Chapter 10

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• Izuku's POV •

• After School •

I stayed in class when the bell rang and the classroom emptied then Mr. Aizawa walked over to me. "I'm not going to stay with you, Problem Child. Ectoplasm will stay with you and don't cause any trouble for him," he said with a cold tone, walking away from me. I look out the window and see a possible clone of Ectoplasm then turn my head only to see Ectoplasm. It's confusing and he speaks up, "That's a clone outside so you can't escape here. Do your homework in the meantime."

I pull out my homework and earbuds and plug in the earbuds to my phone as I press the play button and place the earbuds in my ears then start doing the homework while listening to music. "The homework seems easy to do. I can finish it quickly," I mumbled, writing on the paper. I was so focused that I finished all of the homework in an hour so I stopped playing the music that was playing through my ears then started putting everything away except for my phone.

I look out the window and see the clone still standing there, watching me if I jump out the window as I did in the morning. I look up at the sky and start humming to myself as I can feel Ectoplasm's stare burning holes in me. "You know, I could've been doing karaoke since it's my day off from hero work but I'm stuck doing detention because of you," he hissed, still staring at me. I stayed silent for a moment and decided to push his buttons then spoke up, "Like you're any good at singing, Ectoplasm."

He was taken aback by what I said but he shrugged it off so I tried again, "I bet you shatter glasses when you sing." Ectoplasm trembles in anger while I lean back on my chair and smirk underneath my mask thinking he needs one more push and they always say the third time's the charm. "People would go deaf from your horrible singing so they need to cover their ears," I mocked, crossing my arms. "You know what! We're having karaoke right here and now if you can sing any better than me!"

Ectoplasm was fuming as he walked over to me and I stood up from my seat then I spoke up, "Okay, we'll use my phone to look up background music for the song of our choice." He nodded his head and said, "Okay, let's have some time to think of a song that we're going to sing, and it can be any kind." I started thinking of a song and thought of one but Ectoplasm beat me to it. "I thought of a song, it's 'Wake Me Up' by Avicii but the background music is acoustic," he said, as I put up the music on my phone.

(Avicii - Wake Me Up)
(Cover by Citycreed)

I clapped my hands and spoke up, "Not bad for someone who's not a professional singer." Ectoplasm's anger was gone from one song and it seems like he was having fun with the song. "At least, there's no bleeding ears or any broken glass," he said, taking a seat. Ectoplasm is in such a good mood as I take back my phone to look for acoustic background music then he asks, "So, what song are you going to sing?" I found the background music for the song then I answered, "The song is 'Dance Monkey' by Tones and I."

(Tones and I - Dance Monkey)
(Cover by Sam Tsui)

"Wow! You're good at singing! Are you a secret teenage singer?"

"Thanks, but I'm not a famous person."

"How are you able to sing like that?"

"I guess, you can say that I started singing when I was a little kid."

"Okay, that makes sense... Well, you can go home now since you've been here for a while."

"Okay, thanks, at least you had fun today... You know, every song has a behind it. Bye, Ectoplasm, see you next time."

I get my backpack and go out the door then turn around only to see a confused Ectoplasm so I wave at him and walk away. I got on my motorcycle, turned it on, put on my helmet, then left the school's ground as I decided to stop by the convenience store on the way home. There should be a convenience store on the route I'm taking to get home. After a few minutes, I arrived at the convenience store and turned off my motorcycle then went inside. As I looked, I saw a familiar face at the cash register.

I went over to the cash register and greeted, "Hey there, Girly. Fancy seeing you here." She looked a little surprised to see me and answered, "Hi, Midoriya. Are you here to cause trouble at my job?" I pretended to be hurt by her words and she rolled her eyes at me so I replied, "Heh, no, I'm just here to buy a few things. I'll come back with items." I grabbed a basket and started going in the aisles so I found everything I needed and went back to the cash register but there was a guy in front of me.

"Hey, little lady, are you free tonight? I can take you out."

"No, sorry, I'm expensive all the time. You have to be rich to take me out and by then it's still a hard no."

Damn, he got rejected in a blink of an eye and she didn't spare him a second glance but it seemed like he didn't like the response. For some reason, my heart feels tight and uncomfortable when the scene replayed in my mind. The guy gritted his teeth and left the store so I placed my basket on the counter while Ochako scanned the items and I paid for the items. "I think I should take you home, it'll be dangerous if he's waiting for you outside. Ditch work for today, I'll wait for you outside," I said, grabbing my bags.

I go outside and hear a faint noise in the alleyway then I mumble, "Not this again, might as well, check it out ." I left my bags next to my motorcycle and went into the alleyway only to see a black kitten in the trash can. I quickly picked it up and saw it was a girl but she's probably a few weeks old and I didn't see her mom. I decided to take her in and I was lucky to see a pet store next door. After a few minutes, I came out of the store wearing a black kitten hoodie pouch and cat necessity then I saw Ochako waiting for me next to my motorcycle.

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