over the moon - kamui

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modern school au!

Halfway through the school year, Kabuki High had a transfer student. He came from the delinquent high school across town and was only granted access because his younger sister attended this school and he had achieved good behavior for three days in a row (which was a feat within itself).

On his first day of school, he walked through the halls, bouncing on his heels as he did so, a half-terrifying, half-friendly smile on his face. In no time at all, the other students were whispering about the frightening new student, Kamui, who had no problems talking back to teachers and eating during class. These whispers and rumors eventually reached the golden child of the school, (Y/N) (L/N).

"A new student?" (Y/N) asked as she placed one book after the other back in its designated place in the library, "One that's worse than Takasugi-kun?"

"Way worse. Apparently, he threw one of his classmates out the window when they tried to take his snacks." O-tae said, holding a hand to her cheek as she talked. 

A sweat drop appeared near (Y/N)'s head, as she thought, O-tae-san, you threw Kondo-san out the window once. But, that wasn't the current concern. As the class representative and student council president, she would certainly end up talking to this delinquent, whether that be because her teachers encouraged it or because he inevitably did something in front of her that she couldn't ignore. With a sigh, she hoped this one would at least be a bit like Takasugi, another delinquent she had befriended.   

"And, he's Kagura-chan's older brother." O-tae continued, "Poor, Kagura-chan, with an older sibling like that, her reputation might get worse."

Again, (Y/N) couldn't help but think, shouldn't you be feeling bad for your own brother? how do you think Shinpachi feels when his gorilla sister goes on a rampage?

That was not and will never be what (Y/N) said out loud. "What's his name?"

"I believe its Kamui?" O-tae said at the same time a cacophony of yells came from the hallways, all shouting the same name she had just said.

 With a long sigh, (Y/N) set aside the books she had been holding in her arms and bid farewell to her friend, knowing as the class representative, she had to at least survey what was happening. She pushed open the doors to the exit library and was very nearly hit in the head by a flying textbook. Once she looked past that, she was greeted by stray papers being thrown about, books being launched through the air, and at the center of it all, the new student with a braid down his back and a killer smile on his face.

She watched as the other students in the crowd started crying with joy at her arrival, knowing if anyone could stop this chaos, it was her. When Kamui realized the attention was off him and on someone else, he turned to see who had appeared, only to stop everything he was doing all at once. It was almost as though he was in a trance as he looked at her through the falling papers, before taking a step forward, one after the other, and stopping directly in front of her.

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow at his actions, trying to figure out what he was doing, then startled when both his hands came to rest on her shoulders. Kamui gave her a smile, one that wasn't as nearly as frightening as his earlier one, and said, "Let's get married!"


"EHHHHH?" The rest of the students followed in suit, exclaiming much louder than she had.

Kamui turned to glare at their audience, then grabbed (Y/N) by the hand and pulled her along with him all the way until they reached the roof. Nobody else was up there, so it was just the two of them. He let go of her hand and she pulled it back to her side, ignoring the warmth that lingered from his touch.

"Why did you bring me up here?" (Y/N) asked, slightly nervous by his actions as well as hoping he didn't bring up what he mentioned just seconds ago.

"You're (Y/N), right?" Kamui asked, his smile still in place.

Her eye twitched as he blatantly ignored her question, but she answered anyways. "Yes, I am."

"Great! I've been looking for you." Kamui said, "Let's get married!"

Unsure of how he had reached such a conclusion, (Y/N) couldn't help but ask, "Why do you want to marry me? Shouldn't you at least start with a confession?"

"Nope! My mother always told me, when I find the person I want to be with forever, I should marry them right away," Kamui explained happily, "And, my younger sister came home one day and started talking about how cool the student council president was at her school, so I decided to attend Kabuki High and see what you were like for myself. It must have been fate that we met!"

"You just described the events leading up to this moment, so I don't think it was fate," she pointed out, but Kamui elected not to listen.

"So, I was thinking we should go down to the marriage registration office and fill out the marriage form. We can go now and then we'll be married by sundown!" Kamui went on and on, placing his hands on his hips as he talked.

There was no helping this poor boy when he was dead set on something, so (Y/N) had no choice but to go along to some degree with his ideas. But, she found the longer she spent in her presence, his words started to sound less and less insane (though, she blamed that all on the crazy people she spent time attending school with). She could see herself dating the boy going on about marriage in front of her, seeing as she would have accepted his confession had he gone about the normal way of doing things.

"Kamui, I'm not going to marry you," (Y/N) said finally.

His whole expression wilted like a kicked puppy, and she decisively ignored how her heart clenched at the action. 

"But, I will go out with you," (Y/N) continued, her lips turning up in a smile when she saw his crestfallen expression turn into an excited one, "and when we graduate, I'll consider marrying you."

"I accept!" Kamui said. He brought her into a hug, picking her up off the ground and holding her tight to her chest. 

Hesitantly, she returned the hug, slowly melting into his embrace. Yeah, she could definitely see herself accepting his proposal one day. 


this is for kamui's birthday (june 1st), so happy late birthday kamui!

as always, thank you for reading!

the title and storyline were also inspired by the anime - tonikawa: over the moon for you :)

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