summer - kotaro katsura

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Summertime rolled around for the citizens of Edo, bringing the heat, the festivities, and of course, the trips to the beach. Two such beach goers were also two of the most wanted people in the country, but that didn't stop either of them from going without disguises. After all, what kind of police officers would be hanging around the ocean? Is this foreshadowing? Who knows.

"Zura, do you even know how to swim?" (Y/N) asked her companion, half-joking, half-serious. She watched the Joi Rebel as he stood as though he was about to conquer the ocean with his hands on his hips, despite the dark green swim trunks and neon pink inner tube he was sporting around his waist. More so, she didn't know whether to laugh or swoon at the sight.

"Of course I do," he said confidently, "And it's not Zura, it's Katsura."

The two looked out upon the beach, finding it to be partly crowded with kids playing in the sand, adults out swimming in the ocean, and others lounging around on beach towels under umbrellas. Nearby was a small hut that sold drinks, food, and shaved ice, though with the line as long as it was, (Y/N) doubted she would be getting anything from it anytime soon. She would settle for laying out her towel under a shaded umbrella and taking a nap while Katsura did whatever he wanted to on their summer trip.

Well, she got around to the whole laying out the towel part, but before she knew it, her handsome companion was dragging her out in the direction of the ocean. She may be wearing a swimsuit but that didn't mean she wanted to get wet and let the salty seawater get all over her.

"You do know how to swim, right (Y/N)-dono?" Katsura asked as they neared where the waves were coming up on the beach before being pulled back out again.

 She glared at him, "Yes, I do. I don't like where this is going though. And stop adding -dono to the end of my name, I'm not your lord or master, moron. I'm just your bomb supplier." They made it further out, so the water was now up to her knees. "That reminds me, why did you invite me and not Gintoki or someone? We see each other like once a month, I don't think we're close enough for a beach trip..."

Her words trailed off as she realized that Katsura had long since let go of her arm and was now nowhere to be seen. (Y/N) said his name a couple of time, spinning around in the water that was now up to her waist, trying to locate him, but to no avail. Finally, she sighed and began heading back towards land, only for a hand to come out of the water, grab her wrist, and drag her under. 

Luckily, she was able to hold her breath before water went into her airway and when she opened her eyes underwater, pretty much immune to the seawaters effects after all her years dealing with dangerous chemicals, she found Katsura underwater as well, holding a finger to his lips as if telling her to stay quiet. Having no time for this nonsense, as well as not being able to hold her breath for that long, she breached the surface of the water, dragging her long haired pretty boy back up with her.

"What do you think you're doing?" she asked, glaring at him with the heat of a thousand suns. 

Katsura drew closer to her until their cheeks were almost touching, making a blush rise up on her face much to her annoyance, and whispered, "The Shinsengumi know we're here. We have to hide underwater and hitch a ride to Ryugu Palace to hide from them."

Out of annoyance at the close proximity, she pushed his face away with her hand. "Ryugu Palace doesn't exist and I don't see the Stupid-gumi anywhere."

"It does exist. I've been there." Katsura said in response.

She stared at him blankly. "Maybe in your dreams."

"Gintoki went too, you can ask him."

"Ok, a shared hallucination." (Y/N) said with certainty, missing the small boat that pulled up behind her. The Joi Rebel, however, noticed it and went to swim away at the sight of who was on board, only for a fishing line to wrap around his ankle and pull him from the water. She watched as this happened, unconcerned, until she turned around to find the three most annoying members of the Shinsengumi on board the boat.

"Chief! I caught a fish!" Sogo Okita called out from on board the boat, holding the fishing rod, "Let's cook it up for dinner."

Alongside him was Isao Kondo and Toshiro Hijikata, all three of them sporting their uniforms despite the heat and the fact they were at the beach. (Y/N) had to shake her head, saddened by the fact these poor officers weren't even allowed to wear swimsuits when on duty at the beach, and little did they know, that would be their downfall.

Meanwhile, instead of trying to break free, Katsura simply crossed his arms over his chest and said to her, "See, I told you the Shinsengumi was here."

Letting out a sigh, (Y/N) swam closer to the boat and pressed a small bomb against the side, smirking as it began flickering to signal it would blow in a minute. From there, she grabbed the inner tube that had been left behind and threw it at Okita, who went to catch it and let go of the fishing rod by accident. As Katsura dropped back into the water with a splash, she sent sent the panicking Shinsengumi trio a sardonic smile before grabbing Katsura and swimming back towards the shore. 

"You're really lucky you're pretty," (Y/N) sighed as she dragged the rebel back on land. Behind her the boat blew, sending the uniformed officers into the water. "I wouldn't do this for just anybody, you know."

"You never fail to amaze me, (Y/N)!" Katsura said with a smile. "Now, let us hide before they recover!"

"Yeah, yeah," she said, but she was smiling as well. 

The two soon found themselves a fair distance from where they had been swimming, out on a rock that looked out over the ocean. Katsura went closer to the edge, before turning back towards (Y/N) with a determined look on his face as though he had news of great importance to share with her. She wondered if it had anything to do with their great escape, but then again, that sort of thing happened so frequently, she was certain it must be about something else.

"You were wondering why I brought you to the beach with me earlier and after seeing you in action, I wanted to give you an answer. It's because I like you, (Y/N)!" Katsura shouted as a wave splashed up behind him, hitting the rock and showering them in a light spray of seawater. It would have been an endearing confession if a fish hadn't been shot out of the ocean and landed on his head, flopping around for a bit before falling off back into the water.

Unable to help herself, (Y/N) laughed lightheartedly. "Katsura, that might have been the most in-character confession I've ever heard, and... if you were wondering, I do like you back. I have more fun hanging around you than anyone else."

She pushed herself up on her tiptoes and placed a lingering kiss to his cheek, smiling at him as she back away. Katsura blushed before engulfing her in a hug and holding her tight to his chest, then asking, "What do you think about our first date being at the amusement park?"

"Only if the Shinsengumi show up again," she joked, before taking back her words, knowing this world had a weird way of doing things, "You know what, I think it'd be perfect if it was just you and me."

And so, at the start of summer, Katsura and (Y/N) found themselves at the start of a romance as well. 


I really enjoy writing for characters on their birthday, so in honor of katsura's birthday (june 26th), I wrote this 

also, be on the look out for a part 2 to creature - utsuro :)

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