Chapter 7

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• Izuku's POV •

I jumped out of bed when I heard my alarm go off. I look at the time and quickly put on the uniform. I went out of my room and saw Matcha holding his bowl in his mouth. "Sorry, buddy. I woke up late but I'll feed you right now. I know for a fact I'll get in trouble for being late to school," I said, taking his bowl from him. I go to the kitchen and fill up Matcha's bowl with food then I grab a granola bar for myself since I don't have time to have breakfast.

I thought over if I should use OFA or my motorcycle that's in the garage.  I decided to take my motorcycle instead of using OFA. I grabbed my mask and backpack then headed to the garage. I opened the garage door and hopped on the motorcycle then turned it on. I backed it up and closed the garage door so I put on a helmet and sped away. At the corner of the street, I saw the nerdy girl fidgeting around so I drove closer to her and she turned around.

"Hey, Girly! You're going to be late for school, you know," I called out, smirking underneath my helmet. "Shut up! You're going to be late, too!" I let out a laugh and shook my head. "Haha, nope! Not with this ride," I said, pointing at my motorcycle. Her eyes widened and she grabbed the sleeve of my blazer. "Can you give me a ride? I don't want to get in trouble! Pretty please!" I nodded my head and handed a spare helmet that I had in the storage box.

She hesitated to climb on the motorcycle with me. "Aww, are you nervous to ride on a motorcycle? Is this your first time riding a motorcycle, Girly," I teased, wanting to pinch her cheeks. "Shut up, sue me for never riding a motorcycle! My name isn't Girly, it's Ochako!" I chuckled at her and she climbed on behind me then took her glasses. She puts away her glasses and puts on the helmet then wraps her arms around my waist. "Hold on tight, Sweetcheeks."

• 15 Minutes Later •

I went a bit over the speed limit but I didn't pass any red lights. Sweetcheeks has a strong grip considering that she held me for her dear life. We arrived at school just a few minutes before the bell rings. "Sweetcheeks, we're here! You can let go of me," I said, taking off my helmet. "O-okay, I'll go to class now. I'll see you in class." I parked the motorcycle and she got off then handed me the helmet. I place the helmets in the storage box and grab my backpack.

I head inside and start humming to myself on the way to class. Until I saw the announcement room's door open so I decided to add some spice to the day. I went to do my thing in the announcement room and continued my way to class. The bell rings once I arrive there and I see everyone in their seats. "This is unacceptable! You should be in class on time! Not a minute late," a guy with glasses yelled, slamming his hands on his desk.

"Shouldn't you be glad that I came to school?"


"At least I came to school because I care about my education."

"But your timing is unaccept-"

"Unacceptable, I get it. I couldn't care less if I arrive to class a few minutes late."

I made my way to my seat and sat down with my feet on the desk. I feel a slight breeze and notice the window next to me is open. Mr. Aizawa comes in looking tired as ever and Midnight is with him. "I heard the humming again! It has to be someone in this class," she said, with hopeful eyes. Suddenly, the classroom's speaker went on but instead of announcements, there's an inappropriate song. "Okay, who messed around in the announcement room?"

"Looks like this place could use a bit of misbehavior
Happily ever after with a little flavor
Bad to the bone, with even worse intentions
I'm gonna steal the show, and leave 'em all defenseless"

I get up and stand next to the window with a smirk underneath my mask. "I must say the school did a good job adding windows to the classrooms," I said, looking out of the window. "Hey! Don't even think about jumping out the window!" I jump out of the window and see Mr. Aizawa's binding cloth coming towards me. I grab it and set it on fire then I land on the ground safely. I look up and see the teachers staring down at me with shocked faces.

"Nice try, Mr. Aizawa! Better luck next time," I yelled, waving at the teachers. I began walking away and I hear Mr. Aizawa and Midnight's conservation. "Oh, you got yourself a troublemaker, Aizawa. You'll need to keep a close eye on him otherwise he'll do other naughty things." Mr. Aizawa let out a loud sigh while Midnight chuckled in amusement. I pull my earbuds out of my pocket and place them in my ears then I start humming to the tune of the song.

• 3 Hours Later •

There isn't much to do for me since I'm outside of the school's building. I just walked around and listened to music on my phone. "I could've brought a small instrument like a kalimba or something," I mumbled, pausing the music on my phone. I looked up and saw Mr. Aizawa looking around but he brought the Hunting Dog Hero: Hound Dog with him. I activated OFA and started running away then decided to go back inside the building since it should be lunchtime by now.

"Heh, these high school years are going to be fun and interesting. Can't wait to see how it's going to unfold."

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