Your Powers Are Stronger (Part 2)

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Peter Pan imagine (Part 2)
Your Powers Are Stronger Than His

It all played out pretty much as planned. Greg, Tamara, and Henry all arrived on rough sand of Neverland. They walked were they thought they were supposed to meet and right when they realized who they were working for and that they were betrayed, Pan's shadow ripped off Greg's shadow and threw it in the fire, transferring Greg to your camp where you made sure he was ok. Next was Tamara but a lost boy got to her first, so you had to wait until everything else played out. Henry ran as expected. You sent one of your own lost boys who agreed to help you out. He was your age, maybe a little older. He went by the name Iyler and strangely resembled Pan, but you simply shrugged that off.

You made sure you kept a close eye on Henry. You knew Pan wanted him and that it would end in Henry dying. You couldn't have that. You've always made sure to look out for Henry. Whether it was making sure Regina kept him as a baby to watching over him in Neverland.

Iyler was waiting by a tree, but you saw Pan dressed in the same outfit coming after him. So you had to choose. You chose Iyler. You knew Pan wouldn't harm Henry, but he would surely kill Iyler. Pan was just about to grab him when you flicked your finger and Iyler appeared right next to you. "Why did you just?" "Look," you interrupted, "Pan was right behind you. He could've killed you. "Ugh, thanks." He apologized and walked away.

Pan got a hold of Henry and told him he was a lost boy and acted all sweet. He played out his whole plan. When Kaully came into play and held a knife to Henry's throat, your hand clenched into fists. "She'll pay for that." You whispered. "Let's play!" Pan yelled, raising his dagger in the air.

"Who are you?" Greg said, waking up the next morning. "That's not important, Gregory." You smiled, "why don't you go home?" "You work for Pan. Don't you. WHERE'S HENRY??" He yelled, sending you into a laughing fit. "Calm down!! I don't work for that bastard. Oh and now you care about the boy? He's no longer your concern. Go. Home." You answered, waving your handing, making Greg disappear.

You walked around for a while then materialized in a dark cave. You looked around and saw a cage with a man in it. You approached it and found Baelfire/Neal there. You materialized inside the cage a nudged him, since he was facing the other way. "What the?!!?" Neal exclaimed. "Nice to see you too!" You smiled. "NAWFBK? ENENEL?? I mean...WHAT?? (Y/N)?!?!?" He replied. "Are you just going to scream weird words at me the whole time??" You smirked. Neal gave you a hug. He was always like a father to you.

You grabbed his hand and reappeared in your camp. You both looked at each other and bursted out in laughter at what Pan's expression will be when he finds out. See, Pan thinks he knows everything and anything that happens, especially on this island. But you ALWAYS got around him. YOU knew everything about him and unlike him, you were born with the strongest powers in all of the worlds. Something that could've been a huge burden, you learned to accept it and live with the ways of this kind of life.

Tomorrow was a busy day and now having Neal would make things a bit easier. You got up early in the morning as usual and sat by Neal, poking his face till he awoke. "Mmf, what??" He said, his groggy morning voice muffled as he turned his face into his pillow. "Come on, old man!! Get up and help me! The sooner we get on with this. The sooner you can have your son back." You smiled, laughing at the wrinkles on his face whenever you poked between his eyes. "Alright! Alright! You know...come to think of it. You never told me what you're doing in Neverland." He stared at you. "It's none of your business!!" You laughed, pushing him over.

You two got up and appeared near Pan's camp. "whoa whoa whoa!!!" You whispered to Neal, pushing him from simply walking into camp. "Why can't we just go in, get Henry, and leave?? You're powerful enough!" Neal hissed. "I don't care if you're older than me, Mister. I still have WAY more experience. And if I wanted to take such an easy and unadventurous route I would've just gone with Emma and the gang." You shushed him, "and yes. Emma's here. You can see her later. Anyways, I have personal matters to deal with along with helping Henry, so you can leave whenever you feel either uncomfortable or unneeded."

Felix came out of his tent and nodded his head toward you. You did the same and started walking over. "Hey," Neal pulled on your arm, "what the hell do you think you're doing??" "I have friends Neal. I'm not a loner like you." You joked and kept on walking.

Felix greeted you with a side hug and you both sat by the fire. You flicked your head towards where Henry was sleeping and Neal started to walk over. You made fire and breakfast. Slowly, the rest of the boys filed out and took some food.

You smirked as Pan came out completely enraged with a perky Kaully on his arm. "But Peter!!" Kaully whinned. "I just said no." Pan sneered. "Peter!!" She repeated. "Stop it." He replied. "PEEEETER!!!!" She nudged. "SHUT! UP!" He raised his hand to slap her. You placed a mud puddle infront of Kaully and she tripped in it, making Pan roll his eyes, bend down,and help her. "Having trouble walking, Kaully??" You laughed.

Peter shot you a stare, but his face suddenly softened when he saw it was you. This took you by surprise, but you shook it off. "You wanna go, loser?" Kaully teased, wiping wiping her face off. Pan looked like he was about to kill her. "Sure thing, hon!" You smiled. "Bow and arrow contest!!" Kaully yelled. The boys didn't budge. "i SAID!!" She started, but one of the boy interrupted her by throwing a pebble at her.

"Bring it, brat!!" You smirked, making Pan smile. The boys started hooting and hollering. Some got the supplies and you made your own. Kaully looked like she was gonna blow. She shot and surprisingly got most. She started taunting you, but Pan shut her up. "LOSER HAS TO GO HOME!!" You announced, getting the boys rallied up again. She just scoffed, kissed Pan on the cheek, and sat in front of him.

You raised your bow and arrow. And of course, shot every single target absolutely perfectly under 10 seconds. "See ya!!" You said and with that a shadow came and took her home.

"That was stupid." Pan smirked. "Why do you say that??" You smiled. "'Cause everyone knows you're the best archer!" He winked, making you laugh sarcastically. You walked over to Pan, pushed him over, and vanished.

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