*Sydney's P.O.V *
I woke up by Adam's tail squishing my arm tightly. I struggle to get it out but nothing. I heard a loud yawn and a hiss. I felt my arm break free and I pull it back quickly. I got wrapped up on my blanket and got hugged and squished by Adam.
"Good morning! " Adam said tightning his grip.
My back crack by so much pressure that I was left without breath and had swirly eyes of pain.
"Adam that hurts please stop." I tried to whisper.
"Opps." He left me go and I smile.
I mess his hair and he hit me gently with his snake tail. I push him out off my bed and threw him with the pillow.
"Jerk!" I said.
I stay with a sweatdrop and look away. He nibble on my hand and I push him off and when't to was my hands grossed out thinking his mouth is poisons. I cleaned my hand quickly and with soap.
"Hey look what I found a weird yellow creature." Adam said inside the bathroom.
I look and heard a squeek sound coming from the object. He showed it to me and I sigh if realive.
"Adam that's a rubber duck." I said.
"Rubber duck! I must put it free where it lives!" Adam quickly when't outside.
"Adam no wait! There to keep you company in the shower and-?!" I said and got thrown on by a dog.
I look and smile at the dog. I could see Adam in the background yelling "fly away birdy!" Then the rubber duck fell into the ocean and got eaten by a shark. Then Adam's eyes when't white and he cried yelling ducky! I finish playing with the dog and I smile and then got shakes to death.
"You lie to me human! The rubber duck died!" Adam cried.
"No Adam. Rubber ducks are not real they are for playing while taking a shower and keeping you company." I explain.
Adam cried and when't to the corner. I murder a duck.
"Wait! Adam you murdered humans and chikens!" I said.
"Yeah but... sometimes humans are a mistake but chikens are not the same as rubber ducks." He said.
I had a sweatdrop. He murdered people not me thank goodness. But then again he almost killed me so..... I had a sweatdrop and felt a bit sad. I look at him and Adam was crying. I look at him and his tears exaggerated like a river flowing down his face.
"Rubber duck!" He yelled crying.
"Adam calmed down. It was just a duck." I sigh.
Adam look at me and his eyes glared at me angrily.
"NO IT'S NOT!" He yelled and spit me in the process.
I cleaned it off and I had a sweatdrop.
"I didn't ask to be rained on.-?!" I whisper.
"That's it Sydney let's find other rubber ducks! That way I can play with it!" He smiled with a rainbow and bubble background.
"Adam I don't think there are others.-?!" I tried to say but got cut off.
He grab my right hand tightly and ran off smiling looking around.
"Adevture to find the rubber duck!" He yell.
"A rubber duck huh?" I heard.
I look back and we saw tux with a "kiss the cook" and holding the plate with food on his left hand.

The Girl And The Snake Boy
RomanceAn eighteen year old girl named Sydney has passed threw many things in school and she's tired of it, everything being almost all the same. One day she finds a strange boy with no feet but a snake tail on its place, a naga. He explains to her he esca...