Your Powers Are Stronger (Part 7 - Last Part)

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You stood there a little shocked by his actions. Who the hell does he think he is? 'You need to keep your feelings under wraps,' you thought to yourself, 'gotta talk to Neal...'

Killing plants on your way to Pan's camp, he tried to make conversation, but getting friendly was something you would ever consider. You noticed something off though. Pan's walk was different. Just the way he held himself and looked at you...something isn't right. It bothered you the whole way until you just couldn't take it anymore. You were about to freeze Pan when everything seemed to come to a halt. Sure time stands still in Neverland, but nothing is ever this still.

You carefully circled Pan. He seemed to not even be breathing but he was still alive. Of course, you didn't do it for you had no reason to freeze all of Neverland. Just to be sure though you scanned the whole island...everything was stuck in its place. Not one lost boy yelling...not a mermaid scheming...not a leaf slightly stirring....everything was still. Nothing has ever been this still since...since they killed him, your love.

The battle, the gore, the screams, your inability to help, all the bad memories came like a whirlwind sucking the life out of you. In haste, you materialized in your camp. Shadows still as rocks, your Lost Boys still tucked in bed, you sat on your bed taking in a breath. 'You're stronger now' you repeated to yourself 'even stronger than Peter Pan himself'. Peter Pan....Peter Pan...the stupid likes of him. Just the thought of his name made your blood boil. Old feelings...bad feelings...feelings of hate and betrayal, revenge and unobtainable forgiveness came to play. You felt like that helpless girl you were before...before you became more powerful than him, before you lost what kept you sane, before Henry was ever a thought, before you had some one new to care for.

The wind started to whistle again, but wasn't wind. It was something darker and thicker. Something telling you to avenge. Your head twitched as the darkness enveloped you. The screams of children filled your ears as visions of fire engulfing everything flashed before your eyes. Who would do such a thing? Who would hurt the innocent and terrorize the young? You looked around to find the screams to help the children, but when you raised your hands you saw the truth. You had commanded the fire to destroy. You had let the children scream and feelings be forgotten. You had wiped out anyone in your path. You were the destroyer of all.

"We have you now. Your soul is ours. You can't pretend anymore. There is no one else to stand in our protect you from...yourself." The voices circled and taunted. "You've killed. You've burned. His sacrifice was for nothing. You will be evil...just like your mother. You will be more evil and more powerful than her...more powerful than Peter Pan. Peter Pan. Peter Pan."

"Go away," you whispered, trying to be calm. The past is the can't wrong your rights, but you can find redemption for what you have done.

"Peter Pan...isn't he the one you loved?" They pried.

"No...the one I loved is dead." you shook your head.

"No, don't deny. You loved Peter Pan and he tried to save you. Save you from your fate of being an angel of death. Isn't that what he called An angel of death?" The snickered.

"Angel of life...he said I was his angel of life," you corrected.

"No, you are his angel of death." "You are the reason he died." "He didn't have to." "If you would have just accepted your fate." The breathy voices continued.

"Cruelty..." you whispered.

"Cruelty? Us?," they corrected. Painful scars reappeared on your body.

"You didn't have to take his form," you spoke still keeping your voice low.

"Take his form? It is just a body...shall we kill it again? Shall we make you see again?" There was a snap and Pan appeared. Still unresponsive...still frozen. A large dark bony hand snaked around his form slowly tightly squeezing around the neck. A little nick appeared where pointer finger touched his forehead.

"I do not care about him...I do not care about Pan." you scoffed.

"Oh?" "Is that so?" "Then we shall kill him for sport" "Get him out of your way" "Make you ruler over Neverland, again?"

" will leave him alone...for you cannot kill what you make. That is the rules, no? ZURÜCKWEICHEN!" You lifted your hand and light streamed everywhere.

"YOU HAVE BECOME MORE POWERFUL??" They laughed and backed away, letting Pan's body fall to the floor with a thud. You ran to your bed and picked up the sword you had made for this day. The day they would show themselves again...they day you would finally defeat what was holding you back. All this time you thought it was Pan himself, but it turns out he was just a tease. This was the real thing. The dark hand and the voices...

In your hands, the sword shined brightly. You jumped and stabbed the hand. "ZURÜCKWEICHEN!" You shouted again and it retreated only to come back later in life, but that is not of importance right now. You snapped your fingers and you were back at where you started...on your way to Peter Pan's camp with Peter Pan himself. Now you can finally focus on your mission without anything getting in your way.

Once you arrived at camp, Pan called everyone to gather and began to introduce you to each one. You shook their hands and nodded like this was all new to you when in fact it wasn't. You were there when Peter had gotten his first group of his very own Lost Boys. It made you so happy. Now, here they are again. Untouched by the evil that no longer surrounded the island. The rightful ruler of Neverland is back...and you weren't going to back down this time.

Of course later on, after everyone had left and it was just you, the Lost Boys, Felix, and Peter Pan, Pan still did not want to believe the story you had told him. The great battle and the great loss. Who you truly loved and why you resent him so much. Why he couldn't quite put a finger on who you were when you 'first' arrived a few months ago. "If you truly are more powerful...than prove it. I'd like to play a game...just you and I," Peter Pan raised an eyebrow.

"Fine by me, but don't pout when you lose," you smirked. He fought and fought until there was nothing left up his sleeves and he thought the same of you 'til you brought him back to that cave, where the heart laid.

"Why did you bring me here?" he crossed his arms, "and here I brought you your favorite flower."

"I still have one more trick up my sleeve, Peter Pan," you sighed, "Do you know why you know my favorite flower? You remember coming here a few weeks ago. You touched that heart I keep in here so safely. You saw clips...of us. Didn't you? Or people who looked like us, yes?"

Not waiting for a response you ripped out Pan's dying heart and replaced it with the one in the box. He gasped and smiled at the power he felt. "That would be my heart by the way. Don't ruin it." you commented, trying to not ruin his little parade he had going on.

You don't know why, but a tear dropped and trickled down Pan's face. All you do know is that for some reason his lips were touching yours. The rest became history and it will forever be known that your powers at stronger than his.

Author Note: Thank you all SO much for reading this imagine!! I hope you all liked as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to comment, star, and share! <3

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