Harry's New Friend

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Disclaimer- Harry Potter was created by JK Rowling, not lil ole me.

Sorry, I know most everyone liked B, but it's a lot of work. I don't have a whole lot of motivation for this story anymore and I apologize greatly for that. I've gotten dragged into other fandoms and can't find a way out. Send help. 

Harry became different ever since his fifth birthday. It was almost like a new start for him: he was more confident around Sirius and Remus and other people in general. Which everyone was thankful for.

November 16, 1985

"Make sure to keep your coat and gloves on, Harry! Hat, too!"

Harry rolled his eyes but didn't let Remus see, "Yes, Uncle Moony."

"Don't roll your eyes at me Harry James," Remus called, coming into the sitting room from the kitchen. He was drying his hands off with a towel, having just finished the dishes.

Normally Harry would have panicked at doing something wrong, but now he just blushed at having gotten caught. "Sorry," he apologized, pulling on his gloves.

"I'll call you back in when dinner's ready. Don't wander too far and stay out of the forest."

"Yes, Uncle Moony." Harry repeated. He walked out of the door, pulling it shut behind him. Sirius was sleeping in the den, regretting having stayed up late the night before.

Harry ran towards the mini playground Sirius and Remus had set up for him a few weeks ago. He loved it; although, the slide was his favorite.

Harry ran faster as he got closer to the slide and attempted to run up it. His fingers barely brushed the top of the slide before he fell on his stomach and slid feet first down the slide. With an "Oomph" he landed on the ground. Quickly, he stood up and looked around, desperately hoping no one saw Harry humiliate himself. His bright green eyes scanned the area around him. House, tree, bush, grass, another tree, dog, really big tree, grass-

Harry froze and spun around, nearly knocking himself over. A dog? It wasn't Padfoot, this dog was smaller. More reddish brown then black. The dog was sitting at the outskirts of the forest, about twenty meters away.

The dog twitched it's ears, snapping Harry out of his frozen state.

"Uh. Erm. Come here, boy," Harry said softly, patting his knees. He kept his eyes on the dog and patted his knees again. "Here, boy, it's all right. I won't hurt you. Come on."

Slowly, the dog started forward, limping slightly. One of his front legs was tucked up, underneath him.

Harry tilted his head to the side, confused. "Are you okay?" He stepped closer to the dog. Actually, it looked more like a big puppy. "Come on, I won't hurt you." Harry continued to encourage the dog.

Slowly but surely the dog came closer. When he was about two or three meters away --

"Harry! Get away from the dog!" Remus shouted, running to Harry with Sirius close behind him.

Startled, Harry looked towards Remus, forgetting about the rust-colored dog. He heard rustling and what he could assume was the canine running away. Harry frowned but decided he had other things to worry about. 

"Are you alright? Did it hurt you?" Sirius asked, checking Harry over for any injuries. Remus stood in a tense, protective stance with his back facing to Harry and Sirius, looking for any signs of his furry red friend. 

Harry found himself swept up into Sirius' arms, who was now standing next to Remus. "Do you see it?"  

"No," Remus replied, watchful eyes scanning the surrounding trees. His eyes, Harry noticed, looked less human and more wolf-like. "I can't hear it either." Harry had forgotten that Remus' hearing was more sensitive than a normal person due to his condition. He turned and looked at Sirius, "Give me Harry and go as Padfoot, see if you can find it. Find out if it has any intentions of coming back."

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