few, such as Ryuuen and Hirata, were accusing each other. Ishizaki was behaving strangely. He was attempting to avoid me, Albert, and Hiyori, I could tell.

That's what he said when he begged for my assistance. But why is he not responding? Is there a problem with it?

" Why is it even important?" says the narrator. I whispered something that was unexpectedly loud enough for many people to hear.

"Don't act like you don't know," a group of youngsters remarked.

"I honestly have no idea. Is there a problem with it?"

"Ayanokouji-kun, don't be concerned. I'm not aware of it either. I suppose we'll find out from The Angel." Hiyori and Ichinose both spoke the same thing at the same moment.

"I suppose," I said.

During White Room, I'm confident I didn't miss anything important in my schooling. How did I miss something that practically everyone knows about yet only a few people know about? Maybe it's a matter of culture.

"What are you talking about?! We understand Shina-san and Ichinose-san. But even you. " Shibata explained.

" Spoiler Alert: He doesn't have a clue." Ezekiel remarked.

"I had no idea the creature could be both brilliant and stupid at the same time. " Ryuuen burst out laughing. Everyone was probably so preoccupied with other things that they didn't notice Ryuuen had been calling me monster for quite some time.

I saw Ishizaki sweating like a pig.

"Awww no one will doubt my innocent little boy. " Haruka exclaimed. I will probably ignore the little boy info. Since I'm of almost 110 pounds.

"Our baby brother is so innocent." Keisei and Akito laughed.

"To think that he just gave such a long speech on love and doesn't know this." Ike laughed.

"Well Coitus and love are two different things. " Ezekiel defended me in response.

What did I miss that it makes such a big of deal. Kiyotaka,Honami and Hiyori thought.

Should I atleast answer it. I added in my thought.

"Boss, That was said by Ishizaki himself." Albert replied to the question. Ishizaki became more agitated, as if he would pass out at any moment, which would be embarrassing.

"That is the proper response. 20 cp are given to Class C." According to Ezekiel,

The females all looked down their noses at Ishizaki, while the boys pity him.

"I apologise to Ishizaki-san for the inconvenience. But, to remain loyal to our class, I responded it." Albert told the storey in his own words.

"Please, Angel, assist me." Ishizaki pleaded for forgiveness.

"Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused. As the Lord's angel. I only assist him if he requests it." According to Ezekiel.

"Now is the time to inform us. What is the significance of this?" Hiyori came up with the question.

Is it better if I just say something? The prophet of the lord, Ezekiel pondered.

"Hiyori, it's best if you don't know." Ibuki suggested.

"I concur with Ibuki-viewpoint. san's We must not jeopardise the lives of three innocent persons." Mako remarked.

"To which I agree. I will not allow my child to be spoilt." Haruka screamed.

"I don't see why I should refuse this request." Ezekiel remarked.

"I appreciate it. " Haruka let out a sigh.

To be honest, I'm not sure what I'm talking about. It also saves me the hassle of having to explain something I don't understand. Ezekiel pondered.

We appear to be complete morons. We do, don't we? While staring at Ichinose and Hiyori, I pondered. They were also staring at me. I'm sure you're thinking the same thing.

Ezekiel responded, "It's context time."

While Ishizaki, Albert, and Hiyori tried to persuade Ayanokouji to join their team for the 2nd Inhabited Island Exam.

They didn't have anywhere to hold a quiet conversation. As a result, they approached Ishizaki and requested if they might use his room. However, he declined while delivering the quote. Ayanokouji and Hiyori were perplexed, and they even offered him cleaning assistance. They later decided to visit Albert's chamber.

"Pftt... Offered to help!!" The boys laughed.

"You shouldn't go to boys dorms Hiyori. Remember that. " Ibuki said.

"Okay but why? " Hiyori answered and questioned at the same time.

I was planning to read some time in Ayanokouji's dorm. It's quite noisy sometimes even in libraries. I thought reading together with him in his or my dorm would be joyful. Hiyori thought

"Just believe me in this once." Ibuki answered.

"I see." Hiyori replied.

I will talk Ibuki-san out of it later to make Ayanokouji-kun as an exception. Hiyori thought.

"Are we going to ignore the fact that, he had  meeting with other class." Miyamoto said.

"Shut up dipshits. React on those things later." Ezekiel said.

It would have been better to assign this duty to Lucifer. He would have tortured these Class D students nicely. But Alas! He is cast of heaven. Ezekiel thought.

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