Chapter 4

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Disclaimer- Harry Potter still belongs to Mrs. Rowling, as it bloody well should.

Sirius and Remus were sitting in the den, both lost in their thoughts of what they had seen. Remus broke the silence after 30 minutes. Standing up, he said "Come on Padfoot, we've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow." seeing Sirius' confused look, he continued. "We have to explain the wizarding world to Harry tomorrow." Recognition dawned on Sirius' face as he got up too.

They parted at their rooms, closing the door behind them. Sirius lay in his bed, right on the edge of sleep. All of a sudden, a loud shout sounded from Harry's room. Both men were in the hall in a flash. With one quick glance at each other, they ran into the boy's room.

Harry was sitting up in his bed, crying silently while hugging his knees. He sat there rocking back and forth, trying to get the nightmare out of his head. It had been one of his more terrible punishments. The terrifying look on his Uncle's face and the pain. Harry did not hear Sirius and Remus come in.

Sirius saw the state his godson was in, and immediately ran to him. He sat on the bed and pulled Harry into his lap. Remus came beside him and patted Harry on the back.

"Harry, it was only a dream. You're here. You're safe. Shh, Harry. Do you want to tell us what it was about?" Harry shook his head, which was still buried in Sirius' chest. "It helps, you know." Harry took a deep breath, he was not ready to relive that life. He shook his head again.

"Are you all right now?" Harry nodded, Sirius made the dress go away. "Then how about we go back to sleep?" Harry nodded, but he was trying to work up the courage to ask them something. Finally, he blurted, "Willyoustaywifme?" The two men looked at Harry.

"Slower, please." replied Remus with a slight smile.

Harry breathed in deeply, then whispered, "Will you stay wif me?" Harry was ready for the rebuke, he had felt the need to put that out there.

They grinned and nodded. Harry let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding. He scooted back to the middle of the bed but Sirius was having none of that. He laid back, bringing Harry with him. Harry let out a surprised squeak, but smiled. He snuggled against Sirius as Remus lay on the other side of the bed, grinning.

The rest of the night, Harry slept nightmare free.


Remus was the first one up, of course. He smiled at the cute sight in front of him. Sirius was a using Harry as a human teddy bear and Harry looked happy. He left the room quickly, not waking them. He returned a few minutes later with a camera, capturing the moment forever.

Harry woke up at the sound of the click from the camera. He stiffened, then remembered where he was. He struggled to turn to Remus, who was trying to hold in a laugh, but not succeeding. The look Harry gave him made him burst out laughing, which woke Sirius up.

"Whaz goin on?" He asked sleepily. He sat up fast, which made Harry almost fall off the bed. Before he could do anything, strong arms were around him, lifting him up. Remus had caught him, seeing as Sirius was on the bed. It was thanks to the werewolf in Remus that he had reacted so fast.

"Sirius, do you want to go ahead and explain to Harry now?" asked Remus, looking towards the animagus.

"Why not? I'm comfy as is, I just need my teddy" He replied, taking Harry and holding him exactly like he had the night before. Harry giggled lightly, but a laugh nonetheless.

Sirius grinned at Harry's reaction. He looked to Moony. "You start, since you're the smart one."

Remus sighed, "Harry, do you know what witches and wizards are?"

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