Chapter 23 : Supposition

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Ezekiel said with a sly grin, "We've had quite a guessing game until now, don't you agree, my clueless human friends?" There was an undeniable sarcastic drawl to his tone.

A confused student scratched his head. "Yes, but is this ridiculous game finally over?"

"Well, as of now, the elusive someone has decided to mercifully end the game," Ezekiel replied dramatically. "But they have some 'interesting' bonuses in store." He made air-quotes with his fingers.

The students and teachers looked at each other, utterly bewildered. "Someone who?" they said in unison, like parrots who didn't quite understand the words they were mimicking.

Ezekiel rolled his eyes. "Nevermind that part, you simple folk wouldn't comprehend."

"What's this supposed bonus?" a student demanded, hands on hips impatiently.

Ezekiel smirked. "Well, there will be a few juicy quotes, and I'll mention who blurted out or simply thought each line. You just have to react."

Another student squinted suspiciously. "Then what's the point if we'll know who said or thought it?"

Ezekiel slow-clapped mockingly. "Brilliant reasoning there, Sherlock. Truly, you've cracked the case wide open."

The students flushed, thoroughly roasted.

"You dummies!" Ezekiel chided, waggling a finger. "The quotes will give insight into that person's deepest persona."

"Ohhhh!" they all said, finally understanding dawning on their vacant faces.

Ezekiel sighed heavily. "Here we go:

'Come at me with full force so you have nothing to regret afterward. I'll play this game with you on your own playing field.' - Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."

The professor gasped forcefully. "Holy guacamole! That line reeks of a self-insert power fantasy main character!"

Ike guffawed loudly. "Whoa there, watch out! The high and mighty Ayanokouji is a real badass under all that brooding!"

Shinohara giggled. "Yeah, talk about not fitting his whole 'life is pain' vibe."

Ezekiel pinched his brow wearily. "A burnt-out light bulb will never shine, no matter how much juice you feed it."

Nagumo scoffed derisively. "Figures a pretentious edge-lord like you would say something so faux-deep."

"Well, he didn't expect the village idiot to understand anything beyond drooling on himself," Ezekiel fired back.

Fuka licked her lips hungrily. "Ooh, Kohai-kun, that quote was just missing one key word - bed!"

Ayanokouji's eyes narrowed slightly as he processed her implication, his face betraying no other emotion.

Hasimoto guffawed loudly. "Bed? Full force? Game? Oh my, how scandalous, king!"

Honami and Kei looked crestfallen, their expressions glum.

"Holy crap, Ayanokouji!" Ike hooted, slapping his knee. "I can't believe you went all the way with a hot senior co-ed!"

Ayanokouji remained stoic, not rising to the bait. He simply stated, "I did no such thing. You're all making unfounded assumptions."

The professor chuckled under his breath. Typical overreaction to an innocent remark by those with their minds in the gutter.

Shibata whistled. "Damn, does this mean Kiryuin-senpai is one tough cookie if she survived Ayanokouji's dinosaur, if you know what I mean?" He raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"Nothing of that sort occurred," Ayanokouji stated flatly, keeping his composure.

"Oh god, I can't unhear that!" Ishizaki cried, clapping hands over his ears.

Ezekiel coughed loudly, getting everyone's attention. "Ahem, Ayanokouji merely warned Ryuuen he wouldn't pull any punches when they faced off. That's the context of that quote."

The class instantly deflated like a popped balloon. "...Oh."

Fuka smirked, utterly undeterred. "Well, my offer still stands, Kohai-kun. You can take me up on that 'full force' any time..." She winked brazenly.

Ayanokouji remained outwardly unfazed, simply giving Fuka a level look before turning away without a response.

The professor leaned back, shaking his head at the immaturity of it all. Some people will make a scandal out of anything.

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