*Sydney's P.O.V *
The voice was exactly like the last time I saw my father. I look at him and he hugged me so tightly. His hair was light orange and his eyes exactly like mine faint sky blue except that his where brighter. He smiled hugging me tightly. I cried on his shoulder.
"We dad! Why did you had to leave me alone and never contact me or mom! Do you even know how much I suffered alone!?" I cried.
"It's okay Sydney I'm here for you." He said.
He avoided my question I broke the bug and looked at him in the eyes.
"I'm sure your mother was there." He smiled.
"My mother is gone!" I yell angry.
"?!" He looked at me shocked.
"Mom is gone she left and never came back. She never told me the reason. I suspected it was because she is trying to find you." I look down.
I felt a lick in my hand and something furry. I look and saw the dog again and got on my knees and pat it.
"I must say from everything that tux told me... Your better than what I expected." He said.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Long ago I send tux to watch over the family in secret. He wouldn't have a relationship with you or your mother. He was send there to observe and protect. Then when you grow up at the right time and where ready. He was told to go to you and tell you where I am. But apperently you figured that all by yourself." He smiled.
"Father I'm sorry.... It's just that.... I broke the rules... I opened the door....." I look down.
"That tells me you where ready." He smiled.
His warm hand hugged me again and I felt tears on his back. The love of a father to a daughter. Something I haven't felt in so long. I smile and hug him to.
"I love you Sydney and I'm sorry for failing my job as a father for leaving you alone all this time. I can't imagine how hard it is for you." He held me tightly.
"I love you too dad." I hugged him and cried.
"Ahem....Sir..." Abihu look away.
Dad stop hugging me and pat my head. He cleaned my tears and look at Adam and Roger.
"Tell me about your friends." He said.
"Well this is Adam." I said pointing at him.
Father's eyes widen huge. He walk to Adam and check him imidiatly.
"They changed your DNA did they " he notice.
I look at Adam he got pocked on the back if his neck and he struggled a little bit.
"It must check what DNA did they force in you...." he grabbed a needle and took out his blood.
He look at Roger and smile.
"Amazing a scorpion boy." Dad smiled.
"The names Roger sir." Roger look at him.
" Johnson Crosby... I brought him like you asked." Tux said.
Father look at White. His eyes opened up.
"You look older than last time. Brother." He said.
"Brother?" White asked.
"?!" We all look at white shocked.
His my uncle?! What?! Since when did this happen. Adam's jaw dropped and look shocked.
"Wait fun old man is your brother?" Adam ask.
"How come you look younger than him?" Roger ask.
"Adam your mother and father have special healing." He said.
"Abihu and Evra" Adam ask.
"Yes." He said.
I look around and walk deep inside the cave.
"You see both did help me when I got shot in the back." Dad said.
As I walk deep inside the cave there was an exit. I stop hearing what they where talking about. I look around and saw some ruins pretty old ones.
"For a human you sure are a curious one." I heard.
I look and saw Adam's father abihu.
"Aw quit watching her down like she is the enemy." A female voice said.
I look and saw Adam's mom Evra. She was kind and very honest.
"But she could do anything." Abihu talk to her.
"Aw come on she has come this far and brought back owere son." She smiled.
I smile happy and walk around looking at the ruins.
"Tell me why do you have his scent on you? " Abihu sticked out his tounge.
"I do?" I ask.
"Well it seems owere kid is in love." Evra said.
"Uh?!" I tried to say but both of them kept asking me questions and I had to answer.
I kept walking while both of them slither next to me. I got inside the old abandoned ruin.
"Aw it does seem he likes you." Evra said.
"Yeah sure." I said.
I look around this place was huge. I felt a hand on my shoulders. I got hugged and lift up from the floor to look at what hugged me.
"My human." He said.
I turned really red and got hugged tightly. He smile and kiss me.
"I guess this is it." I said.
"Well we got here. I guess it's time for me to go home..."I said heart broken.
"Why would you go home?" Adam ask.
I heard a bark and then got stared on.
"Well you see Adam... This is where you belong. You need to learn all your naga stuff.. I must go home and catch on my studies and well....."I said sad.
Adam's heart seemed heart broken.
"No!" He said.
I look at him in the eyes and he turned into his human form and held me tightly.
"We belong here! Please don't go I need you. You need me. Who is going to not make you a loner? Me!" He said holding me tightly.
I felt tears rush down my eyes and I felt tears on my back. I held Adam tightly hugging him.
"So that's what they force you in your DNA human blood. " I heard.
"We belong here." Adam said.
I hug him and nod silently. Roger joined the hug and smiled.
"So when are you two going to get married?" Roger ask.
"Married?" I ask.
Adam hit Roger with his hand gently and gave him a nuggy.
"Shut it! It's not yet in a few years!" Adam whisper.
"Wait what?!" I ask.
"Kids time to eat dinner " I heard tux.
"Whoah! Nobody will marry my daughter till I know one of you is ready for all the responsibility. " I heard.
I smile and we eat dinner. We all liked each other. Everyone was eating like a family. Adam's parents eat also by.... swallowing there prey. Well besides all that it was fun.

The Girl And The Snake Boy
RomanceAn eighteen year old girl named Sydney has passed threw many things in school and she's tired of it, everything being almost all the same. One day she finds a strange boy with no feet but a snake tail on its place, a naga. He explains to her he esca...