Chapter 18 : Book buddy

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"Let's get started on the following quote, which will contain a conversation," Ezekiel said.

"All right."

"William Irish, Ellery Queen, Lawrence Block, and Isaac Asimov."

"Wow. You've got good taste."

"What are these?" Ishizaki asked.

"Well, maybe they're talking about something related to food as they're talking about taste, but the names sound human like." Yamauchi said.

"Well, maybe they're Chef's names or something." Ike proposed.

"That actually makes sense, you know. I misjudged you, Ike; you're not that stupid." Yamauchi.

"I'm afraid I can't say the same for you." Ike made a joke in an attempt to irritate Yamauchi.

"Man,you two, don't go taking and making a fool of yourselves any farther than you already are." Sudu stated while sighing.

"Mhm? They're not, Chef?" Ike inquired, unsure.

"Of course not, I can't believe it, I'm exactly like you all the time. Anyway, they are book writers; I haven't read any of their works, but Phantom Lady, written by William Irish, is a literary hotshot or something. " Sudo's words were embarrassing to him.

"That's shocking; I didn't expect you to be aware of them." Horikita was taken aback by Sudo's remark.

"Hehe, while my school was on a basketball competition trip, I happened to witness its anniversary celebration conference. In addition, the name Chef would be less archaic." Sudo replied.

"Archaic, lol."

"Leaving these things aside, it's evident that this is a dialogue between two nerds." Hasimoto added.

"I believe so."

"Is that you, Keisei? I mean, you're always talking about books." Haruka inquired.

"It's not me, and I'm always talking about studies because they're significant, and I don't know any of them because they appear to be novelists, and I don't read books that much." Keisei stated his case.

"Booring, a simple 'no' could have sufficed; there was no need for a lengthy explanation. " Haruka said, pouting.

"I said what needed to be said."


"Do you want to read Novel, Ryuuen-san? I've noticed you reading on occasions." Ishizaki inquired.

"I've read a couple of them, but not on the level of conversing with someone." Ryuuen paused for a moment before continuing. "It may be Shiina, she likes books, right?"

"Shiina-san does spend a lot of time in the library, you're right. Is that you, Shiina-san?" Ishizaki exclaimed.

Shiina nodded in agreement. "Though I'm not the one who said the book titles."

"Oh. At the very least, we got one correct. Will this earn us any points?" Ishizaki inquired.

"Mmmmmmmmm, nope." According to Ezekiel.

"Well, Shiina, who were you with at the time?" Ryuuen inquired.

"Oh, Kiyotaka-kun," Shiina stated. Ryuuen's lips curled into a grin.

"Well, what do we have here, monster is also a nerd."

"Class C receives one point for the correct answer." According to Ezekiel.

"As one would anticipate from Ayanokouji-san, he is well-versed in all fields."

"Wow, it's you all over again. Someone despises you." Horikita remarked wryly.

"Don't even start."

"It's your fault for getting too interested in other classes."

"It's not my fault that no one in our class reads."

"I like to read books."

"Only the murderous genre, to be precise."

"I apologise, King. I referred to you as a book nerd. I had no idea it was you."

"So Ayanokouji-kun enjoys reading. Fu~Fu."

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