Chapter 13 - Sickness

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*Quick disclaimer, i just wanna apologise for the months wait for a new chapter, school is a lot of work atm, but my summer break has just started so hopefully i'll be able to start getting more chapters out (im also writing a new book based on a zombie apocalypse and would be grateful if some of you gave it a chance for when it comes out:)*

The three of them jogged out from the maze and were immediately met with all the gladers, Gally had a huge frown on his face and the others were all just as puzzled.

"What was that noise about?" Newt asked running up beside Iris as the three continued walking past the group of gladers gathered around the entrance.

"Yeah, what the hell you done now Thomas?" Gally shouted other the boys trying to get information.

"We may have just found a way out." Iris answered to Gallys spiteful comment, immediately all the guys were looking around to see if it was a joke.

"It's true, we opened a passage. Something i've never seen before." Minho added on to ease everyone's sudden nerves "We think it could be where the grievers go during the day." Everyone's nerves returned after the last sentence.

"What? So you're saying you found the grievers home? and you want us to through it?" Chuck panicked, Iris was about to say something a little more comforting but Thomas beat her to it.

"Their way in could be our way out!" Thomas sounded more than excited, but a little cautious nonetheless.

"Or there could be a thousand grievers on the other side! Truth is Thomas doesn't know what he's done once again!" Gally shouted from
behind them, before Thomas could defend himself Iris did it for him, marching up to Gally and glaring up at his frown.

"At least he did something." Iris was pulled back slightly by Minho and Thomas stepped up to defend his own argument.

"I've been here 3 years ok-" Before Gally could even finish Thomas opened his mouth,

"Yeah you've been here three years, and you're still here Gally! so what does that tell you?" Thomas shouted but someone's voice came from the side, it was faint at the start but then it shouted over the entire argument stopping everyone.

"Theresa is awake!" Jeff shouted from beside them, everyone's head turned and suddenly that's when they all saw it. The girl at the top of the watch tower throwing rocks down at a few boys trying to get her to come down, everyone bolted to the watch tower.

"Hey! stop throwing thin-" Before Gally could even finish a rock hit his skull sending him onto the ground groaning in pain. Iris held out her arm to help him up and with slight reluctance, he took it and she pulled him up.

"Thomas should go up, she knew him." Newt suggested as more rocks plummeted towards them. Iris was about to agree when she realised, if she was as scared as she was, she would have wanted another girl to go up and comfort her.

"No, i'll go up. We're both girls." Iris walked to the ladder, but she hesitated as more rocks came flying down.

"Go on then." Minho ushered her up and she began climbing. With every step another rock went flying down as she shouted for them to leave her alone.

Iris pushed up the small wooden hatch and peeped her head over the wooden floor. The brown haired girl had a machete in her hand aiming it directly at Iris.

"Hey, mind if i come up?" Iris asked raising both her hands into a surrender.

The girl didn't reply just shuffled back slightly to make space, Iris took this as a 'yes' and pulled herself up onto the floor of the watch tower.

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