paper airplanes - shoyo yoshida

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The whole thing started when Gintoki, unable to doze off like usual, decided to make a paper airplane in class. He folded it as neatly as he could, hiding it behind his book and from his teacher's watchful eye, then the second Shoyo-sensei's back was turned, threw the weapon of mass destruction right at the back of Takasugi's head. Of course, Takasugi's reaction was instant, whipping around with a vengeful glare and throwing the paper airplane right back.

Though, the paper airplane missed Gintoki by a couple of feet, and instead hit Katsura in the side of the head. Katsura, who also had an abundance of paper on his desk for whatever reason, instantly began making his own arsenal and in no time at all, the temple school became a paper airplane warzone.

And, the worst part was, even Shoyo got involved, acting as though he was teaching his students a lesson, but really hitting everyone around him with his inhuman ability to throw paper airplanes at astonishing speeds and with incredible accuracy. In no time at all, the three troublemakers knew they were no match for their sensei, so they had to turn to the one person who could ever possibly defeat him.

"(Y/N)-sensei!" Gintoki, Takasugi, and Katsura all shouted out together, the desperation evident in all of their voices.

She was just returning from town, carrying a bag of groceries, so she had no idea about the war going on inside Shoka Sonjuku. When her three dear students came up to her with such panicked expressions, she didn't hesitate to drop her bag and kneel down in front of them, immediately fretting over the boys.

"What's wrong? None of you are hurt, right?" (Y/N) asked, checking each of them for injuries.

All three of them shook their head, then Katsura blurted out, "Shoyo-sensei's an unstoppable force of chaos!"

"He's like an evil demon lord trying to take over the world!" Gintoki added on, making dramatic gestures with his arms.

"You have to stop him! Or the whole temple school will go down!" Takasugi exclaimed, acting as though there really was a crisis happening.

Now thoroughly confused, (Y/N) knew Shoyo could hold a scary presence at times, but he was nothing like what the boys were saying. "What's really going on?"

"I started a paper airplane war in class," Gintoki said, acting remorseful, "and the only way to stop it is for you to defeat kissing him."

The silver haired boys' words brought all eyes on him, and as his friends gave him a confused look that tuned into one of approval, (Y/N) let out a sigh of understanding. She knew, what once had been a semi-emergency, had turned into yet another one of her students plots to prove that Shoyo and her were indeed together.

Standing up and handing the grocery bag she picked up to Katsura for him to hold on to, (Y/N) said, "Alright, alright, I'll see what I can do."

All three of the boy's fist pumped the air, following behind (Y/N) eagerly back into the temple school, doing a poor job of hiding their smiles at the thought of their ingenious plan working. The group of four made their way back into the learning area of the school, finding Shoyo waiting for them at the front of the room with a paper airplane in hand and one leg crossed patiently over the other. He gave them all a smile in spite of the destruction left behind from the earlier warfare behind him.

"I see you've returned, and you've brought (Y/N) with you," Shoyo said, his words sending a shiver down each of his student's spines.

(Y/N) held a arm out to her boys to keep them from venturing into the warzone and said, "I'll take care of this."

She made her way across the warzone, stepping over crushed paper airplanes and scattered books, reaching Shoyo in no time. She came to a stop right in front of him and placed a hand on his shoulder, saying, "The boy's told me to do this."

Shoyo gave her a hesitant smile, not knowing what to expect when the boys were involved, especially when they were wearing such mischievous smiles on their faces. He looked up at (Y/N) and tilted his head, awaiting whatever fate she brought upon him.

Without further ado, she leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to Shoyo's lips, before pulling away and turning back to their students as if to say 'I defeated the final boss'. The action seemed to short circuit Shoyo momentarily, as he didn't even react as their three students began cheering as though they had just won the biggest battle of their lives. When he finally recovered, the sight of his beloved and their adoptive kids celebrating by throwing scraps of paper into the air warmed his heart like nothing had before.

"I do hope you boys know I may have helped you win against Shoyo, but I'm not going to help you clean this mess up," (Y/N) pointed out. Her hand didn't leave Shoyo's shoulder as she talked, squeezing it gently as if to prompt him to add in his own two cents.

The teacher nodded in agreement, enjoying the way his student's faces paled. "(Y/N)'s right. Gintoki started this and Shinsuke, Kotaro, you followed him. The broom is in the hallway closet when you need it. "

"What?!" The three boys shouted in unison, stunned their savior had turned against them. Gintoki pushed aside Takasugi and Katsura to exclaim, "Shoyo made just as much of a mess as the rest of us! Make him help us, please (Y/N)-sensei!"

With a shake of her head, (Y/N) proved to them, she could be just as evil as Shoyo. "You see boys, since you convinced me to kiss Shoyo here, I've realized I'm madly in love with him and that we should go on a date right now. Right, dear?"

He stood, locking his arm with hers, giving the boys one of his signature closed eye smiles. "Of course. I expect a clean classroom when we return."

Laughing as they went, Shoyo and (Y/N) made their exit, leaving behind three boys - that were practically their children at this point - watching them go with matching expressions of horror. Well, at least their plan had worked.


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