horror movies - gintoki sakata

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Horror movies were banned from Odd Jobs Gin. 

From slasher films to the paranormal, the genre wasn't allowed within a ten foot radius of the place, and if they somehow managed to make it past the threshold, they would end up in the burnable trash the very next day. This made movie nights with the Odd Jobs family difficult at times, because Kagura expressed her desire to learn more about Earth through scary movies and Shinpachi wanted to watch the horror film pop idol O-tsu had a minor role in. 

Eventually, Gintoki's reasoning for keeping the movies out changed when (Y/N) came into his life. He was a samurai and he was going to impress her by not actively stomping on every DVD that even had mild horror in the description.  

Although Gintoki claimed it was because his taste in movies were far beyond the cheesy acting in such films, everyone else knew it was because he was scared of ghosts. Heck, the last time (Y/N) tried to tell Kagura a scary story before she went to bed, Gintoki claimed he had to leave immediately to go midnight shopping when he was still in his pajamas. Despite his fear, the other members of Odd Jobs and their esteemed guest, (Y/N), managed to put on a horror movie only because they all joined together to call him out and he wanted to prove them wrong.

He promised them that he would let the movie run the entire time and not leave the room once (unless he was in dire need of sugar content or had to use the restroom). Once everything was set up, the night of terror was able to begin.

"See, (Y/N)? I'm not scared at all," Gintoki boasted proudly. "I swear, right here, right now, that I'll make it through this entire movie and then you will have to go through with your side of the bargain."

"Really? You're closer to me than usual and you're shaking," (Y/N) said, patting his leg in a comforting manner. "But, yes, I promise to kiss you if you make it through this terrifying experience."

Whereas Shinpachi and Kagura were comfortable to watch the movie on the floor, surrounded by half-eaten snacks and haphazardly thrown blankets and pillows, the two adults were on the couch with Gintoki cuddled up against (Y/N).

As happy as he was by her latter words, Gintoki still blanched, attempting to make an excuse, "I'm cold!"

On the TV screen the movie began to play, an opening scene accompanied by low music and a character drawing closer and closer to a basement door. The music then took on an ominous tone, practically screaming at the audience that a jump scare or something of the sort was about to happen. At this time, Gintoki made the mistake of getting distracted by the film, his eyes glued to the screen as he anxiously awaited what happened next. He was so focused on the TV before him that when (Y/N) noticed that he was rubbing his arms from chills and threw part of a blanket over him, he jumped out of pure fright and nearly fell off the side of the couch.

With obvious amusement, (Y/N) said, "I'm sorry the ghost blanket scared you."

"It didn't," Gintoki said, now holding the blanket tight to his chest as though it could ward off evil spirits, "I thought I saw a bug. I'm scared of bugs."

He did, however, move closer to (Y/N) than before, practically in her lap at this point, as if the combined force of her and the blanket could scare off any potential spirits. And when Sadaharu thumped his tail on the floor across the room, flinched as though a baseball was heading straight for his naturally curly hair. 

In unison, both Shinpachi and Kagura said, "And ghosts."

"I'm not! I'll prove it to you," Gintoki claimed boldly. "I'll watch the rest of this movie without so much as flinching."

The other three knew there was no way he could do that, but they humored him anyways. (Y/N) grabbed his hand, patting his arm reassuringly with her other one, and didn't comment on the fact that his grip grew tighter every time a variation of the word ghost was mentioned in the film. Nor, did she say anything when a jump scare happened and he threw his part of the blanket over his head, along with the poor excuse that his face was too cold.

Halfway through the movie, his head fell onto (Y/N)'s shoulder and light snoring echoed from the samurai, signaling that he was fast asleep. She smiled softly at him, thinking how he was such a softy for the two workers that were practically his kids at this point, and gently moved his silver curls from his forehead to place a soft kiss on his skin. 

In the end, Gintoki managed to keep his word, only because he kept his head under the blanket the whole time and ended up falling asleep. He had conquered the horror movie genre, just as he had promised he would.  

Still, the next day, all horror movies in the house went missing.


thank you so much for reading and enjoy!!!

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