Adam's P.O.V
I woke up hearing sobs and cries. I open my eyes and got off from the reflection of the sunlight and slither and the door was open. I hear a whisper for help. I slither quietly and saw where it came from and it was from Sydney she was on the floor hugging her knees crying. Her tears fell on the floor then her arms. I look at her and tap her shoulder. My tail wrap around near her and she stop crying.
"Why me!" She cried out holding her chest.
I look at her confuse and tap her shoulder again.
"All everyone does is take advantage of me! I'm usless, stupid, weak, easy to pick on, hard to have friends, can't trust anyone, hated...." she continued.
"Stop." I said.
I heard her gasp and I grab her head and lift it up and hit it gently but roughly with my forehead.
"Stop saying you are weak! Stop it, you aren't useless!" I look at her in the eyes as she cried a bit.
"I can't-?!" She was about to say.
I hug her tightly and left my hair cover my eyes and my grip tightened I held the back of her hand with one hand and the other her back.
"I'm sorry for the bad time I made you feel. I'm sorry for being a jerk ever since I was in this place." I said.
I kept my eyes closed and smile a bit. Her cleaned scent. I wish I kept her still longer in my arms. I felt my cheeks warm. I left her go and notice my shirt was filled with tears. I look at her and she had her face all red from tears,her expression so sad. I pat her head gently and my stomach growl.
"Tomarrow I have to go to school. " she says.
I sigh a bit sad. No Sydney in a hole day. I wanted to ask many human stuff... I look at her.
"Okay." I say.
She made food and I ask her a few things. While she answered them easily.

The Girl And The Snake Boy
Storie d'amoreAn eighteen year old girl named Sydney has passed threw many things in school and she's tired of it, everything being almost all the same. One day she finds a strange boy with no feet but a snake tail on its place, a naga. He explains to her he esca...