Chapter 3

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Disclaimer- Queen J.K. Rowling owns Harry Potter, not I.

3rd P.O.V.

With another 'pop', they arrived at their house. Harry smiled happily at the reasonably sized house. They walked up to the door.

"Ready, Harry?" asked Sirius. Harry nodded and inside they went. Harry smiled, awestruck at the house. It was one of love, not discipline, or hatred. He would love it here. They went through the den, and into the kitchen.

Remus stopped suddenly. "Harry, are you hungry?" he asked. Harry nodded shyly. "What would you like?"

Harry froze, unsure of what he should say. Remus noticed, "Anything Harry. What sounds good to you?" Harry's eyebrows furrowed together as if he was deep in thought. "Er-" He looked around helplessly.

"How about a burger?" Harry nodded. Within minutes they were ready. The table was set and Harry wasn't sure what to do. Sirius was already halfway through his burger. "What's the matter Harry?" asked Remus quietly, which caused Sirius to look up. "Dig in, Harry! It's not gonna eat itself!" Harry smiled and ate quietly and neatly; exactly the opposite of Sirius.

Remus froze, he turned to Harry. Hesitantly he asked, "Harry, when did you last eat?" Sirius and Harry froze too. "Umm, what's today, sir?"

"Saturday, the 28th." "Oh," he looked deep in thought. "Tuesday, sir." Harry looked like he was waiting for a scolding or a beating. Sirius and Remus froze with identical looks of horror on their faces. Harry flinched feeling their anger rolling in waves off of them. He did not know that it was not directed at him. 'Good job Harry. They're already angry with you. They'll probably take you back to the Dursley's.' The thoughts made Harry freeze. He learned that, long ago, it was stupid to make hopeful thoughts, they only make you more sad and disappointed when nothing happens.

Remus unfroze first and looked at Harry. He noticed that the boy looked sad and scared. He reached an arm out to Harry, "Harry?" The small boy looked up and flinched, seeing the arm. "Are you still hungry?" He didn't want to bring the Dursley's back up to Harry, figuring that there would be more time to talk later. Harry nodded then finished his burger.

Sirius had looked up when Remus began moving towards Harry. He wanted to murder the people who had tortured his godson. He became angry again, then he noticed his godson shift away from him. 'Later,' he told himself.

Harry had finished so Remus waved his wand and cleared the dishes away. Harry was excited to see the rest of the house, though he hid it. Showing too much emotion had always been a bad thing for Harry. Usually it made Uncle Vernon madder.

~~mini flashback~~

Harry was standing at the stove, trying to make the bacon for breakfast. It was hard for him to see what he was doing, being so young and small.

Uncle Vernon walked in, making Harry jump. To his horror, the pan got knocked off of the stove, the bacon fell to the floor. Harry knew what was coming, his face was fearful. He was thrown against the wall. He made a whimper. Quiet, but heard, nonetheless. "Boy!!" he roared. "Freaks don't get to whine!" He made his way over to a drawer, pulling out a pocket knife (AN- Warning, abuse). He picked Harry up and made his way to the bathroom. Pulling up Harry's shirt, he saw the words that were already carved there. When he was finished, the words 'freak', 'brat' and 'ungrateful' were added.

~~end flashback~~

Remus and Sirius saw Harry's eyes glaze over. They began talking about their plans for tomorrow. All of a sudden, Harry whimpered, bringing them back to him. He looked scared and fearful. "Harry, are you alright?" Harry nodded but Remus knew he was lying. Remus decided to change the subject and distract Harry.

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