As the week's pass every single day I got bullied.... I kept waking up with a bit of nightmares that Adam was going to leave. I look down depressed. I look at a strange white snake curl up. I cried on my bed and then woke up on a Saturday. I look where Adam is and felt sad. Now I'm starting to think that he is not going to wake up.
I left the house to buy some food, on my way home I got thrown with small rocks by Jasmine. I ignore and open my door and close it and walk upstairs. I got excited, I when't to check on Adam and he was still sleeping. I got disappointed and walk downstairs to clean up my groceries. I study for a test I had on Wednesday by professor Winter. It was about reptiles snakes. If there vertebrates, how they eat, how do you know if there poison and ect... Hour's pass and his still not awake.
I start thinking of him and look down. I watch some tv. I entertained myself by reading a book. I walk to my room when it was late and I look at Adam and touch his white scaly skin. It felt really rough dry for your fingers to move. I had small tears and look down. I miss him alot. I pat his tail and got out of my room and walk away. I took a shower and stay there in the bath. I sigh of realive feeling the water rush down my hair and I close my eyes thinking of what to do tomarrow.
I heard a slither and a hiss. I hid my face in the water and then I hear the door being open up and a yawn and stretch waking up from my thoughts. I look and who it was and it was a strange white snake thing. I turn off the bath and covered myself quickly with a towel and ran off and it grab me my arm with the tail and it hiss.
"Who the heck is there." It said.
I struggled and it grab it's face and peel out skin and took out what covered his eyes and I stare a bit shock and grossed out and it left me go and I ran and close the door and took my pj's and put on some clouths and I heard a thud and I look where Adam was supposed to be but he wasn't there. My eyes widen and I smile.
The door open and his arms and tail where covered in white dead snake scales. I got grossed out and he shake himself sideways and tried to take it out. I notice he couldn't see well, his eyes still had the white part a.k.a gross snake skin. He when't to my bed and moved the sheets out of the bed, he seemed like he was looking for something.
"Sydney? " He ask.
He tried looking around. He hit the wall and he held his forehead.
"Ouch!" He said.
I walk to him and made a noise and he stop and stare serious.
"Whose there..." he ask.
"It's me Sydney. " I said.
His white eyes widened and he slither to me and tackle me down to the ground. He hug me tightly and moved his snake tail to me and lift me up with his tail, I look at him. I hug him and small tears ran down my face.
"?! Are... you crying?" He ask.
He moved his hands to his eyes and took out the scales covering his eyes and he hug me then look at me worried.
"All this week they bullied you?" He ask in a serous tone.
"...." I look down sad.
He hug me and messed my hair.
"I missed you." We both say at the same time.
His eyes widen and he put me down on the grown and took out his white dead skin and I got grossed out and walk off.
" Gross !" I said.
I walk downstairs and heard a hit on the wall. I start to make food for him. I didn't made food for me since I already eat and it's really late to eat.
I heard the door of my room open and a slither.
"Uh...." I heard.
I look infront of me and saw Adam he had a few pieces of his old skin around him and his tail. I notice and thought where is the rest of his skin?!
"Where is all of those pieces of skin?" I ask.
"In your room." He says.
My eyes widened and I got grossed out.
"You better clean the up." I say.
He when't to the room and a few minutes later came out holding a few pieces and look at me.
"Where?" He ask.
"Thrash can." I point at where it was.
He slither to it and put it on the thrash and his stomach growl. I serve him food and he smile and swallow it and look at me and I yawn.
"Aw come on.... I been asleep for a hole week. Come on just please don't go to sleep yet..." he says.
"Well I am tired. Today was a bad day." I say.
He look at me and made a sad face and I walk out to my room falling asleep on my bed.
*Adam's P.O.V *
I look around and my stomach still growl hungry. I open the backyard door and slither off to a forest. I took down someting big enough and swallow it. I drag myself back to the house. I regret swallowing my prey since I was really slow. I heard a car and it stop. I hid under a hole in a tree and saw the flashlight move around.
"Weird I thought I saw glowing eyes." I heard.
It look around and got close to where I was. I hid more and close my eyes it step on my tail and I bit it and it ran off.
"What the heck?!" He said.
I look and he yell in pain holding his leg. I look and my eyes widen. I poison him?! I slither off and tried to hurry and got back to the backyard of Sydney's house and slither to the door and I couldn't fit well threw it since I had a full stomach. I slither trying to go inside and I close the door and breathing heavily. I got scared and tremble. I accidentally kill a man?! Again... No...
I slither trying to go up the stairs and open Sydney's room. I look at her and was about to tell her but notice she was asleep and I didn't wanted her to see me like this so I when't to the corner and stay there awake the hole night trying to digest my meal.
I kept thinking and hit myself gently with my hand. Stupid! Why do I act without thinking?! I put back my fangs in place and yawn. I touch the floor and curl up into a ball and close my eyes and fell asleep.
A/N-I been busy lately and I will try to update as soon as I can. Please don't hurry me.

The Girl And The Snake Boy
RomanceAn eighteen year old girl named Sydney has passed threw many things in school and she's tired of it, everything being almost all the same. One day she finds a strange boy with no feet but a snake tail on its place, a naga. He explains to her he esca...