Syndey P.O.V
I woke up by the alarm and I heard a hissing sound and it broke it.
"No. That was my alarm.." I sigh.
I moved the curtains and he hiss and hid under the bed with his long tail sticking out and trying to get inside.
"Why so early? " he looks at me with his eyes glowing.
"I have to go to school." I said.
"A what?" He asked with an S noise at the end of the sentence.
"A place where I have to stay for like 7 hours reading books and studying." I explained a bit.
"Your dying?" He asked.
"What?" I asked.
"Well stu-dying..." he said.
"No... hm.. I explain you when I get back." I said.
His stomach growl and so did mine. I grabbed my school clouths and out them on. I brush my hair and teeth and when I was done I quickly ran downstairs and i opened the fridge and noticed.
"My milk!" I said shocked.
I heard a slithering sound and when I look he was staring at me.
"You drank all my milk?!" I said.
"Hey I was investigating okay." He said.
I sigh and look and saw eggs just four. I smiled a bit and grabbed them I started cooking them and he watch attentively.
"What is that and whats that amazing smell?" He asked.
"Breakfast." I said.
He look at me and got close to me and was about to touch it but I stopped him.
"No you could get burned. " I said.
"Burned?" He asked.
"...When you touch fire you get burned and it hurts alot." I said.
I finish amd serve the food quickly and he looks at the plate and tries to sit down on the chair and his tail stick out and curls up around him and the chair and sniff it.
"What's this strange object that is hokding the food?" He asked.
"Plate." I said and eat.
"Do you swallow them all?" He asked.
"No. You just eat the food." I said.
He threw the food on the table and sticked his tounge at it and swallowed it.
"Hey can't you chew?" I asked.
"I don't want to... I want more?" He asked.
"No. Well I have to go shopping tomarrow cause its saturday." I said.
I heard a alarm and when I look st the clock it was already late.
"Shoot!" I ran and opened the door.
"Look you stay here and.... uh... don't make a mess and don't go into one if the rooms." I said and ran off to school.
I closed the door and locked it.
*Adam's P.O.V*
I forgot to ask her name? I just greeted her last night and she was supost to say her name and then I say my name. I sigh and my stomach growl. I moved to the so called kitchen and opened the fridge and look around inside. This human needs to buy food. There was absolutely slmost nothing just drinks and something that said bacon. I hiss at it and grab it and made a hole on the plastics and got the food out and swallow it. I dropped it on the floor and remember. Not make a mess.... I sigh and picked it up and saw a strange object that smelled bad. I think its a thrash can?

The Girl And The Snake Boy
RomanceAn eighteen year old girl named Sydney has passed threw many things in school and she's tired of it, everything being almost all the same. One day she finds a strange boy with no feet but a snake tail on its place, a naga. He explains to her he esca...