Chapter 10

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Disclaimer- I still have not managed to gain the intellect that is JK Rowling..

Thanks to @littlerascal2 for the idea!!

The weeks passed quickly, Harry was adapting well. He opened up and expressed his thoughts a bit more. Harry's bruises were gone and only light scars littered his body now. He was also gaining weight, much to the delight of his guardians.

Harry was worried about his Uncle Moony. He hadn't called either one of them his secret names because he was worried about their reactions.

Anyway, Remus didn't look good. He had been becoming sick the past couple days and looked weak. Harry hated seeing one of the strongest men he knew looking so fragile and small.

Harry had enough and walked up to Sirius, who was sitting in the den reading the Daily Prophet. "What's wrong with Uncle Moony?" He asked, cutting right to the point.

Sirius looked up from the paper, and looked to Harry. "What about Moony?" He asked, only hearing part of the question and the worry in his voice.

"What. Is. Wrong. With. Remus?" He repeated spacing out his words as if he was talking to a child.

Sirius looked at him for a while, then spoke. "Let's go ask him," he said, slinging Harry up over his shoulder. Harry giggled and squirmed but Sirius didn't let go. He ended up crossing his arms in hopes that he would be put down sooner.

Sirius climbed the stairs quickly, jostling Harry slightly. He didn't know what to say to Harry and didn't envy Remus in the slightest. They arrived at Remus' room where Sirius knocked on the door.

Remus was sitting on his bed, reading. He was exhausted but didn't want to sleep. He and Sirius had been trying to think of a way to tell Harry about Moony, but weren't sure how. Severus, thankfully, had been sending him Wolfsbane.

A knock at the door roused him from his thoughts. "Come in," he croaked. Damn, I sound worse than I thought. He cleared his throat and looked at his door.

Sirius was standing in the doorway with Harry slung over his shoulder. Remus snorted at the sight, causing Sirius to bring Harry forward and deposit him on the bed.

Harry was dropped on the bed with his arms crossed, hoping to retain some dignity in front of his guardians. He didn't know why Sirius had brought him up to Remus' bedroom. All he did was ask what was wrong with Uncle Moony. Now he was sitting on Uncle Remus' bed, looking expectantly at Sirius and Remus while waiting for an explanation.

"Well, kiddo, where should we start?" Sirius asked, sitting on the bed next to Remus.

Harry looked at him as if he had grown another head, "At the beginning, where else?"

Sirius glared at Harry for his cheek. This didn't bother Harry like it would a month ago, his confidence had grown.

Remus howled with laughter, despite not feeling well. Harry joined him, though not sounding as loud as Remus.

Sirius pouted, looking put out that Remus was siding with Harry, not him. Sirius just shook his head and decided to let it go, more important matters were at hand.

Sirius cleared his throat to get their attention. They stopped laughing when they heard the serious tone to his voice. "Remus, Harry would like to know why your sick."

Remus paled considerably, hoping to avoid this moment forever. He didn't know what to say to Harry; the little boy who he loved as if he were his own. The thought of terrifying the boy in front of him was heart-shattering.

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