Chapter 19 : Oust Kushida

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"Lets move on to next quote." Ezekiel said.

Ryuuen leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest, watching as the room filled with people, all talking at once and not paying attention to what they were saying. A few looked around at the group in confusion and started whispering to each other or pointing towards them.

He sighed internally.

'Welp, this is getting boring' Ryuuen pondered.

"Yeah, sure."

"In the third semester, Class D will be promoted to Class C," I said. "However, we'll probably fall back down to D when I get Kushida Kikyou expelled"

Ryuuen suddenly began to laugh after listening to those quotes. It was not the kind of laughter he expected, but it wasn't one that was a bad sound either.

He continued to chuckle at his own joke. "You are so ridiculous you know that?"Ibuki looked up at Ryuuen from her

What on earth is he laughing about? I don' understand. My pain, and struggle, perhaps. Kiyotaka pondered.

"I know," Ryuuen chuckled.

Ibuki didn't have time to figure out what else to ask before another text popped up on his screen.

Ryuuen isn't allowed to answer.

"Damn, but I wasn't going to answer anyway." Ryuuen stated.

"Do you remember who said it?" Horikita was taken aback.

"Of course, I am aware. Unlike you, I know where to keep an eye on things." He replied with a smirk.


I believe my classmates will react excessively and make a fist; Kushida's reputation is far superior to mine, so it will benefit her and her act won't hesitate to manipulate everyone even in this situation. It's a very difficult situation for me. Kiyotaka pondered.

"Wait, what! Someone wants to get rid of our Kushida-chan! I will not leave him or her because of this act." Ike said.

Yes, especially him, he'll be more trouble than anyone else, and how can I  forget about Horikita.

Horikita's development, to put it mildly, appears unreasonable; she believes that helping Kushida will help her develop, despite the fact that she continues to ignore those in need of assistance.

"Why does any one of our own class want to expel Kushida?" Satao muttered.

What the hell happened? Is someone on me? Horikita, is stubborn, I doubt it's her but that only leaves him. Kushida paused.

"How do you know the person belongs to our class?

"How did he or she predict the rankings?" Keise mumbled.

"Well, I know the person is from our class because he/she stated that they will be promoted from D to C in the third semester, and it's obvious that it's our class, and he/she also stated that we will, so he/she is from our class."

"What! If the jerk who wants to expel Kushida is in our class, I swear I'll kill him." Yamauchi explained.

Kikyou has most likely figured everything out and would be willing to go to any length to expel the monster, but unfortunately for you, sly bitch, he's not someone you can win against. Ryuuen pondered.

Expelling someone, huh, and manipulating the class rankings, it's probably him, who are you, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka? How can you possibly predict everything? Manabu paused.

I have no doubt it's him; he can be merciless when he wants to be, and no one predicts everything as well as he does. Karuizawa pondered.

It's him, okay, he told me before that he would leave the Kushida case to me, and all of his predictions came true; if he hadn't told me, everything would have been different; I need to manipulate him in some way. I can't let him expel Kushida. Horikita pondered.

"Do you have an answer?" Kamuro inquired hesitantly.

"If you ask me, it's quite simple." Sakagyani said, laughing.

"Of course you knew, whom am I even kidding." Kamuro mumbled.

"Well, I've got someone in mind too." Hasimoto stated.

"Enlighten us, Hasimoto." Katsuragi stated.

"It's my King," Hasimoto said.

Since when am I yours? Kiyotaka pondered.

"Damn you, sly bastard, you're right." Ezekiel made the announcement.

"What the hell, Ayanokouji?"

"Why are you after Kikyou-chan?" Ike inquired, clearly irritated.

"I'm sorry, Ayanokouji-kun, did I hurt you?" Kushida inquired, his eyes welling up with tears.

Oh well...

"Your superior abilities do not give you the right to expel someone, Ayanokouji." Ryuuen mocked, pretending to be amusing.

Who says so? Kiyotaka reflected.

"Why would he do that?"

"He acts like a jerk."


"Who knows what he'll go after next. It's best not to stay on his radar." Someone in class D said something quietly.

"People~people, you can't be bathmouthing our MVP, can you? You see, I've developed interest for Kohai-kun, and I can't stand hearing negative things about him. So, Welp, either stay quiet or expelled." Kiryuin stated this.

"Wait a minute, what?"

"Ayanokouji is quite stupid and trashy." Nagumo said, pausing for a moment before continuing. "Kiryuin, what are you going to do now? Perhaps I should be expelled?"

"Who are you? Sorry I'm not good at remembering the names of the side characters." When Nagumo heard Kiryuin's insult, he grunted.

"Context time," Ezekiel explained.

Ayanokouji said those words to Ryuuen on that day, and before you say anything, he said them for a very important reason, but as you can see, Ayanokouji left the work in the hands of a very incapable person, so the problem persists.

Could Kushida have been the traitor? Kiyotaka will not do anything without a reason at the sports festival, also leaving that aside Kiyotaka should invite me on a date instead of Ryuuen. I can offer him sound advice, and we can also spend some time alone. Hmph! I'm upset with you, Kiyotaka, because you never asked me out on a date. Hirata pondered.

"You mean the day Ayanokouji and Ryuuen had their date?" Hirata stated.

Why is Hirata blushing and making a pouting face at me? Kiyotaka pondered.

"No, he is definitely a traitor; he's talking to Ryuuen about expelling our angel," Ike says.

Maybe I should let them insult him; perhaps the insult will motivate him to work harder. Horikita pondered.

"There's no need to insult Kiyotaka-kun. Kushida is still here." Hirata stated.

"However, he's planning something against our class."

"Bruh." Hirata muttered.

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