Chapter 24 : Suppostion Pt.2

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"Let's move on to the next quote," Ezekiel announced to the class.

A murmur of acknowledgment rippled through the students. One slouched figure in the back row couldn't help but nervously shift in his seat. Please don't let it be about me this time...

"If I can't do something, I'll be holding D-Class back..." Ezekiel read aloud, "I, who looked down my nose at the others and called them worthless... When it comes down to it, not only am I useless, I'm resolving things with violence."

He paused for dramatic effect. "Horikita Suzune."

A few students turned to glance at the stoic girl. Her expression remained impassive, betraying no hint of the supposed insecurity laid bare by the quote.

"Oh!" someone blurted out a little too loudly. "So this is Horikita's inner thoughts. It's good to see she's grown from her arrogant ways. Recognizing weaknesses is the first step!"

Ibuki rolled her eyes so hard they threatened to deorbit. As if she cared about Horikita's emotional journey to self-actualization.

"Suzune, you work harder than anyone! Don't sell yourself short," Sudo immediately leapt to her defense, simpering like a lovesick puppy.

A boy with a permanently bored expression scoffed loudly. "Dude, I'm sure there are at least a million people who outwork Miss Perfect over there."

As the debates and proclamations of support swirled around Horikita, she remained unruffled.

"I appreciate the kind words," she said evenly. "But the quote does reflect the truth about my capabilities...and my past attitude." She glanced sidelong at a quiet figure across the room.

Nagumo frowned, his mind whirling. Just who was this mysterious person who seemed to have such an profound impact on Horikita's worldview? Outwardly, he retained his typical unruffled demeanor.

Ryuuen let out an unmistakable cackle. "My my, Suzune. I wonder who finally knocked you off that high horse?"

Horikita's gaze didn't waver. "I know there are those whose abilities surpass my own."

At that, Sakayanagi hid a sly smile behind one delicate hand. "Fufufu, she's not wrong. There are indeed some who exist on a plane far beyond us..."

Her wolfish companion Hashimoto blinked in confusion. "Whoa, I can't even imagine what sort of monster could be superior to you, Hime!"

"Fufufufu..." She laughed again in that maddening way. "Perhaps one who enjoys a good ice cream now and then?"

As confusion rippled through the class, Hashimoto very deliberately avoided meeting a certain someone's gaze. He knew full well who held such eccentric tastes.

I suppress a sigh as Hashimoto throws me another alarmingly fervent look. What's his deal today?

Kamuro shuddered. "If Loli-chan is talking about THOSE sorts of people...they must be terrifying."

"So this quote is meant to reflect Horikita Suzune's mentality and nature," Fuka stated, bringing the discussion back on track.

Ezekiel nodded. "Yes, I believe most of you have grasped the essence of her personal growth portrayed here."

Ike raised his hand hesitantly. "Well, I know Horikita-san is extremely smart, but I'm still not fully clear on how this relates to her personality..."

An exasperated sigh escaped Ezekiel 's lips. "Koenji, I don't believe I gave you a choice here. Explain it to him."

All eyes turned to the solitary figure lounging in the back row, the very picture of insouciant arrogance. Koenji raised an immaculately groomed eyebrow. "And why would an utterly perfect existence such as myself deign to do such a thing?"

An uncomfortable silence stretched between them, as if Ezekiel were gouging out Koenji's soul with his eyes alone. At last, the latter relented with an airy wave of his hand.

"Very well, very well. Basically, the Horikita girl used to be an arrogant little bitch who thought she was superior to everyone." He flashed a serpentine smile at the object of his analysis, who maintained her unruffled facade. "But due to certain circumstances and people, that superiority complex got utterly shattered. Now she realizes her limits...which are, of course, vastly inferior to the likes of me."

A muffled snort of laughter escaped someone's lips, quickly smothered. Trust Koenji to turn even a psychological disquisition into a self-aggrandizing exhibition. Before the sardonic youth could revel in his own grandeur further, Dub swiftly took back the reins of the discussion.

"Well then, since we've thoroughly dissected that quote's significance, I believe it's time to move on to..." His voice trailed off as he glanced down at the next excerpt, unable to hide a mischievous grin.

Uh oh. I had a sinking feeling about wherever this was headed, based on Ezekiel's expression alone.

"Ah, this next one will be...enlightening." Ezekiel smirked, leaving the ominous remark to hang in the air like a guillotine blade.

The sense of impending doom thickened around me like a miasma. I suddenly found myself longing for the sweet release of unconsciousness, if only to avoid whatever fresh humiliation awaited...

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