Chapter 8

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Disclaimer - I still don't own HP. Just sayin'...

Dedication to Ilovelunalovegood14 for the idea!!

Harry giggled as he and Sirius exited the fire. He liked flooing, it tickled. Harry glanced around the room, his jaw dropped. It was full of neat trinkets and baubles scattered throughout the room.

Harry noticed that the older men were watching him and he ducked his head, cheeks burning. He felt Sirius shake and noticed that he was failing to hold back laughter.

Harry blushed further and buried his head in Sirius' chest. He didn't look up until someone cleared their throat.

"Harry, Professor Snape is out. Would you like to meet Professor McGonagall, instead?" Dumbledore questioned Harry, blue eyes twinkling (AN- I sooo want to do that someday).

Harry looked to Sirius and then to Remus. Both nodded, showing that he would be okay. Harry nodded, too, not wanting to displease his guardians.

Professor Dumbledore waved his wand and a brilliant silver white phoenix erupted from the tip. Dumbledore whispered to it and it raced off. Harry watched in wonder at the beautiful creature, but was also sad to see it go.

Not even a minute later, a similar cat appeared with markings around its eyes that looked suspiciously like glasses. It nodded it's head in approval and disappeared. 

A knock sounded at the door. The professor called a quick, 'enter,' and the door opened. 

Behind the door was a strict looking woman. She had a long, pointed nose and her hair was pulled into a tight bun under her hat. Her robes were a dark, shimmering green, similar to Harry's favorite color. 

"Hello Minnie," Sirius said cheekily, earning him a half-hearted glare from the strict professor. 

"Don't call me Minnie, Mr. Black," She responded in a no-nonsense tone, frowning at her old nickname.

Sirius just laughed and looked to Harry while McGonagall greeted Remus.

"Don't be afraid of ole Minnie there. She just doesn't like my nickname for her," Sirius explained, "She knows how I love to mess with her." 

Harry felt reassured by this, and turned to 'Minnie.' He did a quick once over and realized she wasn't much like Severus. While Severus was a bit cold, he understood. Professor McGonagall seemed kinder, but not to mess with all the same.

She finally turned to look at Harry, having finished her conversation with Remus. Her face softened when she saw how much he looked like his father. The resemblance was uncanny, except for his eyes. The were a brilliant shade of emerald, so much like his mother's. It took all her will not to cry and not a single tear escaped.

"Hello, Harry," she said softly, startling Harry and his new family. Harry because he still wasn't used to being addressed; Sirius and Remus because they had never heard Professor McGonagall with that tone of voice. She continued, ignoring their surprised looks. "I am Professor McGonagall, but I will allow you, and only you," cue glares at Sirius, "to call me Minnie." Sirius gave a cry of outrage and indignation while Harry giggled. "Would you like to come to my office while the men talk?" She finished.

Harry nodded, but not after checking with Remus. Sirius wasn't in any condition to be talked to. Harry knew he was joking but didn't want to chance it so he gave the animagus a quick hug and scrambled down. Harry ran to give his other guardian a hug before walking over and looking expectantly at Minnie. She held out a hand and together they left the office. 

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