Your Powers Are Stronger (Part 1)

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Peter Pan imagine (Part 1)
Your Powers Are Stronger Than His

   Awakening to new surroundings, you quizzically peered at a bright endless void. Suddenly, a cold salty liquid lapped at your face. "What the," you questioned, gradually rising. Your eyebrows knit together as you stood on the shore of a mist filled island. Once your thoughts composed and the mist cleared, a dark forest appeared in front of you. A smirk found its way to your lips as you remembered your mission. "Neverland," you whispered.

   Voices whispered nearby as you dusted off your sand covered clothes. Looking out of the corner of your eye, you pondered at the emptiness. "Who are you?" A young boy dressed in dark leafy green attire asked. He face clearing portraying his disdain at seeing you; although, your identity did not particularly agitate him for his eyes revealed his bewilderment.

   "I would like to ask the same," you added, still smirking, "but I already know who YOU are. Pan, Peter Pan, Father of The Dark One...Rumpelstiltskin. I'm surprised you don't remember me." You turned to get a better look at him and the rest of his small gang. "Felix," you smiled, recognizing a taller boy with a feather in his hair next to Pan.

   Felix walked up to you, smiling and holding something in his hand. "You left this," he smiled, handing you a feather hair clip that was very similar to his. 

   "Thank you. I was wondering where that went," you waved your hand making the feather appear in your hair.

   "Who the HELL are you?!?" Pan's patience was growing very thin. 

   "You know. It hurts that you don't remember, but I guess that just shows how skilled I am," you rested your arm on his shoulder, "oh well!" Getting paranoid, Pan grabbed your arm off of him and attempted to throw you towards the boys like a human bowling ball, leaving you chuckling at his despairing effort.

   "Well, I'll be on my way." You turned around and walked away. 

   "Where do you think you're going??" Pan hissed. 

   "Somewhere away from you!!" You yelled over your shoulder. Pan materialized right in front of you, making you a bit angry. "Move," you firmly eyed him, gritting your teeth. 

   "No," Pan smirked. He liked possessing the ability to anger someone so quickly.

    "Fine," you fake smiled, disappearing from sight. With newfound hatred, Pan burned a nearby tree and trod back to the boys, heading towards camp.

   The next morning, another girl washed up on the shore. Immediately, you went to check it out before Pan got to her. Pulling her to shore, you instantly regretted your decision. She was from your old school, way back when you actually had to go to school as a cover. This girl wasn't just any classmate. She's the one who would mock you and tease you and bully you........Kaully Brace was her name. Filled with hatred, you tossed her back into the ocean. Like any good meddler, you made sure to vanish before Pan and Felix came to see the new thing. 'This will not make anything easier' you thought to yourself.

   That night, you decided to hang around Pan's camp and see if he had hooked up with Kaully yet. With his reputation, you assumed that much had happened at least. Acting as the night watch, Felix stood alone by a tree, so you decided to go join him. "Hey," he smiled.


   "Pan got another girl." Searching your face for any kind of remorse or sadness, he found none. 

   "Thought so. He's disgusting. Her name is Kaully, huh..." you frowned inwardly, but simply smirked at Felix. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and you rested your head on him.

   "We start tomorrow," you sighed. 

   "I know," he kissed the top of your head, "what about Pan?" 

   "What about him?" You sneered and flew back to your own camp.

   You landed on top of the ocean and vanished under the island where all of the shadows gathered, similar to the Dark Hollow but a tad solemner.

   "Felix fancies you," Pan's shadow commented, making a complete circle around you. 

   "Oh shut up!" You pushed him over when he settled next to you. Pan's shadow hovered over the ground, following you everywhere. 

   "We're here if you need, but I know you can handle this." 

   You laughed and crawled into bed, falling instantly asleep.

   The next couple of days, you followed this routine: watching Pan's camp from a distance, hanging out with Felix, going back to your own camp, and hanging out with the shadows. You did this for about 3 weeks until Greg, Tamara, and Henry came. "Get into places, guys!!" You barked out orders and watched from you all-seeing bubble.

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