Chapter 6

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• Ochako's POV

I finished my shift in the convenience store and started heading to my babysitting job. "Oh, the sun is going to set soon. I should hurry," I mumbled, looking up at the sky. I touched my uniform and backpack to activate my quirk then started running through the crowd. "I need to get there before the sun sets." I accidentally bumped into a few people then apologized to them and continued running.

• 30 Minutes Later •

I finally made it to the house and knocked on the door. "Ochako, you're here! Come in," Ms. Kita said, letting me inside. "Hello, Ms. Kita! How was your day?" Ms. Kita is a single mother of twins. She's 20 years old and her babies are a couple of months old. "It was a bit stressful but I managed. What about you? How was your day," she asked, taking a seat on the couch.

I also take a seat and take some deep breaths. "I can't say that I had a good day because I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me. But there was a boy that helped me." Ms. Kita didn't say anything but she had a murderous look. "I would gladly beat his ass if it weren't for my babies. You don't need that asshole, Ochako. You'll find someone better than him," Ms. Kita said, holding my hands.

I look at her watch and let out a loud gasp. "Ms. Kita, you're going to be late for your job," I exclaimed, getting up from the couch. "Oh, you're right! I should get going! Don't worry about Haru and Hana since they're sleeping. Bye!" Ms. Kita got up and grabbed her purse then ran out the door. I closed the door and checked on the babies with the baby monitor then started doing homework.

• 2 Hours Later •

I finished doing the homework and started stretching my limbs then heard the babies crying from the baby monitor. "Oh, they must be hungry. I should feed them," I mumbled, going to the kitchen. I found a couple of bottles filled with milk and placed them in a bottle warmer. I can still hear them crying from the baby monitor that Ms. Kita has in her kitchen. She has a bunch of baby monitors throughout her house.

I looked out the window and didn't realize it was nighttime. "Damn, I must've not noticed it when I was doing homework," I said, taking out the bottles from the bottle warmer. I squirt some milk on my hand to check the temperature. "Good, it's not too hot nor too cold. I should head to their room." I go to their room and see them in the same crib. They were holding hands but I decided to call Ms. Kita to ask about them sharing a crib.

"Hello, Ochako! What's up? Are you, Haru, and Hana okay? I can hear them crying."

"Hi, Ms. Kita! Everything's okay. It's just that I want to ask you something... Why are Haru and Hana sharing a crib?"

"Oh! They were crying not being together. After you feed them, put Hana in her crib and play with them if it doesn't work out then you should-"

"Hello? Hello? Are you there?"

She must be busy since the call got cut off. I placed my phone in the pocket of my jacket and started feeding the babies. After they finished drinking their milk. I grabbed Hana and started patting her back to make her burp. She burped then I cradled her but Haru started crying. "Aww, looks like someone is jealous of his sister," I said softly, placing Hana in her crib.

I grab Haru and start patting his back to make him burp. He burped then I cradled him but then Hana also started crying. "You guys need constant attention. It must be hard for your mom," I said, noticing a piano keyboard in the corner of the room. I placed Haru in his crib and went over to the piano then pressed a few notes. I noticed that they stopped crying which gave me an idea.

(Sing Me To Sleep - Alan Walker)
(Cover by Romy Wave)

After playing a song, everything was quiet and I checked on the babies and saw them sleeping peacefully. I sat on a recliner to relax and think about what happened. I've played the piano before but my memory is a little foggy. I remember the lessons but I don't remember who taught me and it was when I was 4 years old. I started feeling drowsy then closed my eyes.

"Why can't I remember much of my childhood?"

• 4 Hours Later •

I woke up from the babies crying and went over to them. I place a pacifier in their mouths but they spit it out. I noticed that they smelled funny so I changed their diapers but they continued crying. "Sweeties, I'm too tired to play the piano again. I'm sorry," I apologized, trying to play with them. Suddenly, I heard a guitar being tuned and the babies stopped crying to hear.

(Talking To The Moon - Bruno Mars)
(Cover by Arthur Miguel)

"Thank goodness, they fell asleep. I didn't think Ms. Kita's neighbor would be awake to play and sing at night. They sounded amazing."

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