Chapter 7 : Rocket Punch

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Ayanokouji Kiyotaka Pov

"Let's go on to the next quote," says Ezekiel.

Rocket punch! Hehehe just kidding.

When I saw a quote that I had stated before, I let out a sigh. Though it isn't a huge issue, I wouldn't have to listen to complaints from my classmates.

"What a childish remark. But it's cute." Haruka added her two cents.

"I'm guessing it's you, Haruka." Akito went on to say.

"It's not me, I assure you. Why do you always assume it's me when it's not!" Haruka expressed her dissatisfaction by pouting.

"Because you're always behaving like a spoiled brat."

"Indeed," Keisei responds.

"'s fine that you compared me to a toddler, but what makes you think I'm rotten? I'm such a sweetheart." "Kiyopon, help me out," Haruka stated in her defence. She unexpectedly lured me into her chat.

"But isn't that the truth?" I stated.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not spoiled brat."

"If you say so," I responded.

"Why are you stating it in such a strange manner?"

"I didn't do though." I let out a sigh.

"Whether you believe me or not, it isn't me. You can ask the angel to double-check my answer."

"It's all right. We have faith in you."

After my friends' chat ended, I looked around the room and tried to hear what other students were thinking.

"Shibata, It's you right? You always act like a child." Kanazki talked about his feelings with his peers.

"Are you joking? I am a really mature individual who never makes jokes or does anything immature." Shibata remarked.

Amikura asked, "Are you telling your Antonym personality?"

"Come on, don't I appear to you all to be a mature person?" Shibata defended himself by saying.

"You don't," said Class B in unison . That was some seriously bad timing on their part.

"All right, I give up, but I didn't say so."

"Is that correct?" Kanazki double-checked.


"If that isn't Shibata-kun, who could it be?" "Perhaps from another class?"

"Tll me who said it. If I find it in class C and you don't inform me, you'll have to meet Albert squarely in the face." Ryuuen was the most dominant of his peers.

"I/We didn't say anything like it." Class C screamed in terror.

"I'm sorry to ask, but is it you, Hoshinomiya sensei?" While facing the teachers, Ichinose inquired.

"It could be her with her half-day of any alcohol," Chabashira went on to say.

"You meany, Sae-chan! I don't consume just any alcoholic beverage. I'm a bourbon drinker."

"Miss Hoshinomiya, please refrain from saying things like that." Director Sakayanagi gave his opinion.

"Okay. It's also not me."

"Ah, I see."

What exactly is bourbon?

"It's Trex-kun," Koenji answered.

The boys were laughing hysterically, while the girls looked perplexed.

"The answer is correct. A total of 20 cp will be awarded to Class D."

"Ayanokouji, you're a moron! What kind of person says things like this? This demonstrates that I am more mature than you, hehe." Ike exclaimed, laughing.

I'm assuming it's a joke.

The girls inquired, "Who is Trex-kun?"

"It's Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, our one and only King."

"King and Trex-kun? Why do you all refer to him as that? "enquired the ladies.

"Believe me when I say you don't want to know." Katsuragi suggests, his face flushed with displeasure.

"However, we are intrigued."

"It's best if you don't know," Akito explained.

Kanazki answered, "I agree with it."

"Eh?" Mako made a strange noise.

Kanazki was perplexed.

"I was expecting you to declare he's a risk to our class and other such nonsense." Mako was the one who responded.

"However, that matter is not only dangerous to the class, but also to all the girls." Kanazki was the one who responded.

"What exactly do you mean?"

"Please don't ask any more questions." Kanazki had made a request.

"We'll I guess I won't inquire if you're begging." Mako smirked and said.

"How did you figure it out, Koenji?"

"I'm not obliged to respond to your inane queries. Horikita-girl, I'll pity you and respond only once. While Ayanokouji-boy was playing around, I happened to stroll by." While combing his hair with his hand, Koenji responded.

"Thank you in any case, Koenji-kun." Horikita remarked.

"I don't need your praise, Horikita girl; I am a flawless existence."

"Kiyopon!!" Haruka smirked and said "Someone once told me that I behave like a toddler. Do you recall who said that to you?" Haruka's strange way of phrasing the words made the Ayanokouji Group giggle.

When he's performing infantile things, he looks adorable. Someone thought for a moment.

"Right now, I'll show you the context."

Horikita's hand was stuck in a bottle, so she called Ayanokouji for assistance... on his way back, Ayanokouji was curious how someone's hand could get stuck in this, so he took the bottle and put his hands in it, then said Rocket punch while punching in the air, but then he realised his hand was stuck in it.

"Ayanokouji-kun, nothing compares to your insatiable curiosity." Many others nodded in agreement with Ichinose's comment.

It is, nevertheless, adorable. Ichinose and Kei analysed the situation.

"You sure like to fool around with monsters, Kukuku." Ryuuen remarked.

"If Suzune's hand got stuck in a bottle, you could have called for aid instead."

"And why should I do that?" Horikita inquired.

She must have inherited some of her brother's characteristics.

---- A different location ---

"Achoo" Is someone talking or thinking about me? It could be Ayanokouji-kun.

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