Chapter 2

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Disclaimer- I do not own Harry Potter, The Queen does.

3rd P.O.V. Harry

Remus, Sirius, and Harry arrived in Hogsmeade almost immediately. Harry scrambled down from Sirius, Hugging his broken ribs and gasping for breath. The feeling of being squeezed through a small tube didn't help.

Sirius and Remus looked at Harry worriedly.  Harry stood up straight with his blank mask he often wore at the Dursley's. They exchanged another look before asking Harry if he was ready to start walking. They were thankful that it was summer break.

When the castle came into view, Harry gasped. It was beautiful and easily the biggest building he had ever seen, not that he had ever been outside the house. The pain in his ribs was building and Harry was struggling to keep his mask up and not give in to the pain.

Black spots danced along the edge of Harry's vision as they went past the boundary. Ten steps later, the black swallowed Harry.

3rd P.O.V. Remus

Remus watched Harry as he walked. Harry's face was blank and emotionless. Thoughts flew through Remus' mind as he wondered what the little boy next to him had been through.

Remus watched Harry's mask fall and saw the pain he was truly in. His face went blank again as he fell. Remus' werewolf abilities were what kept Harry's head from hitting the ground. Without so much as glancing at Sirius, he ran to the castle.

Years of controlling his emotions was the only thing that kept Remus from freezing like Sirius had and not having an external panic attack. In truth, he was freaking out like Sirius. Only passing Severus Snape in the corridor, who's mask had slipped and shone a look of surprise as they barreled past, as they made their way to the Hospital Wing.

Shouting for Madam Pomfrey, they laid Harry down on a bed. She came over quickly. Seeing the confused look on her face, Remus explained who he was and what was going on; although he didn't know for sure why Harry collapsed.

She nodded and began a quick diagnostic spell to see what had caused all this.

3rd P.O.V. Sirius

Meanwhile, Sirius was having a full out panic attack. He was ushered into the corridor until he calmed down. 'I've had Harry for less than two hours and I've already messed up' was one among many of the thoughts that ran through his mind. He didn't even notice Snape, who had walked up to him.

"Well, Mutt, it seems you've already killed Potter." Snape was secretly worried about Lily's son. Sirius's head snapped up and Snape could see the conflicting emotions in his eyes.

"No," he replied. "We don't know what's wrong. Will you let Dumbledore know that we are here. At the Hospital Wing, that is."

Snape just nodded and stalked off to the headmaster's office.

Sirius finally collected himself enough to walk back in.

3rd P.O.V. Remus

Poppy had concluded the diagnostic spell with a grave look on her face. At that moment, Sirius chose to return from the corridor. Seeing her face, he quickened his pace to Harry's bed.

"Harry has four broken ribs and a punctured lung. That is what caused him to pass out." Her look became grimmer and angry. "This isn't even half of it. There's much more. I'm going to need one of you to go to Severus for a blood replenishing potion. The other should await in the corridor until I am done." Even though they already suspected this, they still became as angry as when they first found out. Remus hadn't even bothered restraining his anger. He wanted to hurt those muggles as much as, if not more than, Sirius. Due to his wolf instincts, Remus wanted to kill the one who had hurt his cub.

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