*Sydney P.O.V*
I woke up with a terrible pain on my head. I thought I saw a snake guy. I looked around and there was a terrible mess... I sigh cleaning up everything and a few hour later I was done.
"I guess I have to buy more food." I said to myself.
I put my hand down and my eyes widened. Not the milk! I need that for cereal. I sigh and finish. I walked to my room and picked up my pajamas and walked to the bathroom and stop cause I felt like I was being watched. I saw two shiny green eyes look at my every move.
"Uh hello?" I asked.
It looked at me and it got up and was a bit taller than me. I backed away and opened the door and heard a hissing sound and quickly closed the door and heard a hit on the door. I breathed heavily and locked it. I backed away scared and took a shower.
"It's just my imagination." I sigh scared.
I took a bath and held my head in pain and saw blood run down. I touch it and look at my fingers. What hit me? I finished getting cleaned and dried off and put on my clouths.
I yawned tired and opened the door and heard something and heard a thud.
"Ouch!" I heard out loud.
My eyes widened and I turned on the lights and picked up a magazine and fold it.
"Whose there?" I asked worried and scared.
I look infront if me and in a blink of an eye the lights when't off and I got tackled to the ground and heard a hissing sound.
"Please don't hurt me." I said covering my face a bit scared.
"Who do you work for!" He said in a commanding tone and lift me up by the neck and I hit the wall.
"What are you talking about-?!" I got shut up and something hit my arm and I screamed.
"Please that hurts!" I said trying not to scream.
I got cut and I got thrown to the floor and lost all my air and I looked up and couldn't see a thing.
"Please who are you?" I asked.
I felt a hand on my forhead where I got hit and it hurt and I pushed it off. I saw a figure lick its hand, that touch my forehead.
I ran and trip on something and fell down and something grabbed me and tightened its grip. I reached my hand out and the lights turned black on and he hiss at me and his eyes widened.
"No... please don't hurt me" we both said.
He dropped me and I backed away. He hisses at me and sticks out his tounge at me and opened his mouth.
"I might as well kill you." He said.
"What why?! I haven't done a thing please don't kill me." I said.
He stopped and closed his mouth and looked at me.
"Give me a reason why not to kill you." He said.
"Because I haven't done a thing! Your in my house and you just messed my hole room! My kitchen and everything!" I yelled a bit.
He hisses at me and his snake tail wrapped around my neck.
"Go ahead... Nobody will even miss me ir come looking for me." I said closing my eyes.
His grip suddenly stop and look at me.
"What do you mean by that? Won't other humans come and get you?" He asked looking at me.
"No...They all hate me and if you kill me now you would be doing them a favor. " I said.
"...What...about your parents?" He asked.
"Dad's dead....Mom's gone.... and never came back..." I said.
"You just want me to have pity over you!" He hiss at me.
"Do whatever you want." I said.
I look down and he when't down to look at me in the eyes and he sniff me.
"You don't seem like a threat." He said.
He drop me on the floor and touch me. He lick my face and I pushed him off gently.
"Please don't do that." I said.
"Im greeting you." He said.
I had a better look at him and look at him from head to tail. He had strange patterns on his tail and from his head to waist a human body a bit. Although it had snake scales on his forehead. He looks at me in the eyes. They where all snake like and where the color green. I look at his hair and he had black.
"But if you dare to call for help or to even call for help. I will kill you by posing you and swallowing you up hole." He hiss.
He observed me and I moved my finger in his face curious.
"Stop that." He followed the finger and his eyes seemed strange.
"Can I ask what are you and if you can get off me." I said.
His tail got off me and he back away far away.
"...I don't remember... I remember I was taken out of my home by a man called Winter..... He kept me in his lab for experimenting." He said.
I look at him and he curled up on the floor and I had to say it look strange... It seemed like a snake when there ready to strike.
"Im so sorry... For the news. Where is your home?" I asked.
"I don't remember. " he looks down.
"Well its been a long day and tomarrow I have class..." I said.
I look at the clock and it was 12:00am. My eyes widened and I turned off the lights and when't to sleep. Darn what a mess just got inside my house... What am I going to do. I sigh with messed up thoughts.

The Girl And The Snake Boy
RomanceAn eighteen year old girl named Sydney has passed threw many things in school and she's tired of it, everything being almost all the same. One day she finds a strange boy with no feet but a snake tail on its place, a naga. He explains to her he esca...