Chapter 1

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AN- This is my first fanfiction. Ever. I suck at writing so bear with me. There will be some abuse from the Dursley's.

Disclaimer- I do not own Harry Potter (I wish), J.K. Rowling does.

3rd P.O.V.

Everything was as normal as could be in Surrey. On Privet Drive lived a small family. They appeared to be just as normal as anybody else; but they had a secret. Mrs. Dursley had a sister that she refused to acknowledge because she was a 'freak'. Her sister also had a son, but Mrs. Dursley refused to let him around Dudley. She didn't want Dudley mixing around with a child like that. Little did they know that that evening would change everything...

3 years later..

3rd P.O.V. Harry

Harry's mum had just put him in the crib as the man with the snake-like face burst into the room, laughing. He had a stick raised like mummy's and daddy's. Mummy was crying while pleading for him to leave Harry alone. "Stand aside girl. You need not die, just give me the boy and you shall live." His mum was taken aback, "Stand aside?" she asked faintly. Then louder, "No! Just leave Harry be!"

"Stupid girl. AVADA KEDAVRA!" Harry's mum fell to the floor as a green light hit her. Harry was crying. 'Wake up Mummy!' he thought, 'don't let the scary man get me!'

The man walked over to Harry and pointed the stick at him. "They thought that you, a mere boy, could defeat me?," he laughed. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" Harry saw a flash of green light and a terrible pain in his forehead before he fell into darkness.

Harry woke up panting and sweating, tangled in his poor excuse of a blanket. He then winced as he sat up. His ribs had still hurt from when his uncle had kicked him for burning the supper. It didn't help that he hadn't eaten in (what felt like) a week.

Harry knew he wouldn't go back to sleep for a while so he thought back to his dream. He had had that nightmare before, but that didn't make it any less scary.

Harry heard a noise above him. He paled and prayed that they were just going to get a glass of water. 'Please let them not bother me.' But with Harry's luck, he was wrong.

His cupboard was wrenched open and a hand shot out at him. His Uncle brought them nose to nose, "Idiot boy!" he spat, "What do you think you're doing making all this racket?!" Harry knew better than to answer, he had learned that lesson the hard way. Harry was thrown to the floor and repeatedly kicked in his ribs and stomach. When Harry began coughing up blood was when he was grabbed by the neck and thrown into his cupboard.

He cried himself to sleep as he dreamt of some unknown relation coming to get him.

3rd P.O.V. Dumbledore's Office

Albus Dumbledore sat in his office, having just read another letter from Arabella Figg about Harry Potter. He sighed deeply, figuring it was in everybody's best interest for young Harry to go to the people who loved him most: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin.

They still made trips to his office twice a week to persuade him to give Harry to them. He sat at his desk, figuring a way to tell the young men.

After an hour of thought he sent a Patronus to them, asking that they come to his office. Immediately two handsome young men stepped out of the fireplace.

The first had long, dark hair and grey eyes. Most of the time they had a mischievous glint to them, but now they shone with curiosity and slight anger.

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