zephyrus - gintoki sakata

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gintoki sakata x goddess! reader

The wind goddess peered down at the mortal realm, watching the bumbling humans interact in boredom. It was the same every time - from wars and famines to vendors and crowds, their predictable nature was evident in everything they did. From her place resting on the clouds, she decided to focus in on one little part of the Earth, a small town the humans called Edo. Occasionally, it provided some amusement, and today, her wish of wanting something fascinating was fulfilled.

A human male with naturally wavy hair was running down the street, accompanied by a rather large white dog, an Amanto girl, and a pair of glasses. The odd group appeared to be running away from the town's authorities, but that didn't stop them from shouting back jests and taunts that made the wind goddess smile down upon them. They were interesting, these humans, interesting enough for her to finally venture down into the mortal realm to learn what made them tick.

She waited until they had return to their home, a place called Odd Jobs, before knocking on their door. After all her years of observing, she knew enough about human culture to not barge right in. Although, she did not think it was normal for them to throw open the door and begin complaining to their visitor so soon. 

"I told you, we had nothing to do with the shogun's disappearance! He probably just wandered off again," the silver haired man said, an annoyed expression on his face, one that quickly fell and morphed into one of surprise. "You're not the Shinsengumi."

"I am not," the wind goddess said, smiling, "You may call me, (Y/N)."

He appeared caught up in her ethereal demeanor before breaking free of his trance and introducing himself. "I'm Gintoki Sakata, but you can call me Gin-san. Come on in."

Before she could cross the threshold of the door, a commotion was being made in the streets. The men that had been chasing Gintoki and his friends earlier reappeared, dead set on interrogating the samurai, but (Y/N) couldn't have such an interruption during her visit. With a gentle flick of her wrist, she sent a gust of wind to blow the Shinsengumi officers down the street and out of view. She then turned back to the silver haired man with a smile.

There was a lack of surprise in Gintoki and she wondered if it was because of the frequent strange happenings that occurred around him. After all, he had met many Amanto's with seemingly supernatural powers - what was another one?

Unfortunately for him, as he soon learned, she was not an Amanto.

"So, which planet are you from?" Gintoki asked once they were seated across from each other inside, ignoring the sounds of Kagura and Shinpachi bickering over something in the kitchen. He appeared interested in her answer, especially because her powers were fairly different from the ones he had seen before.

"I am not from any other planet. Allow me to formally introduce myself, I am the wind goddess, (Y/N), and I have taken an interest in you." She said, placing her hand on her chest and bowing her head slightly. 

His dead fish eyes lit up. "An interest in me? Does that mean you like me?" A happy sigh left his lips. "I can't wait to boast to everyone that I've got an actual goddess as a girlfriend."

The unfamiliar term, 'girlfriend', made her tilt her head in confusion. Though, if that allowed her to follow him around and understand his daily human life, then she would take it.

"If I am your 'girlfriend', as you say, does that mean I may now accompany you from here on out?" (Y/N) asked.

Gintoki grinned, "And we can hold hands and go on dates and buy parfaits. I can't guarantee you lazy days every day, since trouble always seems to find me, but you'll have fun."

"Fun?" That was another unfamiliar word, making her wish she had learned more about humans before coming here. 

"I'll show you. Follow me." 

With that, he made his way out of Odd Jobs with (Y/N) followed alongside him. He told Kagura and Shinpachi that he was leaving, telling them he was going on a date with his new girlfriend and ignoring their exclamations of surprise and protest. The samurai and the goddess made their way out onto the street, passing by Snack Otose and eventually, the grumbling pile of Shinsengumi officers who were still slightly dazed. 

Through one alleyway, then another, the pair finally found themselves standing in front of a pachinko parlor. It didn't take her long to realize what the place was meant for, not when she saw the lines of machines with people mindlessly sitting in front of them, pulling the levers and inserting money. She was indeed correct when she realized the human beside her was not like the others, after all, who brought someone to a pachinko parlor to have fun?

"Gambling? Really?" (Y/N) couldn't help but ask.

"How do you know what gambling is?" Gintoki asked in return, scratching his head. "I thought you were a goddess."

She sighed in amusement, "I am. I've been watching humans for centuries, of course I know what gambling is."

"Oh, I know," Gintoki said, letting his fist fall into his open palm. "There's unlimited drinks here too, once you pay the entry fee."

"Dear human, what am I going to do with you?" (Y/N) questioned rhetorically, though she was smiling. As a reward for everything he had done for her so far and the time they were going to spend together in the future, she waved her hand at the nearest pachinko machine, manipulating the mechanics with her wind. The machine began flashing its lights, indicating the player had struck jackpot.

Gintoki back and forth between her and the jackpot before grinning and saying, "I knew I liked you. I was never one to have a partner in crime, like Zura and Elizabeth and Sakamoto and Mutsu, but what do you say? A human and a god?"

"I like the way you think, dear human," (Y/N) said, shaking his hand and sealing the deal.


the title is based off the song zephyrus by the oh hellos

as always, thank you for reading! hope you enjoy!

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