ice cream - gintoki sakata

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It was a sweltering hot day in Edo and the citizens, both humans and Amanto's alike, were doing all they could to escape the heat. Take the Odd Jobs residence, for example, where the four inhabitants of the place were laying around, all experiencing some degree of fatigue and attempting to fight off the high temperatures in whatever way they could. 

The namesake of the building, Gin-chan, was lying out on one of the couches, lazily fanning himself with O-tsu-chan fan - merchandise he had stolen from Shinpachi, who was too tried to get it back. Glasses himself was half-asleep, having given up on trying to stay awake, and Kagura was sprawled out on the cold wooden floor, surrounded by popsicle sticks. The only one actively sitting in front of the electric fan with a content expression on her face was (Y/N), having taken over the main source of cool air without a single regret.

"(Y/N)," Gintoki said, drawing out her name like he did whenever he tried to get something from her, "Can't you set it to revolve around the room? Gin-san's dying over here."

She gave him a smile, "I would love to, but your place doesn't have air conditioner. As long as its as hot as it is outside right now, I'm not moving and neither is the fan."

There were muffled protests from Kagura and Shinpachi, but the heat took the fight out of them before they could get very far. Gintoki, on the other hand, had no problem moving from the couch and joining (Y/N) in the corner of the room in front of the fan. Although the temperatures were high enough as it was, he leaned the full weight of his body against her, now mingling his own body heat with the already suffocating heat from outside. She found, however, that she didn't mind as much as she thought she would, though that still didn't stop her from pushing him off and telling him to go buy his own fan.

"I can't do that! I'd die the second I step out the front door," Gintoki whined, leaning on her against, though this time not as much.

To his surprise, she didn't push him away this time. Rather, she said, "Why don't you borrow Kagura's umbrella? There's a convenience store just down the street."

"Only if you go with me," he insisted.

A nervous laugh left her. "I can't that."

"Don't tell me your a Yato too? Isn't one of those brutes enough for this household?" Gintoki complained, artfully dodging a half-finished popsicle that was thrown his way. The popsicle ended up landing in Sadaharu's mouth, who ate both the wooden stick and the melting ice treat without so much as lifting his furry head. 

"I'm not a Yato or anything of the sort. I assure you, Gintoki, I am unfortunately one hundred percent human," (Y/N) said, "The thing is, I have a weak constitution when it comes to the heat. It started when I stopped spending my summers outside, in favor of staying inside where the refreshing air conditioner was always at full blast. The less time I spent in the Sun and in the heat, the more it effected me when I went out in it. With the temperature as high as it is, I would last maybe five minutes before the heat became unbearable and I'd have to sit down."

Gintoki looked at her with a strangely serious expression, before asking, "Does this mean your going to die?"

"What? No! Where did you get that?" 

He thought about how the Gintama anime could go from gags and laughs to a serious scene in seconds, one that would make the audience cry over some side characters that had been introduced only a couple seconds ago. He thought about the time Kagura had accidently faked her own death, leading to so many unwanted series of events. He thought about how sometimes dark comedy was what the manga was going for and let out a long sigh.

"...No reason," he finally answered.

"All that would happen is I would get a headache that would last a day or two and I'd be sensitive to light for a while. It's not a big deal, it's just really annoying and puts me out of commission for a while." (Y/N) explained with a wave of her hand. 

"Having you out of commission would be like having the whole Odd Jobs out of commission. I know just the remedy!" Gintoki said, shooting up from his spot beside her. He sent her a thumbs up before running out of the house, with her wallet in hand that she let him take with an reluctant yet amused sigh. 

Despite the heat, which dragged his whole body down the second he stepped out directly into it, Gintoki made his way to the convenience store at the corner of the street. He did not buy another electric fan like (Y/N) had suggested (although that would have been a good idea), he bought as much ice cream that would fit in one of the plastic bags that served to take purchases home. It was well worth it, since Kagura had been hogging all the popsicles in the Odd Jobs building and it could very well save the love of Gintoki's life from heatstroke or anything of that sort. 

When he made it back to (Y/N), who hadn't moved from her place in front of the fan, Gintoki was sweating, wiping his brow with the sleeve of his shirt, and all he wanted to do was sit in front of the tiny electric fan and never move again. Instead, he placed the bag of ice cream between them and said, "Here, to save you from your doom flags."

"Thank you. And, I'm still not going to die." (Y/N) said. She opened up one of the mango flavored ones and used the spoon that came with it to begin eating. After one bite, she had already decided, "This is delicious!"

"I'm glad you like it," he said, opening up one of the strawberry ones and taking a bite.

To pay Gintoki back for his thoughtfulness, she set the fan to revolving mode, so it spend an even amount of time fanning both of them. It was the least she could to for someone so determined to keep her from overheating. 

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