*Sydney's P.O.V*
As the week past we have reach the island. I look and saw Adam a bit worried and scared he look at the beach of the island. Tux got out of the boat and we look around. There was a scary creepy fog and I look around Adam notice and grab my hand comforting me. We follow Tux and look around. Adam slither looking around and then we kept walking. It was cold while we walk. My shoe's got full of mud making it look like footprints.
"To get to master we must take the long way up the mountain." Tux said.
"That far?!" I said.
Adam nod and we follow.
"It is far since we don't have any other way to transport we could have used the short way. But there are to many dangerous creatures." Tux said.
"Aren't they ordinary animals?" White ask.
"No they aren't." Tux said serious.
We look at him worried.
"There is a base nearby with scientists that creates creatures, test them out causing them to mutate.... Those that are fail copies or ended up injured for there purposes they are thrown off here. Left to die." Tux said serious.
I look down sad. Adam look away a bit angry.
"That's not nice." he said.
"Yep but any ways special scientist create monsters... Some for special use for good.... Others for destroying. It's all a game for them... Thinking they can experiment with any animal." Tux said.
We look away and I look at Adam.
"Winter was one of those... He wanted to create his own Naga to kill anything he sees and any obstacle that got on his way..." Tux said.
Adam made a fist and look down.
"But Adam is not like that." I said serious.
"Yeah but if he was kept for a long time without anyone to get him out.... he would have ended up worse." Tux talk back.
"That's not true!" I said serious.
I got look in the face and Adam look at me with small tears and hug me. He hug me tightly and I stay quiet and smile.
"Thank you" he whisper.
I know who he really is and he would never be bad. I smile and hug him tightly. He left me go, smile and pat my head. I smile and we kept walking.
"We got a problem." White said.
We look at a bridge and my eyes widen scared.
"Is there another way?" I ask.
"No, why?" Tux ask.
Just below the bridge was a raging river. I shiver scared and Adam look at me confused.
"You okay?" He ask.
"Yeah sure!" I smile looking away hiding my fear.
Tux walk and White follow and then I follow. Adam slither behind me and I felt him move the bridge side to side smiling and laughing.
"Adam don't! " I said.
I held on tightly to the rope and he stop. I step on a broken wood and felt a crack and I fell.
"Sydney!" They yell.
I hang on to the side where it was broken and I got grab by the hand. Adam pull me up and then I tried lifting myself up but nothing. I start to slip slowly and I close my eyes hopping everything would be okay. But it wasn't Adam lost his grip and I fell on the water. I gasp as the water current took me down and then drag me like I was a doll. I gasp for air swimming up. I couldn't see anything. I look around and then saw Adam swimming towards me.
I felt a grab on my foot and it drag me down. I hit the rock but I cover my head shielding it just in time. I held tightly and got hit on my back so tightly I blurr out all of my air bubbles. My vision started to get blurry. I could no longer see well. I swim up and tried to take a gasp for air but I swallow water.
I couldn't see anymore everything was pitch black and then I realize I passed out.
*Adam's P.O.V*
"SYDNEY!" I yell.The current took me and I try to swim where she is. I grab her and look around. I was all wet. Her shirt was wet everything. I look up if I could grab a tree or something right on top of me. I reach with my hands to get on a tree but nothing. I look around and saw a big rock far away. The current took me there and I held on tightly and got on top of it holding Sydney.
I look and notice she couldn't breathe."Sydney?" I ask.
I put my hands on her chest and have her C.P.R I look at her but no response. I open her mouth and gave her air. She gasp and vomit out water. She collapse and I look around how to get out. There was away strong tree branch. I move my tail grabbing it and check if it was going to break by my weight. It didn't and I grab Sydney and lift myself up the tree. I held on tight and slither out. I got on the other side of the river and I look around.
Where is Tux? I look around worried and heard every single animal. I held on to Sydney tightly and then felt a pain on my head. My insticts wanting to escape, be free but I held it. I look a Sydney and sigh.
*Tux's P.O.V*
SHOOT! A snake with a girl on the lose. He could kill her. He could lose control over his insticts and kill her. My concern are both of them.
"Let's go get them." I said looking at White.
He nod and we follow the stream. Hour's later I found a trail off blood.
"Tux!" I heard a yelling.
I follow it and saw deep hole. I saw Adam with a bear trap on his tail. He was bleeding and was holding Sydney tightly.
He was shaking while holding her."What happen?" I ask worried.
"I don't know.. I saw a shadowy figure and we'll this happen. Also I got hungry." Adam said shaking.
He lift up Sydney and I grab her and got her out and let my hand out and he grab it and I pull him out of the deep hole. I took off the bear trap on his tail and he flinch in pain. I look and White wrap up his tail tightly in band he held it tightly.
"That hurt." Adam held his tail.
He was bleeding to much. He slither to me and I gave him Sydney.
"Let's go." I said.
We walk while Adam kept being in pain so we made a few stops. I set a camp and yawn.
"We leave in the morning..." I said.
"I'm hungry.... " Adam said.
He held his stomach. I nod and when't fishing. Hour's happen and I came back with alot of fish and set a fire and cook the fish. Adam sat at the floor and eat. I got the feeling that we where being watched. I look around and heard a rustling noise far away. Adam sniff the air and stop eating fish and Sydney woke up and eat. I look around at the night. But I couldn't see anything.

The Girl And The Snake Boy
RomanceAn eighteen year old girl named Sydney has passed threw many things in school and she's tired of it, everything being almost all the same. One day she finds a strange boy with no feet but a snake tail on its place, a naga. He explains to her he esca...