Harry's 6th Birthday

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Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling.

Harry's birthday was approaching fast and Sirius had no idea what to do. He and Remus had been the proud, legal guardians of Harry for nearly two years now and found that spoiling him was a joy. Sirius had no problem spending his money on Harry, but Remus, thankfully, knew when to stop him. Remus wanted to make sure that Harry didn't become the rich, spoiled brat that no one likes.

But Sirius -- being the person he was -- didn't think about the consequences until now. Harry was turning six soon and Sirius had no idea what to get him that he hadn't already gotten him. Remus was being secretive and was unwilling to share his plans for Harry; however, Sirius wasn't going to give up that easily.

Casting a Disillusionment Charm, he quietly walked to Remus' bedroom. Remus and Harry were both in the den, playing one of Harry's new board games. He pushed open Remus' door, which thankfully didn't creak, and walked in.

A disgusted look appeared on Sirius' face; how do I live with a neat freak? Me, Sirius Orion Black, living with someone who doesn't have a speck of dust in their room? Inconceivable!

Sirius began pulling the drawers of Remus' writing desk open, rummaging through papers, books, quills, etc. Nothing, not a thing. He turned to the rest of the room, spotting a bedside table. Nothing sat on top of it but a lamp, notepad, and a picture of the three of them from Harry's last birthday. Quietly, in a last attempt to find something, Sirius pulled at the single drawer.

And pulled.

And pulled.

And frowned.

What. In. Merlin's. Name?

Sirius froze, and sniffed. A floorboard creaked behind him. Slowly, Sirius turned around.

And let out a sigh of relief. It was just Rusty, Harry's dog. Surely he couldn't see Sirius, right? Rusty stared at Sirius, who stared at Rusty. After a few tense seconds, Rusty bolted down the stairs. Crap. 

Sirius shot off right after him, not bothering to change into Padfoot -- which would have been smarter. Rusty beat him into the den and stopped over by Harry, where he stopped and laid down. Harry looked at Rusty, then at Sirius, then leaned over to Remus, who never took his eyes off of Sirius. Sirius noticed that Harry had whispered something into Remus' ear. Remus' eyes narrowed as he stood up.

"Finite Incantatem. Anything you'd like to tell me, Sirius?" 

"What are you talking about, Remus?" Sirius countered desperately, calling on his charm that had won over many teachers in the past. 

But Sirius forgot that Remus was usually with him when he used his charm, and was, therefore, immune. 

"You were in my room," Remus stated.

"No I wasn't." Sirius retorted.

"Then why have you got my lamp?"

* * *

Sirius, Remus, and Harry arrived at Hogsmeade, just outside of The Three Broomsticks. Harry had the hood of his cloak up, hiding his scar and the better part of his face. 

The three of them walked in for a butterbeer (Remus wasn't letting Sirius have alcohol while Harry was around) before heading up to the castle. They planned on having a small party in the Headmaster's office with Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape. Sirius was putting aside his hatred for Snape for Harry's sake. 

Sirius and Harry went to find a table while Remus got the drinks. (Remus didn't trust Sirius to not flirt with Madam Rosmerta.) Harry sat bouncing in his chair, excited to be back near Hogwarts. And to be trying butterbeer. His birthday was landed on a Thursday this year and they were lucky that it didn't fall during the school year. 

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