Your Powers Are Stronger (Part 6)

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You decided that today you would check up on your little special secret weapon. Poofing yourself in front of the ocean, you turned into a mermaid before entering the water, so you could breathe under water. You were headed to a small tunnel you made about a hundred years ago underneath Skull Rock. Originally, you ironically buried your treasure at a small lake 'cause like who would go there with the horrid stench, right? Nope! Turns out Pan liked to hanging out there for some reason...maybe 'cause he felt drawn to your "jewel"...pft, nah! So you changed locations.

Unfortunately, Pan had been talking to his shadow in Skull Rock and Shadow informed him that you were near. You on the hand didn't notice him, because of your focus on your adventure to find your secret weapon.

Peter Pan's P.O.V. ('cause eh, why not?)

"That sounds good. I've been able to fool Henry so far...he's so gullible," Pan smirked at his own genius idea.

"Hush...she's close," Shadow growled.

"(Y/N)? Where? Tell me!" Pan's smirk faded and the realization hit him, "and how long have you been able to track her and why didn't you tell me?"

"She's underneath us...and that is not important Peter Pan. You should find what she's looking for before she messes up your whole plan. She IS a lot smarter than know? She could over power you," Shadow circled around Pan to anger him more.

"Shut up! I'll go greet our little guest," he snarled watching Shadow's every move

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"Shut up! I'll go greet our little guest," he snarled watching Shadow's every move.

He walked through the wall that apparently was never really there and that led him to a tunnel. His patience grew thin with every step. What is this place? Why did I not know about it? Is Shadow working for (Y/N)? What is she hiding? Why do I feel such a strong connection to this place? Those questions kept racing around in his mind the whole way down, which ended up being a long way.

Once he reached the bottom, Peter Pan searched the little den carefully. Up and down until he had little hope of finding what you were after. Accidently, he placed his hand on a rock that strangely fit in his hand perfectly and a little slot opened in the wall opened. There sat a rectangular box with a heart on it and a red glow shinning dimly. Pan's eyes widened as he reached out for the box and a whole flood of clips of him and you together flashed before his eyes. The way you smiled when he walked into the room, how his arms always found their way around you and you didn't seem to mind, how you held him when he didn't feel good or just wanted to be held...all these things scared Pan. Quickly, he opened the box, shoved the contents in his pocket, and hid, waiting for you to come to him like you seem to always in these clips he saw.

Back To Third Person POV

After swimming for some time, you found the tunnel, went in, and dried yourself off. You could've sworn that you heard something, but shook it off. Besides, with your powers nothing could seriously damage you. You looked around and found your rock next to his and placed your hand on it. You sighed and looked at his rock. You picked it up, but you're your surprise it was warm as if someone had just held it. In panic, you rushed over to the box in the wall and opened it. It was not inside. Peter's heart was not inside.

"NO!" You screamed and immediately the whole room set on fire.

"Are you looking for this, love?" Pan came out of hiding holding his heart as the fire died down.

"How the? What the? HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU FIND THIS PLACE AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT?!?!?!?!?" You turned around and growled.

"Shadow showed me your nice cute little passage way, (y/n). Don't look so surprised, sweetheart," he smirked, finally catching you off guard and out of your usual "cool" demeanor.

"," you held out your hand.

Pan quickly grabbed your hand, turned it around, and kissed the back of it. A genuine smile spread across if face. In turn you frowned and viciously wiped your hand off on your pants. "And what happens if I don't, lassie?" he said still smiling.

"th-things...just give it back, Pan. Please, it belongs to me," You tried your best to hide your blush. It had been forever since you saw Peter Pan give anyone or anything a genuine smile. You had to was nice.

"how about a deal? I give you the heart back and you join forces with me," he gave his signature smirk again as he raised an eyebrow as well.

"...fine, just hand it over," you rolled your eyes and held your hand out again.

Pan chuckled and gave you the heart, which you proceeded to tend to. You gave it a light kiss, said sorry to it, and told it that everything was going to be ok. And for some strange reason...Pan felt the kiss. He heard the words as if you whispered them directly into his ear. His whole body heated up for some reason he didn't quite understand, but figured it was his attraction to you. A question popped in his mind.

"Who's heart is that anyway?" he questioned seriously.

"None of your what do you want to do first...partner," you sighed.

"Answer my question," he sighed as well now hiding his blush.




"Do it."



"Not telling."


That froze you, "...where did you hear that?" Only he called you that...and he is long gone.

"From tell me," he nodded.

" belongs to someone dear to me," you pet the heart, gave it one last kiss, and placed it in the box where it was safe from all danger.

" camp we go. 'Bout time you formally met the lost boys," Pan kissed your cheek and left.

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