Chapter 6

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AN- Disclaimer, HP belongs to JKR.

Harry was exhausted. It felt like he had spent most of the day crying. He ducked his head and blushed hard. Neither Remus nor Sirius had noticed. Feeling more comfortable with his guardians, he laid his head on Sirius' shoulder. Sirius shifted, so Harry lifted his head up, only to have it pushed down again by Sirius.

"Not so fast, kiddo. I'm just making it more comfortable for you," Sirius told him.

Before Harry knew it, he was being shaken by Sirius. They had made it to Hogsmeade. "Harry, were going to apparate." Harry nodded, holding on to Sirius tighter.

With a quiet 'pop', the trio found themselves at their house. Harry laid his head back down as they walked through the wards.

Remus noticed and said to Harry, "Why don't we eat, and then you can sleep?" Harry nodded quickly, that sounded amazing to him. Remus quickly buried himself in the kitchen. Within ten minutes, lunch was served. Harry tried his hardest not to fall asleep at the table, but failed spectacularly.

"You know what, Moony?"

"What, Pads?"

"I believe this has become a routine." Sirius said, amused.

"And I believe you're right," he said, "for once." He added under his breath; but, being a dog animagus, Sirius heard him. Before he knew it, he was on the ground, with Sirius on top of him. Remus knew what was coming, he tried to get away, but Sirius wasn't letting him go that easily. He found himself being tickled mercilessly. The Marauderers' had found out in second year that Remus was especially ticklish. That was something he had hoped would stay hidden. He was soon laughing loud, against his will.

Harry woke up to the sound of laughter. He brought his head up off of the table, realizing he had fallen asleep. He looked around and spotted Sirius and Remus on the floor. He giggled, noticed why Remus was laughing. He also noticed that it was nice not being the one tickled. Harry hopped off of his chair and walked closer to them quietly, something he learned to do at the Dursley's. He giggled louder, causing Sirius to finally take notice of him. He stopped tickling Remus.

Remus took advantage of that and tackled Sirius. Sirius gave an undignified, girlish squeal as he hit the ground. Sirius had something in common with Remus; they were equally ticklish. Now Sirius' laughter reverberated around the kitchen, joined by Harry's giggles. Remus' werewolf strength helped him tickle harder and keep Sirius from escaping.

After ten more minutes, Sirius surrendered. "Fine, Remus. You win," he said, panting heavily.

"And?" Remus prompted.

Sirius shot him a glare, knowing he would have to say this, or be tickled senseless again. "And you're the bestest, most amazing man in the house. I will never win against you." He said, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

Remus ignored the sarcasm and picked Harry up. He nodded approvingly, and turned to Harry, "You hear that, Harry? We're winners. We beat Padfoot." Harry grinned, then it disappeared. He turned to Sirius, making sure they hadn't hurt his feelings. Harry felt that Sirius was joking around, and not upset, just amused. Harry smiled at him, which made Sirius turn to Harry. Harry squirmed and Remus put him down, now feeling a mischievous vibe from Sirius.

"Hey Remus, guess who hasn't had a turn?" Harry took this as a sign and ran. He made it to the stairs before either man had moved. Harry was in his room, ready to duck under the bed when strong hands grabbed his torso, and set him on the bed.

"You're not getting away that easily," said Sirius, before tickling Harry. Remus came in and helped Sirius, giving Harry no mercy. His laughter filled the house, one of the best noises in the world in their opinion.

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